
Act bravely for a just cause

On that day, when the star and the God Beast were about to walk to the gray temple together, only the noise came from the direction of the temple.

At this time, the four people including Rick had already checked elsewhere. Hearing the sound, they came to the temple nearby. Several people quickly came to Tianxing. After the meeting, they walked towards the direction of the sound.

Before coming to the temple, I saw about one hundred people gathered in the small square in front of the temple. One side gathered about one hundred people, and I knew it was the villagers here when I saw the clothes, while on the other side there were more than a dozen strong men with ferocious face, full face and flesh, holding steel knives. I knew they were not good people at first sight.

I saw one of them shouting fiercely: "What are you arguing about! Please take out all the valuable things in your family and show filial piety to me, or I will kill you all."

Other murderers also kept clamoring to hand over the villagers' things and livestock. Hearing the gangster's request, all the villagers couldn't help looking like a soil and trembling all over.

I saw an old man with a crutch and white hair walking out of the villagers trembling and said in a trembling voice: "Gentlemen, our village is only a little big, there is really nothing, and we have to eat these livestock in winter. Please show mercy."

I saw the full-faced leading gangster kick the old man to the ground and scold him fiercely: "Get Out, damn old man, if you don't hand over everything to me, I will move you here to the ground."

After the old man was kicked down by the gangster, he was unable to stand up immediately. He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, with a gray face.

Grandpa!" I saw a 15-or 16-year-old girl rushing out of the crowd, crying and rushing to the old man who fell on the ground. The little girl was pretty, with two small braids, which made people very pitiful.

The little girl struggled to lift her grandfather up, but how could she lift her grandfather up with her thin body? Seeing such a situation, several young people came out of the crowd to help the little girl lift her grandfather up.

The gangster saw that the little girl was very beautiful, and his eyes suddenly showed up, staring at the little girl with eyes straight, and said with a wry smile, "little girl, you don't have to pay for it. You will follow us in the future and serve our uncle well. As long as it makes our uncle happy and benefits you, we should go with him quickly."

Having said that, he walked to the little girl with a face of obsession smile, and the gangsters behind him kept booing, shouting, "Come on, bring that little girl here, and let the brothers have a taste, haha!"

When the little girl saw the guy with a face full of flesh and blood, she walked towards herself with a full face of obsession smile. Suddenly, her face was full of panic and at a loss. She stepped back step by step. She lost her balance and tripped on the ground unconsciously.

The gangster rubbed his hands and approached the little girl step by step with an evil face. He said, "Let's go, where are you going? Ha ha, come back with me obediently, my little baby."

"What do you want to do? Don't go too far!" A young man who came to help the little girl just now could not stand the behavior of the gangster any more. He immediately came out in an attempt to stop the gangster.

"Smelly boy, you are not qualified to think of heroes to save beauty. When I finish enjoying it, I may get you a piece of soup, haha..." After saying that, he burst into laughter.

Hearing this, the young man was furious and couldn't stand it any more. He rushed forward and grabbed the stick in his hand to fight at the gangster.

The gangster sneered, quickly pulled out the long knife, only heard! Hi!" After two sounds, the stick in the young man's hand was broken into two sections immediately. Two long cuts were cut out in the chest, and the blood flowed straight. He fell on his back and couldn't move any more.

"Smelly boy, just rely on these skills to take care of the big Ye, you go to hell!" Say that finish, holding a long knife to cut the young man who fell in the pool of blood.

No...!" The little girl couldn't help screaming when she saw that the young man was going to die under the gangster's butcher's knife.

The timid person couldn't help covering his eyes and couldn't bear to look down.

Say it's late, that's fast!

Just at this time, the crowd only heard the sound of "bang", and saw a fireball flying rapidly in the distance, accurately hitting the long knife cut to that young man.

The more than a dozen gangsters and villagers all looked at that place and saw five people and a white-haired puppy coming out of there, four men and one woman respectively. Two of them wore magician robes respectively, but they looked a little shabby. The other one wore shabby armor, while the other two wore ordinary robes. It looked very strange when several people walked together.

Although those villagers felt strange in their hearts, they couldn't help raising hope when they saw two magicians among them. It should be known that no matter where the magicians were, their identities were very noble and respected, which were very mysterious in the hearts of ordinary people. The identities of magicians symbolized strength and rights, but these two magicians were too young.

I saw these people walking to the old man and the wounded young man. Among them, the girl in the white magic robe, holding the magic wand, walked into the two injured people. I saw her holding the magic wand, pointing at the two people. The magic wand gave out soft white light, covering the two people. The young man's wound healed slowly and disappeared at last. She could not see any scars any more, as if she had never been hurt at all, and the old man woke up slowly, and his face became Ruddy gradually.

It turned out that these people were waiting for several people at the side of Tianxing. Just now, the young man was going to die under the butcher's knife of the gangster. At the behest of Tianxing, Yasen sent a fireball to hit the long knife and saved the young man's life.

When the dozens of bandits saw several people, they were extraordinary, and there were also two magicians. They couldn't help being shocked. The bandits were a little timid and said in a disguise, "Who are you? You dare to take care of our business and get out of here."

Tianxing's eyes flashed coldly and said coldly, "Rick, I'll leave these people to you and teach them a lesson."

As soon as Rick heard the boss's order, he couldn't help laughing secretly in his heart. He hurriedly said, "Yes, boss!"

Rick stepped forward, pointed at the gangsters and said arrogantly, "You bastards, do you want to solve it yourself or do you want me to do it myself!"

Hearing what Rick said, the bandit said with a little bluff: "Don't think we are afraid of you, our Snow Wolf group will not be afraid of you."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? I haven't moved my hands and feet for several days. Today I am just allowed to move my hands and feet, haha...."

Having said that, Rick rushed to the group of gangsters at a high speed, with a forced momentum all over his body, and a faint purple morale faintly flashed. He looked domineering and daunting.

When the gangsters saw Rick rushing towards them with full momentum, they all pulled out their knives one after another, preparing to fight with him for life and death. You should know that these gangsters were all murderers, ferocious and brutal, and outlaws. When they saw Rick like this, they provoked their ferocity instead. Among them, only the gangster who had just been shot away with a long knife slowly retreated and wanted to take the chance to escape. Just now he saw Rick burst out purple anger and knew that he was by no means his opponent. He should know that a senior fighter could not be dealt with by him, let alone the two magicians who had not yet shot.

Just in the blink of an eye, Rick entered the wolves like a tiger. The fierce battle had already begun. Rick shouted loudly, "crack fist-crack shadow gushing!" When the double boxing came out, I saw that with the double boxing of Rick, there suddenly appeared more than 30 purple fists, rushing to those gangsters, with a gust of wind, flying sand and stones around, which was amazing.

How could those gangsters be Rick's opponents? They were all killed immediately by Rick's crack boxing, spitting blood and falling to the ground, motionless.

Rick himself couldn't help being stunned. He never thought that his hundred-crack boxing was so powerful now, and he could use it freely. In the past, due to his lack of skills, he could only use the first five moves, and he was very reluctant. The latter four moves couldn't be used at all. Now, on a whim, he was able to easily use one of the latter four moves. He couldn't believe it either, unexpectedly, he froze for a while.