

Every story has a beginning, middle and end. Well this is the beginning of my story and it is for you who ever you are , it all will follow the "red thread" as all will do,I hope you use it in a good way, and make sure you enjoy your self along the way.


"Where do you think you're going? ","men,get him!!"shouted an elderly man in panic, although he was old he did command an air around him that told any body he was an important person.

As the order was issued around 10 muscular bodies came running toward a frail looking little boy who looked like he was on verge of collapse .


Back up a month ago;

In a half destroyed house in the province of "green city" in a dimly lit room sat a little boy and a young girl in front of a none moving body,

the boy was 4 and the girl was 14;

The young girl's eyes were so red and swollen that it could be seen that she was crying for a long time, her posture however was that of someone holding down the fort for her siblings, as a big sister should.

Next to her sat a beautiful looking young boy no more then 3 or 4 years old he had a confused look on his face clearly not knowing what was going on.

In front of them laid a small body that was so thin you'd say it was mummified. It was the middle brother of the three, since he was born he´s been sick on and off,but lately the frequency and intensity are growing more and more. you could tell he´s death was on the way.

Looking around the room was so ran down that nothing in it had any value at all, yet you could see that someone was keeping it as tidy as possible.

Lisa was her name, she was the older sister of two younger brothers 'ty' and 'carp' ,TY was the middle one CARP was the baby.


Tears falling down her pearly Rose n cheeks Lisa's body was shivering dressed in a sheet of wool material much rougher on the skin than sand-paper ,but even in this situation she had a `never give up` look in her eyes.

"TY, TY .. why aren´t you getting better this time . please hurry up and get better "crying, she murmured to her self, she was putting her head on her sick brother´s shoulder and talking to him.

"Lisa , why is big brother not getting up, he promised we would play today " said CARP with a confused yet adorable look.

"don´t worry big bro will get better soon , but he need to rest for now "hearing that CARP had a disappointing face .

Carp was the most beautiful baby you could ever see , with his big eyes and almost radiating white skin he was famous in there village as `the angel baby´ even some of the bigger families offered to raise him but Lisa couldn't fathom to part with him .

Seeing the irresistibly cute frustrated look on his face she said "latter on, big sis is going to play with you, OK "

shunning an unsatisfied look to his sister he agreed.

to Carp his big brother was the biggest hero in the world, although others saw TY as a failure and a hindrance he idolized him to the point were he would just sit next to him, and watch him lay there as if watching a bod-ha or something.


in an other world TY was sitting in a daze for a long time before waking up,thinking he was in a dream he saw the most beautiful view his eyes ever seen, islands were floating in a vast purple sky they looked small but he knew it was just his perspective.

he could see that each one of them had its own environment and properties, some looked like blue icy rivers, others were red like hell fire, but the most intriguing were the ones that looked dark and like they were infested with hollows but in the same time they had a deep and mysterious glow about them like black pearls.

thinking he died and this was the underworld a thought came to his mind"so,these islands should represent hell and heaven, i wonder witch one ill go to"

"wait, if the blue ones are heaven and the red ones are hell , than what about those dark ones "

"thinking about it there are many blue island , less red ones and only ten black, what's the meaning of this"

curious TY started walking around trying to go near a blue island the nearest one to him, he ran and ran but for some reason whenever he lifted his gaze the distance to the island looked the same, but he didn't get tired so he kept going .

a long time passed by TY felt like he had run for two weeks, and a new type of fatigue was settling in .

he has been ill since he could remember so he was no stranger to pain, you could even say that pain to him was a normale every day thing like breathing, but this time it was different he felt like he was being suffocated by a some kind of power he never felt before .

TY had been tampered all his life witch gave him tremendous tenacity and mental fortitude so he kept going .

by normal time he guessed that he should have been running for close to four months, and the pain kept on increasing with every step he took .

"what the hell is this, i thought that when you die you get to rest with no more pain , apparently somebody just made that up"he was in so much pain that what he felt when alive was like child's play.

what freaked him out the most was the fact that he tried to stop many times but couldn't it felt like something in the back of his mind told him that he definitely couldn't stop.

pushing on all he could think about was "please make it stop".

approaching the six month mark he started to get used to running and the pain, so he freed his mind of everything not even thinking of his destination 'the island' and just kept running for the sake of it.

another six months went by in the blink of an eye , TY looked like he was in a daze not feeling anything anymore .

suddenly he got back to his senses "how long have i been running?"

"eh... i don't feel any pain, what's happening?"

looking up he saw that he only had only little way to go "what is this,when did i get so close?"

"i only have like 200 meters to go, and i can feel myself getting closer, i'm not sure what happened when i spaced out, right now i'm going the speed of a turtle but i'm moving nonetheless, i think i can get there in 15 minutes".

a year after he started running TY finally reached the island, as he stepped under the floating majestic rock a staircase materialized out of nowhere so he started ascending it.

he took the first step and a warm feeling started spreading from his under belly making its way through his body, with every step he took that feeling became better and better.

moments later he reached the last step, taking it his body started glowing with a mysterious light

"what is this, i feel like my body is changing "you could hear every single cell in his body screaming,

it wasn't a pain scream but more like a celebratory cheer after reaching a knew realm of evolution.

TY was so intoxicated by that feeling of comfort , it was a new sensation he never even imagined.

coming back to his senses he stared looking around only to notice how beautiful this place was it was like a dream land shrouded in light blue fog and chiming birds, this was exactly how he imagined heaven would be .

turning around he saw a big slab of rock erected in the middle of the greenery " what's that thing,it looks like there is some writings on it, let's go check it out"

"welcome Tuan Yang, you have been chosen for a greater purpose you'll discover as you proceed,upon reaching the initiation grounds you have been granted a primordial soul,a sanctuary and a key, be considerate in there use, touch the stone to complet the process"

"ehh ... whats the meaning of this?"perplexed by what he saw TY took a couple steps and touched the stone plate with the writings.

as he touched it he felt a powerful force coming out from under the rock, the aire stopped moving and the chimes stopped as well the the writings detached themselves from the stone as if alive,in that moment it felt like they were the only thing that's alive in the whole of the island

and the words started moving as if ants crawling through his hand along his arm and assimilated themselves on his skin as if tattoos but then they disappeared hiding under his skin .

"wooow... this feels amazing it's like i have the strength to do anything"he felt good with his new found power , but as he was celebrating the earth under him started shaking and cracks started appearing on the surface, the island was getting destroyed.

"ahhh the island is going to go down , what the hell i just got here"

this is the first chapter of my new story, i hope you like it .

the story is going to develop more than this

but i felt like this is enough for a start

feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts

i think this is the beginning of something good

killallcreators' thoughts