
Star Wars: A Star Wars Story. About Star Wars.

When a normal college student dies stupidly and the author forcibly reincarnates him into Star Wars. What will happen when Alexander Borisovich Corintov reincarnates? Will he become a cliche jedi, will he become a cliche sith, or will he become a cliche force neutral warrior? Or could he become the legendary not cliche? Find out next time on DRAGONBALL Z! STAR WARS IS NOT MINE. IT IS OWNED BY DISNEY, STUPID. I haven't decided on the title yet, so hold your horses and your forces.

lessonsofteacher · Movies
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12 Chs


(On the way to the base.)

Naera- "Sooo, you do realize that we could have just told S4 to pick us up, right?"

Sylvian- "Oh, well… I don't know… Well, I forgot."

Naera- "You are an idiot."

Sylvian- "Sorry…"

Naera- "At least we're okay. And most importantly, I'm okay. However, don't forget about it next time."

Sylvian- "Sure."

Suddenly, I heard a voice from behind me.

Jaera- "Ugh, what's going on?"

I went to investigate with Ellian.

Ellian- "Jaera! You're awake!"

Jaera- "What happened?"

Ellian- "We're okay. We got away and we're on our way to the base of the pirates."

Sylvian- "Well, even if you have woken up, you should rest. Ellian, we should too."

Ellian- "Fine."

Sylvian- "I'm going to lay down for a couple hours. Remind me that I want to talk to you about something later."

Ellian- "Sure."

I went to have a short nap. I woke up in 3 hours and went out into the main lobby of the ship. I saw Ellian there sitting at the central hologram table.

Sylvian- "So where is everyone else?"

Ellian- "Naera and S4 are in the engine room doing something, and Jaera has gone to the bridge."

Sylvian- "Okay, good."

Ellian- "You wanted to ask me something?"

Sylvian- "Oh, yes! I wanted to ask, how much money do we have left?"

Ellian- "About 600,000 credits."

Sylvian- "Only 600 thousand? We had a million!"

Ellian- "Well, what do you expect? You spent like 250 thousand on Eivan and Kirne. Plus the repairs to the Luxury yacht class 2800 and supplies."

Sylvian- "Damn, it seems we really do need a well paying mission."

Ellian- "We wouldn't if you were not so loose with your money and so bad at negotiations. Let me negotiate next time, and we'll spend less money."

Sylvian- "Fine."

(Some time later)

'Whew, we are finally out of hyperspace.'

Apparently, the pirate base was in the Vergesso asteroid field, which though not a place I would put a base, is not a bad spot. It was placed on a large asteroid. There was a landing bay/hangar in it, and so we all landed there. We exited our ships and I saw that the base was completely white from the inside like a CR90.

It turns out that this base used to be a scientific base, but was abandoned for some reason. Then the Black Star pirates took it over. All of us went to a large hall with the usual large holotable in the middle.

Kirne- "So, are you ready for a mission?"

Sylvian- "You already got one planned?"

Kirne- "Yes."

Sylvian- "What is it?"

Kirne- "We're robbing a train."

Kirne turned on the holotable and showed us a hologram of a train route on a planet.

Sylvian- "A train?"

Kirne- "Yes, there are some very valuable things on that train, and there are a lot of guards and bounty hunters guarding it."

Sylvian- "Well, when is this happening and where?"

Kirne- "The planet has large storms and so delivery by starship is impossible in one part of it. The other part is clear and will allow us to land on the planet. We will intercept the train, steal the cargo, and leave. This train will be transporting its cargo in about a week. That means five days. Anything you need to do will be done before that. A more descriptive version of the plan will be told to you later. For now, go back to your ship. If you need anything, ask me."

Sylvian- "Yes, I do have a question."

Kirne- "What?"

Sylvian- "Is there someone here that can change transponder codes?"

Kirne- "Yes, but you will have to pay for that."

Sylvian- "Ellian, you go negotiate with whoever can do it. I have proven that I am not the best negotiator."

Ellian- "Sure. I'll be back soon."

Jaera, Naera, and I went back to our ship and waited for Ellian to return. Meanwhile, I talked to them about what we were going to do.

Sylvian- "So, what do you think? Are you ready?"

Jaera- "I am a pilot. I don't know what I am going to do on this mission, especially since I can't accurately shoot a blaster."

Sylvian- "Well, you were recently injured so I'm not sure you should go, but if you feel better, I'm sure we'll find something for you to do."

Naera- "I might come with, or not."

Sylvian- "Got it. Now we have to wait. Actually… I have an idea."

I took out my comlink to talk to Ellian.

Sylvian- "Ellian..."

Ellian- "Oh, Sylvian, I made the deal. It is gonna be 50 thousand credits."

Sylvian- "50 thousand credits!?"

Ellian- "You know, changing a transponder code is hard, expensive, and illegal. At least I got the price down. If you were negotiating, you would probably pay 100 thousand credits for it."

Sylvian- "Fine, anyways, once we're done with that and you come back and once the changing of the transponder code is done, we are going to pick some stuff up, so inform Kirne that we will be leaving for a day or so."

Ellian- "Sure."

I waited until Ellian came back, and then waited until the person changing our transponder code was done, and then left for Tatooine. Even though we might have gotten attacked while there, I wanted to pick up some equipment since we had money to spend.

We arrived on Tatooine and Ellian and I went to the black market, where I knew a couple arms dealers. The deal was not exciting, they just gave us what we asked for, and we gave them the credits. It cost about 50 thousand credits(because Ellian lowered the price) and we took our equipment and headed back to our ship.

I noticed that some people were following us, but we left quickly enough that we were not attacked. Then, we returned to the Black Star Vergesso Pirate Base. We landed in the hangar. Finally, I showed what I had bought to Ellian, Jaera, and Naera.

Jaera- "So, what is it?"

Sylvian- "Here it is, let me take it out."

Jaera- "A Z-6 rotary blaster cannon!?"

Sylvian- "Two of them. And that isn't all."

Jaera- "What else?"

Sylvian- "Better blaster rifles for all of us. Plus, some special weaponry: A shotgun for me, a sniper rifle for Ellian, a blaster pistol for all of us, and two JT-12 Jetpacks for me and Ellian. I got some thermal detonators and smoke bombs for the mission. I also wanted to get some armor, but didn't find anything but some bounty hunter helmets to cover our face instead of the masks we use now. And of course, ammunition for everything."

Jaera- "Wow, that's a lot."

Sylvian- "It is, but we need it. Anyways, We should rest and prepare. And Ellian, we should train with those jetpacks, since we haven't used one ever."

Ellian- "Ok."

AND CUT! Sorry for dissapearing for so long, I had some stuff I needed to do, but I fixed up a bit of the story also. I hope you enjoy, and if you have any complaints or suggestions, I'm here. Thanks for reading.

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