
Star Trek: Nexus

Based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry. Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Nexus. Its seven-year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before. 30 years following the events of Star Trek Nemesis, the Milky Way Galaxy witnesses a remarkable union known as the Khitomer Alliance. Comprising the United Federation of Planets, Klingon Empire, New Romulan Republic, the Dominion, and various other entities, this alliance seeks to bring together diverse races and nations. The USS Nexus, a symbol of this unity, embarks on a seven-year exploration mission, echoing the principles of the Star Trek legacy. Under the command of Captain Anzyl Praxas, the USS Nexus represents a unique venture, transcending individual banners to unite a diverse crew. Hailing from different factions, the crew members bring with them a rich tapestry of beliefs, views, goals, values, and aspirations. As they navigate the uncharted territories of the galaxy, Captain Praxas faces the formidable challenge of fostering unity amidst dissension, overcoming bigotry, dispelling distrust, and bridging differences across the vast cosmic distances. Will the captain and his diverse crew successfully navigate the complexities of the final frontier, where every light year brings a new set of challenges? The journey of the USS Nexus unfolds as it boldly goes where no one has gone before.

Xairou · TV
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77 Chs

First Contact

As Tey'un saw the silhouette in the flashing light, he screamed underwater, releasing a flurry of air bubbles, and desperately kicked and paddled toward the surface.

A surge of bubbles indicated that he had caught the predator's attention, and it swiftly closed in on him in the depths of the ocean.

Approaching the surface, Tey'un glimpsed a flash of light and the menacing sight of a massive gaping maw lined with rows of razor-sharp teeth.

Bracing for the end, Tey'un closed his eyes, but suddenly, a powerful rush of water from below propelled him upward. He was flung out of the water, gasping for air as he hung suspended in the air, arms flailing grasping for nothing.

The shark lunged after him, but the sound of a whale's cry filled the air as the V-shaped crest of a large Tulkun whale's head rammed the shark away from the flailing boy. With its five-pronged maw wide open, the whale enveloped Tey'un and dove back into the water.

Tulkun were a sentient species of cetaceans that populated Eywa'eveng's oceans, and shared a kindred symbiotic relationship with the Na'vi of the lands. Often forming "Bonded" relationships with them, becoming as close as a brother or sister.

Landing with a soft thud on the whales tongue, now inside the dark confines of the Tulkun's mouth, Tey'un curled into a ball, screaming and wailing. Despite being underwater, the Tulkun kept its mouth shut, preserving the air inside and providing a safe haven for the young Na'vi boy.

Though safe, Tey'un remained distraught, continuing to scream as the Tulkun swam beneath the stormy waves, offering refuge to the child.

The morning sun cast a gentle glow over the tranquil seas as the Tulkun lay peacefully in the shallow waters of a tropical beach. Its giant maw gaping wide open, beconing the young Tey'un to exit.

With a hesitant step, Tey'un emerged from the creature's maw, shielding his eyes from the bright sunlight.

Surprised to find himself alive, Tey'un glanced back at the Tulkun, which regarded him with its four whale-like eyes, emitting soft whistles and toots. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Tey'un rushed back and embraced the creature tightly, whispering "Thank you!"

Suddenly, a peculiar light drew their attention. On the beach stood a massive metal structure, its attempt to blend in with the rocky peninsula thwarted by a fallen tree during the storm. The camouflage holographic emitters sputtering and glitching, revealing the enigmatic building, unlike anything Tey'un or the Tulkun had ever encountered.

Mesmerized by the sight, Tey'un murmured, "My Dream Hunt…" as he cautiously approached the structure, its strange lights flickering in the daylight.

As he drew nearer, figures emerged from the damaged building. They had pale blue skin, white hair, and two delicate blue antennae protruding from their heads, with curious contraptions covering their faces.

"How bad is it, lieutenant?" The blue Andorian commander asked his subordinate, his breaths heavy through his mask. They were part of a xenobiological research team from Andor, currently inspecting the aftermath of a storm that had damaged their holographically camouflaged research center, leaving their emitters exposed and vulnerable to detection by the native inhabitants.

"Pretty bad, commander," the lieutenant replied, surveying the damage. "If we don't repair the emitters soon, we risk violating the Prime Directive."

"Commander!" a cry called out from the nearby complex. "It's Rang, sir! He's trapped under a fallen tree in the lab!"

The Commander and Lieutenant rushed inside, unaware of the curious Na'vi boy cautiously approaching the facility, or the Tulkun whale observing from the shallow waters nearby.

Peering into the complex, Tey'un's face lit up as he recognized the peculiar metals he had seen in his Dream Hunt—the same symbols and emblems. Though he didn't understand the significance, he felt a strong sense of destiny, as if this place was where he was meant to be.

As he entered, he heard shouting and cries in an unfamiliar language emanating from within. Despite being smaller than the average Na'vi, he towered over the Andorian scientists inside.

The scene that greeted him was one of chaos—a research and observation laboratory lay in ruins, with a large tree branch piercing through a window, pinning a blue alien against it and a nearby table. The creature struggled fruitlessly against the weight of the branch, its cries of distress filling the room.

Recalling a similar moment of helplessness in his own past, Tey'un felt a surge of empathy. Without hesitation, he scanned the lab for a solution. Spotting a fallen beam, he leaped into action.

In a swift, decisive move, Tey'un grabbed the beam and dashed to the pinned alien's aid. His sudden appearance startled the scientists, but he remained resolute. Placing the beam under the branch and using the table as a fulcrum, he exerted his Na'vi strength to lift the heavy burden off the trapped creature.

With the branch lifted, the alien scrambled to safety, joined by another who rushed to their side. They conversed in their unfamiliar language, their expressions grateful yet puzzled by Tey'un's intervention.

"SIR!" The lieutenant's voice reverberated through the laboratory as a towering native helped the xenobiologist free using a beam as a lever and fulcrum.

"I see it!" the commander exclaimed, assisting the biologist to his feet "Everyone to clear the room!"

"No! Wait! Everyone, remain calm!" The biologist winced in pain, clearly suffering from major internal injuries caused by the branch pinning them to the table, "The native culture here is peaceful as long as they are not provoked!"

The large native observed the crew of researchers with curiosity, his gaze shifting to the technology scattered throughout the laboratory once he confirmed the biologist's survival.

"He appears to be an adolescent, a teenager perhaps," the biologist remarked, reaching for a hypospray to alleviate the pain of her fellow crewmate.

"Sir..." the lieutenant's tone was urgent, "Prime Directive violation imminent."

"Yeah... I see it..." the commander sighed, "But it's just him; the situation is still manageable."

Suddenly, a loud spark erupted from outside the complex, causing the young man to startle. In a single bound, he leapt out of the complex through the broken window, dislodging the branch in the process.

"Oh, great!" the commander exclaimed. "If he returns to his village, then 'Bye bye Prime Directive!'"

The crew rushed out of the complex and around the side toward the broken window, where they were met with a peculiar sight that gave them all reason to pause.

The Na'vi native boy sat on the ground, his legs crossed, holding the broken holo-emitter and busy fiddling with it.

Tey'un felt a strange sense of understanding wash over him as he gazed at the broken metal object before him. Though it was alien and unfamiliar, he instinctively knew how to fix it. His hands moved with an effortless precision, manipulating wires, chips, and circuitry with a grace he had never experienced before. Each movement felt logical, as if guided by an unseen force compelling him to restore the object to its original state.

As Tey'un worked, the group of strange blue aliens approached cautiously, their expressions a mix of shock and wonder at his apparent skill. Ignoring their presence, Tey'un focused intently on his task, his movements fluid and deliberate.

Finally, with a sense of satisfaction, Tey'un stood up, approached the metal wall, and placed the metal chunk back into its rightful position, fitting it seamlessly into the cavity where it belonged. As if responding to his touch, the object began to hum with renewed energy, its surface shimmering and shifting until it resembled a rocky mountainside once more.

The Andorian scientists watched in utter astonishment, their disbelief evident in their wide-eyed stares.

"Sir..." The lieutenant's voice trembled as he spoke again.

"Yeah... I see it..." The commander sighed, his tone heavy with disbelief. "I think..."

"Did he just...?" The lieutenant's question hung in the air, barely voiced.

"Fix our holo emitter..." The commander's words trailed off, his astonishment evident.

"Fascinating..." The biologist gasped, his curiosity piqued as he limped slowly towards them. "I never knew they had technological expertise of this level..."

"He doesn't seem like any other native subject we've observed so far," remarked another scientist, their voice tinged with intrigue. "He looks... different... acts... different." She swiftly pulled out her tricorder and began scanning the boy.

With cautious steps, the team of researchers approached him, their curiosity overcoming their initial hesitation.

As the five strange blue aliens approached him, Tey'un observed them with fascination. Though he still couldn't understand their language, he couldn't help but feel intrigued by their presence. One of them held an odd shiny box, waving it like a priest's cane.

With a swift leap, Tey'un stood before the alien holding the box, his curiosity piqued by the unfamiliar object. The alien seemed to be scanning his body with the device, but Tey'un felt no discomfort. Instead, he watched intently as an image of his own body appeared on the small screen.

His large hands reached out and snatched the device from the alien, examining it closely.

As he pointed the box at various objects, different strange images materialized on the screen. First, he pointed it at the alien, capturing their likeness, then at a nearby plant, and finally at the Tulkun, the image of the whale emerging on the screen.

This is a Star Trek fanfiction, based off of Star Trek Online universe. with a slight crossover to Avatar the way of Water.

Based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry, Avatar: The Way of Water created by James Cameron.

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