
Chapter 1:The beginning of the gang

My father once said a great man does not leave thing in complete you must finish what you start and that what going to do.(starbot )

After the fantastic heroes discovered their potential they where able to vela my grandma and the queen of demons we thought it was all over but they never knew that that was just the beginning. After queen of all demons was dead other vilians she has along her reign of greatness,some that was nothing and some that are more than her that was hard for she to trap in the realm of nowhere they have been their for hundred of years become more stronger than her and more dangerous,and we she died all of the villains she captured where released and terrorizing the world.

My father Neutral and the fantastic heroes captn Starboy first version,vision, supernatural and power absorption boy tried to get rid of them but they had more ppl in the crew tried to destroy me them well won the unseen battle defeated the villains but they where not able to defeat him and they all died in the hands of the strongest of all the others,just looking at him someone can die and his name was Fear.and before he left he gave and orb containg his and captain Starboy 1st version so I saved till the time and the time is (starbot absorbing the powers).The world has been a dark since fear was Invetable (can't be defeated) I need to avenge my father's death so I need to create a crew and I know who exactly to be the first one .

Captain Starboy 3rd version the strongest Starboy that ever lived.

He was tough to talk to but he agreed