
To the Physics

There was a girl named Elony (11 yrs old), she is just too lazy. She loves her mother very much. While all other in her class set their goals to become a engineers, doctors and architects etc. When it's her turn, She said i don't know.

Came home by walk which is 2kms away, And asked her mother she said while i was your age i never thought of things like that but I want to see you as a Doctor. With that thing in her mind, She had her dinner and went to sleep. She was thinking about her goals and not satisfied with her mother. The Next day she went to school met her friends and said that her mother wants her to be a doctor and some of them liked this idea and joined her in doctors group.

Academic year started, Elony was new to subjects like Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Maths. She started enjoying the classes mainly Maths and Physics rather than Biology. She scores above avg.marks in these subjects as she is a bit lazy. She is very attentive in the class and sometimes not when the classes are boring. Her scores in the other test were avg.

Year by year her intrest in phy and maths grew bigger.....of no use she confuses a lot. One day as she was solving a problem in the class others are still at start but Elony completed the problem and said it was 114 but it was 118. Her teacher checked her problem and said she done everything right but at the final she forgets to subract. She thought this was a minor and thought not to care about it. Confidence lacked. The other day she was ready with her answer and said it is 110. This time the teacher isn't ready and checked again but Elony is right! The teacher confused and did the problem once again, She felt a mere guilty. Overall she was a Avg student with no exceptional abilities.

But her intrest in physics grown bigger but her procastination has no interest in doing anything that intrests her!!

Elony completed her 14th birthday and her mother gifted her a guitar. At first Elony was very much intrested and few days later due to her procastination, she didn't even touch it again.

When Elony is 15yrs old she met a proffesor named Feynman. Feynman started teaching the basics of physics. She completed the problems given by feynman very easily and not confused this time and shown him. He was surprised, asked her how did you solve the problem. She said i already knew the answers but i did in my own different way to solve them and they are really easy ones.

Besides Elony learned guitar from her neighbor named Boris.

She started her journey with Physics, With Great legend proffesor Feynman.