
Star Wars: A Craven’s Conflict

Fresh out of Kamino and thrust into the biggest conflict the galaxy has seen in the last millennium. Clone trooper Brake is faced with the horrid reality of the Clone Wars. Stuck between cowardice and heroism. Will he survive?

FrugalWriter · Movies
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7 Chs

Rest And Recuperation

With a small pep in his step, Brake wandered down the corridors back to his barracks. It felt weird for him. This was one of the only times that he wasn't being forced to march back and forth. Or to keep an eye on his timings.

The rest of the day was his to control. It wasn't up to the Master Chief, or any other senior figure. He didn't know what he'd spend the rest of the day doing. But he did know he was going to do it at his pace, nice and easy.

As he walked through the corridors he let his mind wander as usual. It was a form of relaxation to be back in control of your own thoughts for the Cadets. After being drilled all day, it felt nice to just be in your own head.

He pondered his future. His usual excuse for himself is that there was going to be training tomorrow, but this time there wasn't.

'Next step?" He questioned himself.

He thought for a few seconds.

'Grand Army of The Republic' He excitedly repeated in his head. His new life in the Army would be beginning soon.

This made him think further about himself. His whole life was focused on himself. But in the grand scheme of things. He was just another cog in the larger machine that was the Clone Army. Brake was a Clone. Like every other soldier in the Grand Army, they were replications of a bounty hunter named Jango Fett. The Kaminoans thought he would be the ideal soldier template, they would then go on to create hundreds of thousands of them for the Republic.

It was odd to think that every single man was the same. But to Brake and the majority of the others, they weren't. They may have had the same face, but they were different men. With different experiences, thoughts and feelings. It took a Clone to fully understand another. The Kaminoans definitely didn't understand.

The Cloning did help with the morale of the men. There was always a sense of brotherhood with one another. If a trooper from the first generation of clones met one of the newer generations, they'd still feel like family. It was a good feeling, knowing you had hundreds of thousands of brothers out there in the galaxy. But it only made it hurt even more when you heard about the casualty figures from the front.

As he walked along the blinding white corridor he passed two clones standing next to the window overlooking the constant rain of Kamino.

"Hey forty-seven, Hear about the boys back from the front?" One of them spoke to the other.

"Nah, What's happening? They need retraining?" They both laughed.

Brake stopped in his tracks and turned to the two clones. "There are boys back from the front?" he asked.

The two clones turned and looked him up and down, Slightly confused about why they were being questioned by a clone in full training gear.

"Uh, Yeah" The clone gave a confused look. "Supposedly they're on leave down in hangar 32, y'know on a break from the fighting." He shrugged and scratched the back of his neck.

Brake was en route to the barracks to get all this kit off, but he could afford a small detour. He raised his hands and took his helmet off.

"Thanks, boys. I'll go check it out." He spun on the spot, beginning to walk away.

"Yeah, no problem" the clone replied turning to Forty-Seven. They both shook their heads and quietly laughed at the odd interaction they just had, then turned back to talking.

'I wonder if I can get any advice, it'll be good to hear from those with first-hand experience' He hopefully thought as he sped up his walking.

As Brake grew closer to the hanger he started to notice it was much busier than usual. Tipoca City was generally very busy but this was different. There were squads of clones being marched through the halls from the hangar, usually, it was the other way around. These clones were the ones back from the fighting, Brake could tell from the different paint jobs on their armour and the dirty wear and tear.

He stood and watched the column of men as it passed. Brake was impressed at these men. Other than the dirt on their armour, they were impeccable. A Sergeant at the head of a squad noticed Brake's dumbfounded look.

"Looks like we've got an audience, boys! Let's show the shiny how it's done!" He commanded over the formation. "Shoulder, Arms!" He shouted at the men behind them.

In a flurry of movements, the men behind him all pulled their rifles up and onto their shoulders in perfect synchronisation. Brake could tell that the Sergeants definitely still drill the men like the Master Chiefs do. As a way of thanks, he put his helmet back on. Then began to clap for the men passing.

"Ey, Look at that Sarge!" A random trooper cried out.

All of the men passing broke from their perfect positions and began to nod and laugh, a few even brought their arms out and tapped Brake's shoulder as they passed.

The formation finally passed him and began to march further into the distance. One clone turned his head and torso to see Brake.

"203rd Battalion, Twister Company! We'll see you on the front, Shiny!" He shouted before jumping back into step with the others. They all gave a few laughs and joked with each other as the squad disappeared down the corridor.

Brake reflected on himself for a moment. 'At least I'll be allowed to joke around a little when I'm out with them.' He thought.

Turning back around, He began to walk to the Hangar.

Walking through the automatic doors he was starstruck at the sight before him. Troopers were littered everywhere. Gunships were being signalled in by deck officers and troopers ran back and forth. The colours and markers on their armour were yellow, exactly like the men Brake had just seen outside.

'So this is the 203rd, huh' he thought to himself. The noise of engines whirring to life and powering down broke through his thoughts.

"You there, Shiny!" A voice called from his left.

Brake turned to face the voice. There was a group of 3 troopers lounging around on boxes next to a gunship.

"Uh, me?" He pointed to himself.

The men all chuckled at his sheepish question. "Yeah, you! C'mere!" The trooper shouted. They all had their helmets off. The man who called him had his hair dyed blonde and slicked back. The others had various styles like the man, all with blonde hair.

Brake shuffled over to the men. "Take a load off." One of the other men called as he lifted a battery off of a box and wiped it over with his hand.

"Thanks" Brake took a seat, taking off his helmet.

"Nice to meet ya, Shiny. The name's Blondie, on account of my hair y'see" He shook Brake's hand.

Brake was at a loss for words, in such a short amount of time he was talking with some experienced troopers.

"Likewise, I'm Brake" He formally replied.

All of the other men around him smiled, holding in their giggles. Brake peered at them, not understanding what was funny.

"Uh, did I do something wrong?" He asked Blondie.

"Nah, we don't meet much shinies. We're making most of it" he smiled. "Oh! Where are my manners!" He jumped up from his box. "These are the boys" He pointed at the men surrounding them. "Brake, Meet Tan" He pointed at the man next to him.

"How ya doin'?" Tan nodded.

"That's Bop" He pointed at the next man.

"Sup" Bop added.

"Don't forget about me, Blondie!" Another clone walked over. It was a pilot.

"Introduce yourself, You're late!" Blondie slumped back on his box.

"Burner, the best pilot in the 203rd!" The pilot put his hands on his hips, and his foot on a box. Attempting to look heroic.

The clones laughed back, and Brake joined in.

"This here's Brake, a shiny" Tan slapped Brake on the back.

Burner walked over to the gunship they sat next to, he leaned on the side due to the lack of seats. "What's a shiny doin' down here?"

Brake was confused by the question. He was especially confused at why he was being called a shiny repeatedly. Was there something on him? Was he sweating?

"Why do you all keep calling me 'Shiny'?" Brake questioned them.

"It's yer armour" Bop pointed at Brake's helmet.

"But it isn't very shiny, is it? It's more of a grey, isn't it?" Brake picked up his helmet and rubbed it.

"Nah not that armour" Blondie explained. "He's talkin' about the phase one, not that trainin' kit. Basically means you're a rookie, because your amour is shiny and new"

"Just like you" Tan added.

"Oh, I see" Brake nodded. "I was passing through so I decided to check in and see some real troopers in person!" He flattered them.

"Ya hear that, Burner! 'real' troopers! You better go and repair that gunship while the 'real' troopers talk" Blondie laughed and slapped his knee.

Burner shook his head and walked into the back of the gunship "Yeah yeah, whatever"

"I like ya, shiny!" Blondie appreciated the flattery.

"Might I ask, Why have all of you been sent back here?" Brake asked, trading a question with them.

Bop shook his head and Tan scoffed. Blondie leaned back. "Damned higher-ups, that's why," He said shaking his head.

"Usually when we get leave, we get proper barracks on the other side of Tipoca City. But with the new Grand Army expansion acts, there's not enough space. So we're stuck with the shinies!" He threw his hands up.

"No offence." Blondie put his hand up to warn Brake.

"None taken…" He hesitantly replied.

"I heard they're going to let us take leave in Coruscant to help 'stimulate the economy' " Tan said.

"More like to free up space" Bop grumbled.

"I'm not opposed to it, boys! Those dancers they have in the bars are fantastic!" Blondie jumped up again, doing odd 'dance' moves.

"Speaking of! Where the hell is Jak?" Tan jumped up.

"Who's Jak?" Brake asked.

"Another member of this elite squad!" Blondie pointed at Brake.

"I'm here!" A trooper came rushing through the doors, nearly tripping over boxes and other machinery. He had a small box in his hand. It must've been important.

"Finally! Get it out" Blondie demanded. Tan and Bop jumped up and began unpacking a large box.

Jak opened the small box and just as he started to pick up something from inside.

"There we are!" Blondie snatched it from Jak. It was a holodisk.

After a few rushed moments, they had set up a machine. It was a holodisk player. Any entertainment for the Cadets was heavily restricted, it seemed it was almost the same for the troopers. 'That explains the animalistic behaviour' Brake thought.

"Brake, my boy!" Blondie commanded, "Stand for this momentous occasion!"

Brake quickly stood up and at attention, making the others chuckle.

"What shall we dedicate this occasion to! Suggestions?" Blondie declared.

"Surviving another tour!" Tan said.

"Coruscant!" Bop shouted.

"What about you, Brake? Suggestions?" Blondie asked.

"Well…" Brake rubbed the back of his neck. "I did literally just barely pass my officer exam…" He muttered.

The others were shocked, this Cadet was going to become an officer?

"A pass is a pass!" Blondie rooted for him. "Junior Officer commendation?" He questioned Brake.

Brake nodded.

"Very well! To Lieutenant Brake! The new honorary member of Blonde Squad!" He cheered. All of the others gave a mighty "Hooray!"

"But you'll need to dye that hair, remember" Bop jokingly added.

They all chuckled, including Brake. Blondie planted the disc inside the player. They were all ignited in a blue hue. A jazz-like beat began to play as a scantily clad Twi'lek dancer appeared as a hologram. The troopers sighed and drooled over the hologram. Brake broke from his trance, they would probably be like this for the next few hours.

"Thanks for the chat guys! But I better get changed" Brake said turning to walk away, expecting a lukewarm response.

"Anytime Brake! You'll always have a place in the Blonde squad!" Blondie shouted waving at him.

"Yeah! 203rd for life!" Jak added.

Brake waved at the men and put his helmet back on.

'So that's what they're like' He joked with himself as he exited the hangar. Now it was time to get changed.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Next chapter: 'The Rifle Range'

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