
Star Wars Being A Mandalorian


EvilCheeseCake · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Darth Keira's Tells Fay Her BackGround

(Warning BackGround has sexual contents) ( From this point on in this chapter may contain dark words ps you have been warned)

After the holo net ended. Keira took a seat and started to explaining everything from her background. Keira begins to tell her story. "I was not an all-powerful Sith lord you know. I was born on the planet Coruscant. My parents sold me into slavery. My first time as a slave I had to work hard day in day out non-stop. After I got done working the slave master sold me to a man pasted his prime. Around the age of four to six, I was raped by a human male in his late 30's and he bought me like I was some kind of toy to be played around with. I hated that man ever since he raped me when I was a small child.

After he raped me he held a collar around my neck with a chain connected to my collar as he pulled me along like an animal. After we got to his place which was a rundown apartment. Every day and night he would have sex with me and chain me up against my will. He would put that thing in between his legs in my mouth. Over two years of being raped non-stop. Those two years I had my anger, hateful, and my passion grows strong with each passing day that man raped me.

I had have been dreaming about the day he raped me in front of everybody who was present at the slave auction and the man has taken everything that was pure away in a single moment. At that moment I took an oath to kill all men like this one. One day he came on my deadpan face which showed no signs of being human anymore. I used the force for the first since I have been with this disease of a man. I released a forced shock wave that took all of my hate, anger, and any other emotions that I kept bottle up inside of me killing the diseased man in one go the apartment and sent a disruption threw the force. I was barely awake after releasing everything that I had in me.

A hooded figure opened the door and he looked around the room before putting his eyes on me. I was fading in and out of my consciousness then finally I passed out as he broke my chains and pick me up then he put me over his shoulder. I woke up in a place where I don't really remember what happened in my memories we're hazed where I couldn't remember what happened to no matter how hard I tried. I look around the room with fear and awe as the room was dark blue and then I saw the hooded figure stare into my dark red eyes. The hooded figure says " do you know what the force is"?

I shook my head side to side saying "what is the force"? " The force is a tool of the Dark side used to fight Jedi," he says. "Also, my name is Darth Arctis ". "What is your name kid"? My name is Keira. Arctis says " you probably have a lot of questions as to why I have bought you here. The first thing is for you to eat something.

Also are you not scared of being here with me" he says. Keira "says you have not done anything to me yet so I don't trust you just because you saved me from that hole full of disease men. "I WILL KILL ANY MAN THAT DOES THAT TO ME AGAIN"!!!!! I look at him with a burning passion for revenge to kill all of them. Arctis nods and says "I will be training you as my apprentice from now on".

So after four years of harsh training, I was sent to Dromund Kaas to be trained the sith of old ways and to be an official sith even tho. I have spent the lasted four years only on the sith code, then lightsaber training. Arctis also taught me how to use the force at a fast learning speed. (Like force pull and force choke than some others force techniques)So Arctis though it is the best way to gain experience and knowledge between other sith in a power struggle then put threw with a better learning experience. I still have not gotten my lightsaber yet. A shuttle arrives with two imperial guards to take me to Dromund Kaas.

When I arrived at a platform the door open to reveal me along with the two imperial guards turn back around to go back into the shuttle to fly back up to the Harrow class dreadnought. I began walking to the front of the ray shield to be open by an overseer. He said, " my name is Ardran the overseer of these new sith arriving and it is my job for you to help you by giving you three trials to complete or die trying to become sith also do you know the sith code if you do tell me".

"Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The force shall free" I said. The overseer was quite shocked as I told him the sith code from start to finish. Overseer Ardran says "it seems you have some training in the sith ways". " Indeed I," say.

Overseer Ardran says "now that inductions are over your first trial is killed a sith spawn since it seems you are a cut above of the rest acolytes in this place so it only seems fair if I give you a bit harder trials leave now acolyte on with your trial and bring me the sith core in the monster as proof that you have killed one of these things". I nod at that and began on my way to a sith tome as I sense a lot of darkness on this planet. I also felt anger, hate, pain, and passion all around this planet.

I finally came across that of a dark monster of some kind so I just thought that the sith spawn was this huge monster in front of me. As I ready for one of the most dangerous battles I have been in, but I also felt my blood pumping non-stop as I ready myself for my fight for my life. The monster (ROARING!!!) at my being. I use the force to throw big bolder size rocks at him as to knock him off balance. Then I use force jump to jump over the monster hitting the monster on the backside as I heard (Crackling) against the monster's body.

The sith spawn threw two large size boulders at me luckily the force is my ally and stops the two boulder size in place. As the monster (ROAR!!!) again at me in an angered manner. It broke my force connection only for a second and dropped the two rocks on the ground. I use force to jump towards the monster. As the monster swinging wildly was unsuccessful. His right arm came smashing on the ground where I stood. luckily I was faster than it expected and I was next to the arm in an instant.

So I hit my practice saber on his right arm while I use the force to break one of the stalagmites on the ceiling to come crashing down on the larger monster the one that broke free. I used the force to stop the free-falling stalagmite and used that one stalagmite to stab it in the back of its head. Killing it as it (ROAR!!!) it's the last roar before falling to the ground laying lifeless their that sent a few tremors threw the force. All the sith felt that a sith spawn was killed. Even the dark council members caught wind of this and began their investigation on who killed the sith spawn. I went to the monster dead body to get the core that the overseer was talking about.

I finally got the core and went back to the overseer. As I came back to the overseer. He said, "the trials were completed I can guess that you were the one who was responsible for causing an uproar in the academy and the core that I asked for". I hand it to him without question. Your next trial is to get parts of an ancient text and translation the parts in the sith archives. When you are done with that come find me in my office which is throwing that door right there as he points now off you go and don't return until it's done understand. I understand the overseer.

As I got there the tome was being guarded by dark beasts so I killed them all with a smile as to let some of my anger out that time. So I killed everything in my way be it dark beasts or other sith acolytes because some of the acolytes would band together to kill me for some reason. So I killed them all and for the first time, I was alive just by killing worthy or weak acolytes. I finally got into the tome killing until I got what I wanted and that is the ancient text of the tome, but the overseer gave me limit about the information.

I got the text and now I was on my way back to the academy when I bump into a person little did I know at the time it was a person sent to investigate the tremors in the force. When I killed the sith spawn. The figure says " you must be a new sith acolyte". I can not give out information to someone I don't know. I do apologize for bumping into you tho.

He says "it's quite alright also I feel the dark side of the force is strong with you anyways I will be going now and I will be watching your every move". I felt a chill run down my spine as he said that last part. I got to the sith archives to translate the ancient text. Luckily they had signs to follow to lead you to where you want to go. Anyways I got to a table with a sith Holocron and I open up the sith Holocron. I was so excited to see it because I never saw on only Arctis talked about them to an extent even told me how to open one if I came across one.

After about one hour I managed to open up the Holocron and a figure pop out of the Holocron, then the figure began to teach me how to translate the ancient text. Three hours have pasted and I finally finished with the translation and I made a copy of them so I can keep them for personal use for later. Which took me only about an hour to finish the copying of the coordinates somewhere. I took the texted back to the overseer. Then a sith lord was standing next to the overseer looking at the acolytes and as I enter his red eyes stare at me interested as to say " who's this acolyte I have never seen her before". He looks me up and down I looked back at him without bowing.

"This one's a fighter I like her when will she complete the three trials he," asked. Ardran says "she is on her third trial lord Khoud, but I believe she has already been taken as a sith apprentice by who I do not know". Khoud says " who is your master"? I pull out a holo net and a dark cloaked figure appears on the holo net. with a deep voice. The cloaked figure says "I am one of the nine members of the dark council that is all you need to know". The cloaked figure disappears and then I put my holo net away.

While the two stand there in a daze because they were not expected this sith acolyte was already signed to a dark lord let alone a dark council member. I am here for my next trial they both woke up from the dazed state they were in. Khoud walked out of the room. I and Ardran were the only two people left standing while the other acolytes left for their trials. The last trial will be to integrate a prisoner to get information out of him. I understand.

Where is the location of the prisoner cells? "follow the signs" he said. As I reach the cells I see a prisoner sitting inside of the cage it appears to be a human. I asked his name he said "my name is Nathari Cadetibb and I am innocent I just work as a farmer. For my family, I don't anything I swear". I shoot lighting from my hands at the prisoner telling him to shut up unless given permission to speak. He nods in response.

First off why are you in an imperial prison if you are innocent then. Second off what did you do to make the imperials mad at you. Nathari says " we'll I did see something, but I don't know if I should tell you because they will kill me. Hearing this I perked up my ears. "If I die I tell my wife and three children I love them very much". If I happen to see them I will tell them that you died as a hero of the empire. Nathari said " I saw an imperial officer or what it looked like to be an officer of the empire on Nal hutta so I followed them to overhear them talking about two Mandalorian clans called lone clan and Spar clan. The leader of the lone clan Zadik and his second in command Fay Fort came to meet the imperial officer.

I heard their names because the officer talked to them for over an hour non-stop. I only know bits and pieces but from what I saw that Zadik handed something to the officer I could not see what it was and I was caught by his (SIC). She tried me up and handed me to an imperial officer. I still wasn't able to see his face then the officer sent transport to take me away from my family. Thank you for your information proceeds to (force choke him to death). His body falls down to the ground.

I need to report my finds to my master and quick. I take out the holo net and find an area where not many people go to then contact my master threw the holo net. The cloaked figure appears on the holo net saying "what have you found". I found out that two Mandalorian from the clan lone talked to an imperial officer and the leader name Zadik hand something to him, but I don't know what it is tho. Also his (SIC) Fay Fort was there do you want me to go to Nal hutta then master. The cloaked figure says " you are not ready for that mission yet just hurry up and get done with the trial I will send one of my men to deal with the body that you left behind.

Yes, master, it won't happen again. "It better, not the cloaked figure," said. When I got to the overseer office he was sweating bullets down on his face. Overseer, I have completed my trial. He looks at me with anger in his eyes. Did you think you could get away with killing a prisoner? I didn't kill anyone I got the information and left. He was alive when I left so someone didn't want him to talk. Well anyway, I have the information from him. Ardran says " I can't tell if you are lying or not so I will have to investigate this matter at a later date".

I start telling him half true and half false of the information I got. So what happened after the officer got there. The person was caught by a Mandalorian before and the Mandalorian took him to the nearest spaceport and loaded up in a transported to a different location. Somehow he ends up here. The overseer was slightly shocked by hearing this information. Then I take out the same holo net which appeared was the same cloaked figure from before.

The cloaked figure said to the overseer "I and my new apprentice will investigate this matter personally alright, overseer, and don't tell anybody about the information that my apprentice has just told you the if you tell anyone you are a dead man understand overseer. The overseer just nods in response. "One more thing overseer provides my apprentice with a new ship that has all the latest technology". Again the overseer just nods to everything to the figure just says. The overseer says " yes my lord it shall be done in no time".

The figure disappears. Overseer says "your ship will be waiting for you in hanger A 12. It will be within an hour before you get your ship. I waited for the hour to pass by meditating on the outside of the sith academy and just like that an hour has passed. I went to the hanger A 12 just like Ardran said that he would have a ship waiting for me and he did. I checked for sound bugs around my ship and to my surprise, I have found nothing at all.

My master has contacted me on the ship's holo net to come to his location. Yes, master, I said. The cloaked figure removed his cloaked on my ship's holo net and he said "come to my location then we will begin your training before you go on that Mandalorian mission". He sents his ship's coordinators. On my way right now master. After I got to my master's ship he gave me his old lightsaber that's where we trained non-stop for one week then he sent me on that mission where I gave you a choice to sever under me or die right there.

Now we are here. Also, tell me about that meeting with that officer that you meet with. Fay looks at Keira with a deadpan face says " Fine after I tell you about the meeting with that Imperial officer I will tell you about myself because that is only fair I guess".