
Chapter 1

*Drip* Drip* *Dripp*

Sound of rain pouring echoes through the quiet city, A slim lone figure could be seen sitting down the street, with an umbrella in hand, and cigarette in their mouth, the smoke clouding the figure's eyes and going around his black cap

"I hate this rain", the lone figure said quietly


2 Hours ago, Houston Texas


"QUICK GET HIM!" A guard shouted while pointing towards a running figure

" *Pant* *Pant* " The figure running was getting tired, and he knew it

Suddenly a shot is heard from behind the figure

"QUICK I HIT HIM!" A guard holding a pistol shouts out

"*Scream!*" The figure screams...

As the guards start catching up to him, he turns into an Alley way and throws the seemingly ordinary guitar case over the fence, and goes inside a dumpster

"HE JUMPED OVER THE FENCE, I REPEAT HE WENT OVER FENCE!" The guard shouts out into the radio on his walky-talky and starts running straight, oblivious to the fact that the figure he was chasing was right beside him, in a cold filthy dumpster

"*Pant* Shit, where is she? We were supposed to meet at the exit, where are you Nora?" The figure muttered in-between his breaths




As the lone figure from earlier is about to finish their cigarette, they receive a phone call

"Hello?" The figure inquired

"Hey there Herne, Glad you made it out" The caller said

"Thank you, it wasn't easy, did you find any trace of Nora? Her burner is offline." The figure, now named Herne, asked the Caller

"Unfortunately, no, we did not, I did tell HQ it was high-risk for 2 people, however they thought otherwise, maybe we shoul.." The caller said

"It's fine, I'll head to HQ, Thank you for the help, Cheers." Herne said frustrated, with a frown on his face as he cut the call and put the phone in the trash can beside the bench


A sigh echoes out but is drowned by rain pour


12 hours later


"*Ding* Flight number 19711 has been delayed due to some technical difficulty, We thank you for your patience"

"*Ding* Last call for flight 1673...."

A figure is walking through the crowded airport with a black carry-on

"18711-187--, Right here." Finally finding their terminal the figure took a seat

"Just 15 minutes now, shouldn't be too long." The figure mutters under his breath.

And not too long it was

"Have a pleasant flight!" A flight attendant says to Herne after they check his boarding pass

"C3-C3, Ah found it" Herne says as he reaches to put his suitcase above the seat

Finally seated, he releases a sigh and leans back into his seat, already half dosing off

"Hello Passengers, Good evening, We have a pleasant and sunny day here in Houst...." The pilot continues on in his scratchy microphone

"Cabin crew, prepare for take off." The Pilot announces over the speakers


1 hour later


A plane could be seen going over some clouds, the suns brightly glinting in the paint of the man-made metal beast

Suddenly we see a bird flock flying around a few miles from the plane, one of the bird crashes into the engine of the plane, causing immediate panic in the cockpit and the pessanger area

"MAYDAY!, MAYDAY!, WE HAVE LOST AN ENGINE, I REPEAT, WE HAVE LOST AN ENGINE!" The captain sends out an emergency distress call to the nearest airport

"EVERYONE REMAIN SEATED! , DO NOT PANIC, EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT," The Cabin crew tries to calm down the passengers

"*Sigh*, Just my luck today" Herne sighs and reaches into his pocket to take out a metallic container, presumably carrying Alcohol

As he takes a sip, he stares out the window into the quickly approaching ocean, he slowly laughed--



Authors Note: Hello everyone, this is going to be a Novel I am going to be focusing on mainly, it's going to be surprise as to where I will go with this, Hope you guys like this, please point out any mistakes you see, thank you and have a great day
