
Star Wars: A Single Wish

I don't own Star Wars. Disney owns Star Wars. This Fanfiction is something I have played around with for a very long time. In my head at least and I want to write some stuff about star wars. This is a wish fulfillment and I don't expect that to get through some of the thick skulls of readers. I won't be updating this regularly, and I wont be giving it a schedule. It's just something I'll write and update when I feel like it. This story isn't set in the skywalker saga, I don't want to get within a light year of that radioactive waste dump. While the original trilogy, clone wars, and mandolorian were excellent that's where the list ends. I don't want people writing reviews for this story, but I won't say you cant. I just want people to read a star wars fanfiction that is better then most out there. I wont lie I'm inspired by A New Player In The Force. However, my story wont be anything like that fanfiction though I really suggest you people read it. Its actually written by an educated teacher whos fighting leukemia. I won't bore you guys with anymore talk so I'll get right into the synopsis now. ------------------- A young boy, no older then 15 lies dying in his hospital bed. The reason he is here is because of the illness he inherited from his mother. He doesn't resent anything about his mother or what he got from her, only that his death be as quick. Before he rested his diseased body on this bed, he would comfort his mother while he could still be considered healthy. His mother passed fast compared to the rate he is going. The Opal family dies with him, and nothing can stop that. One of the things the two did was watch movies and T.V. shows, and their favorite was everything star wars. With Nathan Opal on his last day he is happy that his painful torment shall end. This is where the story begins.

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~~~(POV: Satele Shan)~~~

~~~(Location: Tatooine)~~~

He's grown so powerful in these years I haven't seen him. The events that have happened aren't something that I ever wanted to happen. We're all watching in fascination as Nathan crushes the support cruisers. Fireballs rain from the sky in the distance, hitting the endless sands of Tatooine. His eyes shift towards the Capital Ship.

His hand outstretches, and we hear the ship groaning from here. "They'd be wise to surrender. I won't destroy their ship if they relax..." General Garza is a smart woman and will recognize that if Nathan wanted them dead, they would be. We watch as the Capital Ship is pulled from orbit and stops resisting. Good, she figured it out.

The landing gear comes out on its own, and he lands the massive ship off in the distance. As he does, the grip he has on all of us is let go. Nomen Karr tries to stand up, but his body is too broken. The medic of the special forces troopers is already tending to him. "Marisa, you tell your Republic to stay away from me and out of my way." It hurts me to see him like this...

Fallen so far from what he was and could've been. Marisa stands up and makes her way over to her Nephew. She opens her arms and wraps him in a hug. "Let me have this... I'll probably never get to see you again..." He let's out a little sigh and hugs her back. He still cares about his family more than anything. Theron... Maybe I was wrong...

She pulls away and starts walking back towards the landed Capital Ship with the rest of the senators and Diplomats. The troopers carry Nomen Karr in a stretcher. "I'll find you and kill you, Nathan! I promise that I'll end your blighted existence on the galaxy!" My heart cringes at the fall of a great master. His struggles with the Darkside have come back to haunt him.

All that's left is Nathan and I... His arms are at his side, and the wind gently blows. His hair blows in the wind too... His eyes stare into mine, and he's waiting for me to speak. "I failed you, Nate... You could never be a Jedi... I was too blinded by love... You're the son I never had... Your power and upbringing have left you with much pain... I never saw it..." His lack of reaction hurts me.

He might not even care about me anymore... I failed him worse than Theron... "My life was ruined by the Jedi... Ruined by the Force... I can't forsake my power cause that'd be even worse than a hypocrite... I can say leaving the decision to me to join at the age I was... You should've let my parents decide for me... I didn't know any better..." His words burn me like a lightsaber strike.

He tilts his head and looks past me. I sense her walking up with troopers. General Garza stands at my side and stares at Nathan. "We'll keep away from you, Nathan Opal. Just remember, your bounty is gone, and the Republic will welcome you anytime." She turns to me and gives a single nod. Informing us that we're leaving.

I start to follow her back, leaving Nate behind. For the first time in years, tears fall from my eyes... Just as hard as the day I lost him... "Satele." My heart leaps a little, and I turn to see Nathan with a calm expression. "We're all failures, in the end. No one is exempt from that." My insides ache as his words sink in. I turn around, trying to hide the pain.

Continuing my walk behind General Garza. This meeting has hurt far more than I ever imagined it would... It feels like someones ripped out my heart and infused it with every painful emotion I've ever had... I've lost my son, and now I've lost my second son... "Are you going to be alright, Grandmaster Satele?" Garza's voice is soft and sympathetic.

I can sense she's gone through a similar pain... Lost a daughter and a son to the war against the Sith Empire. "I'll be okay... It's hard to see him like that... In so much pain and sinking further into the pit of revenge... It leads nowhere except oblivion..." I sought revenge against Malgus for the death of my master and the raid on the Jedi temple. I know what it's like to hate...