
Star Crossed In Time

Nova works at a world-leading company known for its cutting edge video games. She and her team have been working on a new virtual reality video game that's going to take the world by storm. One late night she steps into the device and starts it up. Before she realizes it, she's in a new world standing in front of the hottest man she's ever laid eyes on. Unfortunately for her, she thinks this is just part of the game... She reaches out and touches the man's abs... "Wow... it feels so real!" Follow Nova on her journey to surviving this new world and the crazy powerful man she "molested" Wanna talk? Find me on Discord! Blissfullrage#3336 ___________________________________ Would like to donate? Cash App $Blissfullrage I do not own the picture. All credit to the original artist.

Blissfullrage · Fantasy
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246 Chs

A Start

After a while, the other women collect several containers of water and make plans for them but Shamo and I both stand off to the side. I stare up at the huge water volcano and say "Sooo... I don't really know if this will stop..." 

Shamo chuckles and says "It's fine. It's better this way." I smile in relief and say "I'm glad. I was starting to panic." This time we both chuckle as she turns to me and says "Since you've held up your end of the bargain, I'll hold up mine." 

She turns and says "Follow me" Women were still gathering water as Shamo and I leave the courtyard. I silently follow after her and after several minutes, we come to a large wooden door with red symbols on it.

Shamo lifts her hand and places it on the door, causing the red symbols to glow as the door suddenly opens. She walks in and goes straight to a large cabinet as I look around the otherwise empty room.