
STAR WARS : Brotherhood

STAR WARS : Brotherhood Raiden Skywalker separated from his brother from a young age. Reunited on Tatoone by some ‘WIZARD Jedi’. How will Raiden’s presence affect the future Dark Lord of the Sith? How will he change events in the Clone Wars? How will he change the galaxy as a whole? READ TO FIND OUT!!!

Telling_Tall_Tales · Movies
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Life as a Youngling

After being taken from the slavers the young Raiden Skywalker was brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant where he would spend the next five years of his life. Most Jedi Younglings were taken in at age four and trained until age eight. After their training with their youngling group they would go on to take the trials where a master would choose them as their Padawan.

For Raiden it was different. For the first three years of his life Raiden was raised like any other child. He was a calm child, making very little noise. After his third birthday Yoda came to the young boy with a gift. He gave the boy his very first lightsaber.

"Initiate Skywalker, a gift for you I have." The little green Jedi said in his strange way

"What is it Master?" The young boy said excitedly

"Taught you nothing about patience Qui-God did hhmm?" The old Jedi scolded but in a soft voice

"Sorry Master, a Jedi must always be patient." Tho young boy said reciting his lesson from Master Qui-Gon Jin

After hearing his young students response Yoda nodded his wrinkled green head and reached into his grey robes and pulled out a lightsaber hilt. A silver hilt, standard to what most Jedi use but it was only three quarters the length of a normal lightsaber due to his small height. While Raiden was large for his age he was still too young to use a full sized lightsaber.

"Master can I turn it on?" The Youngling asked while holding the hilt reverently

"Well, not just to look at it is." Master Yoda said while chuckling at the excitement on the young boys face

A white blade erupted from the hilt with a sharp hissing noise as the young boys face was illuminated by white light. He twirled the blade going through the basic form one stances and the blade hummed as it did so.

"Why is it white Master Yoda?" The young boy asked

"It's a synthetic crystal Raiden." A voice answered from behind and the boy turned to face Qui-Gon

"But master didn't you say the Jedi Sentinels use synthetic crystals but their lightsabers are yellow?" The young boy asked his masters confused and Master Jinn responded by sitting down opposite the boy and entering 'lesson mode' as Raiden called it

"Most synthetic crystals corresponds to the wielder, when you turned it on it should have become what ever colour most suited you." Qui-Gon explained

"Remain white it did, strange that is." Master Yoda said but stoped when he saw the look of worry pass over the young boys face

"Worry not Initiate Skywalker, once you become a Padawan Learner you will travel to Ilum and construct your own lightsaber." Qui-Gon told the boy

"Until that time, train you we will." The Jade Grandmaster said

"I'm going to learn to use a lightsaber?" He asked in awe

"Hardly for cooking Wookie Turnips!" Yoda announced before somersaulting backwards and igniting his own small green blade. Qui-Gon just shook his head at the old Masters antics.
