
Star Wars: Astra Eternum

A soul is chosen to serve a purpose. A man from the realm of creation to change a universe that the imagination of millions has made into a reality. In the reality, he must find a way to sustain it without interrupting the laws that keep it in check, he must save a galaxy that a thought failed to correct.

AnAmericanBoy · Movies
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24 Chs


Jason never responded to Malekith, just gave him a slack jawed expression and left the room. Eventually, a different man came in.

"I have a deal to make with you."


"In exchange for any information you have on the Jedi, we will train you here."

Giving the sith any information on the Jedi would probably not be great, but they were all going to die anyway, so it couldn't cause that many problems.

"In the cockpit of my ship, there is a biolocked datapad with a subspace link to the observatory I.... currently reside in. I also need an empty archive chip."

Malekith was going to say grew up in, because technically that wasn't wrong, but he didn't actually know his orgins, so it felt wrong.


They brought me the things I asked for and took me out of the shackles, so I got to work. I made sure no truly harmful information fell into their hands, but it was still a lot of information. I included everything dating back the the Jed'aii and original sith. As I uploaded the information, I had a much more pleasant conversation with the Academy director.

"You must have had an interesting life, growing up on such a dangerous world as Tython."

"It was interesting, but not because of what you're thinking of. I mostly kept to the ancient temples and archives, spent my time learning."

He decided to give a partial truth.

"I didn't grow up on Tython, but there's a certain point in my memory that....stops, and I can't remember anything before it. I just woke up one day, in front of a stone temple older than some regions of the Galaxy."

"You...suffer from a deep memory loss?"

"No, I took a medscan, I'm perfectly fine. I even did tests to make sure I wasn't under conditioning, but there was nothing. Officially, I don't exist before a certain point."

"Quite peculiar. What do you know of the history of the Sith, if you are going to train here."

"I know your order started with a man named Xendor. Xendor, along with a man named Ajunta Pall, who managed to find Korriban, the ancient homeworld of the Sith species. The sith, living on such a harsh world, created tombs for themselves, retaining knowledge over generations about a power, a power the strongest of their race possessed. They taught Xendor their ways, and he became the first of the True Sith."

"That...is something beyond even my knowledge, how much do the Jedi know?"

"Not as much as I do, likely. Most of the archives were copied moved to Coruscant, I believe my observatory wasn't supposed to be found."

"Why choose the sith, over other teachers?"

"The Jedi won't take in a grown man and I'm not a woman."

"You chose the path of the dark side because of the Jedi recruitment limitations..."


"Fair enough...I guess."

"When am I allowed to start?"

"Follow me."

Their conversation continued for the couple hours it took for them to arrive at academy grounds. From there, he was brought through to a room, told his schedule, and left to the wolves.