
Star Wars: A Selfish Desire

Codenamed Jack. Title? The Reaper. A secret weapon to the Vermilion Truth, a secret organization that aimed to control society on Earth, he was a supersoldier genetically engineered and born to live and die by the will of his masters. With a lifespan thrice that of any human in history, he and every other soldier like him were trained for thirty years from childhood to adulthood to become the most fearsome and capable killing machines. Urban or wild terrain, swamp or forest, desert or the sea, nothing could stop them, not even the air or outer space. That, however, didn't make them immortal. When a choice was made and sacrifice was required, he, unlike his brothers and sisters, hesitated. For a moment before death had taken away his life, the desire to live and feel the truth of the world sprouted in his heart. Dying in regret, he was stunned when he woke up in another place, a world outside the one he knew, far more technologically advanced and full of aliens, and to his surprise, his body was still optimized as it had been, somehow the genetic changes he suffered were carried over to his new life, and they would be the least of his greatest advantages.

Daoist943Jab · Movies
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Chapter 1 - The Shadow

There was a large hub in the inner ring, it was in the beginning area of one of the very profitable trade routes of the Galactic republic. It was a place to rest, trade, meet new people, and more.

Jubi Space Hub was quite full at this time of the year, many people were visiting it frequently, and business was booming.

Among the visitors was Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, and his trusted teenager Padawan, Anakin Skywalker.

"Master, when will we depart?" Anakin asked with a bored tone. The travel was taking quite a while, and he was growing tired of the lack of things to do.

"Patience, Anakin. I tell you this all the time but as always it seems that it's going through one ear and leaving through the other."

"Patience, Master. One day I'll learn." Anakin playfully smiled, prompting Obi-Wan to sigh as they walked through the hub's inner area.

The reports were clear on what the situation was, there weren't many sentinels in the order and such situations tended to be rare, but Obi-Wan still choose to trust the information, it was the duty of the members of the order to report possible new recruits, after all. And if that information was correct, it wasn't too much trouble to check it out, especially when it probably wouldn't involve any troublesome situation.

And although Obi-Wan didn't want to admit it, the fact was that they would be doing a favor to many people by coming here.

Obi-Wan and Anakin spent many days in the Hub, it seemed like time would eventually stop for the young Anakin but one day a situation out of the norm finally knocked on their doors.

Anakin, practicing alone in his room with a series of training droids that swept him with weakened blaster shots, noticed through his very keen audition what seemed to be a commotion.

With a wave of his hand, the droids went off and fell on his room.

He and Obi-Wan had been staying in one of the hotels inside the Hub, their status allowed them to stay there for a much better price compared to other people, so they could even afford to live there if they so wanted. Obi-Wan had told him that the reason they came here was because of the disturbance in the force he felt was the strongest here.

"Is master's foreshadowing really going to happen?"

Anakin had been very proficient in this aspect too, but his control over it was far worse compared to Obi-Wan, and most of them had been around himself and not the subject of his missions or goals. So the visions the Force showed him usually weren't useful towards the missions he completed with his master.

On the balcony of the room, he looked down at the hotel plaza and saw a group of people running around and scaring the crowd while shooting at each other with pistols.

The group full of aliens and humans alike traded blow countless times, and yet, they did their best to avoid shooting at the bystanders, a situation that meant that despite shooting at each other a lot, they couldn't afford to aim at fatal parts of their enemies bodies in fear of hitting and killing someone else.

Anakin felt like laughing, he didn't know if these outlaws were smart or if they were very dumb, either way, he wouldn't let them do as they pleased.

Just as he was about to jump from the edge of the rails, a hand grabbed him by the cloak, stopping him mid-air.

"What?!" Anakin exclaimed.

"Have you forgotten my words already, Anakin? Patience."

"But master, they might end up injuring someone."

"That won't happen. Feel the force, Anakin, hear to what it says, it's not a dark disturbance, nobody here will die, it's just that something isn't right."

Anakin's face went red with anxiety as he craved for something to do, but he still listened to his master and closed his eyes to meditate on the force.

And indeed, his master was right. The disturbance was very much aligned to the light side. What he saw through the force was like tiny ripples gathered in a small area, like someone was tapping rather crudely at the Force.

"What is this?" Anakin asked in curiosity.

"That's what we are about to know," Obi-Wan answered as he peered at the crowd.

Blaster shot after blaster shot, the crowd slowly and effectively dispersed. Soon it became clear that some people had been shot at, but the blaster was so weak it could only leave a burn on the surface of the skin, nothing that some time in a hospital couldn't heal. What was truly interesting was the paralyzing effect, a single shot seemed able to put anyone to sleep.

Suddenly, from the shadows of a building further behind, a small figure crossed the battlefield in high speed and extreme finesse. The thing was slippery and agile enough to avoid being hit by the blasters, for the Jedi it looked perfectly reasonable given his movements, but for those people, it was something unnatural.

"Quickly, run! The Shadow is here!"

Shadow was a nickname, no one knew what that thing was. They didn't know if it was a living being or a robot if it had gender or not, nor what its goals actually were, only that it would usually appear to annoy both of the strongest criminal factions in Jubi Hub.

Watching with interest, the two were amazed by the kid's ability.

Stepping to the left, the head lowered slightly down and to the right, and a light beam streaked across the place his head had just been, only barely scrapping a few strands of hair.

The kid wasn't just fast though.

Approaching one of the outlaws, Shadow crouched down to avoid a shot fired from a corner behind him and leaped right when the man in front tried to spin kick him. Mid-air he somehow gathered momentum to change the rotation of his body to support himself on one hand while his right foot dropped down on the men's face in a spin.

Like it had taken roots to his foot, the man spun along the trajectory of the leg, and was shove to the ground in what looked like the most complex display of martial arts they had ever seen.

"What was that kick?!"

They couldn't believe how a being so small could carry a 2 meters tall adult body in a spinning kick and shove it to the ground without losing balance and with this much strength.

Even from a distance, they could all see how the floor caved in slightly, forming a slight depression on the area of impact.

Hearing the sound of sirens, they knew that the cops were approaching and that they had to run, but it wouldn't be possible with Shadow there, he would always hunt them down if they turned their backs to him so there was no choice but to pull him down.

Tired of that game, the two groups changed their blaster pistols configuration, increasing the lethality of a shot to 100% percent, and started firing at him, this time they were out to kill and wouldn't stop till Shadow dropped dead.

But it wasn't like anything had changed. Dancing amidst the fire of fired shots, he stepped and sidestepped again and again till one person remained.

The man stared shocked at the shadowy figure clad in Black cloaks that covered it from head to body. The fluid and beautiful movements mesmerized his eyes, but the scene after made him feel like his legs had lost strength, all of his companions were lying on the ground and wailing in pain, many of them had been injured in the area around the stomach and none of them died.

Yet, somehow, they end up shooting themselves, and the kid only had to personally deal with a single one of them.

Before he could lift the blaster to pull the trigger once more, a punch came flying in front of him, the impact broke the man's nose sending blood down to the ground while he flew away five meters and rolled down a set of stairs, possibly breaking a few ribs as well in this stunt.


There was a race born on Earth, Genesen they were called. Synthetic, programmed to serve, meant to do what humans couldn't. Survive where life couldn't thrive. They were taught the top military techniques, they were all one hundred percent capable of taking on any task with the replicated knowledge of the previous generations, Genesens were the perfect feat of biotechnology and transhumanism.

A being with everything that made humans supreme on Earth, and everything that Humans would never have. Almost perfect adaptability, no need to breathe, super resistance to extreme cold and hot environments, superhuman strength, reflex, coordination, and more.

What Humans didn't know, was that their creations started to house a soul the moment they made it self-aware. And one such synthetic soul crossed over a space-time anomaly by accident, becoming an entirely new being somewhere else.

This is full AU because the universe of Star Wars is fucking way too big for me to try and follow everything as they are supposed to be, so I'll be doing whatever I want while writing, be it new species, planets, organizations, etc, etc, etc.

Daoist943Jabcreators' thoughts