
Chapter 6 Giant Warship

The mineral companies didn't need to deceive the miners.

Because they could make a big profit on their own.

The miner had to pay the cost of renting the warship and extracting the mineral. At last, the mineral company would purchase their minerals.

In this way, the ordinary miners' toil for a few days could only live a hard life.

Only when they were lucky enough to collect precious ores would their income be a little higher.

Leon carefully put away the three masses of low-level and medium-level pure energy.

He strolled on the street of the living quarter.

The mineral company would offer a considerable price for pure energy, especially for the extremely rare medium pure energy.

But Leon didn't sell it to the mineral company.

Pure energy played an important role in his plan to upgrade the system later.

Although this violated the agreement he signed with the mineral company, as long as he didn't sell the energy crystals, he wouldn't be found.

Generally speaking, the miners would be sold to the mineral companies, because the price would even be higher than the market.

Leon strolled around the living area.

He thought carefully about the way back.

After all, it had been more than 10 years.

But memories kept pouring into his mind.

He didn't get lost or even take a detour.

Leon went straight back to his home.

It seemed that a peaceful life here was the deepest memory engraved in his heart.

Leon thought.

In his previous life, he relied on the system.

He had won the respect of many miners.

And he also made a lot of money.

That was also the happiest time in his previous life.

Soon, Leon arrived at the door.

Leon entered his long-lost home.

He lay on the bed leisurely.

KD-01 was only been colonized for a few hundred years.

Only about ten million people were living on the planet.

They mainly relied on the mining industry and the metallurgical industry to survive.

The technology was relatively backward.

Except for the support of heavy industrial facilities for mining and metallurgical industry, other things were only for a basic living.

In this interstellar era, distance had become the biggest obstacle to the spread of technology and communication.

No one would spend a lot of resources to improve the living standard of the residents of such a remote industrial colony.

Especially in the feudal empire where Leon lived.

Those enfeoffed noble lords didn't need the vote of the voting.

They only needed to collect all kinds of taxes from the people in their territory.

How could they care about the quality of their lives?

According to Leon's plan.

He would set out to mining on the 1st, 10th, and 20th of each month, and his income would be around 100,000 dollars every month.

It was a rather rich income here.

Leon used to be a spirit walker.

His spirit entered the body of a baby and then became an orphan.

He grew up in an orphanage.

In his previous life, his life plan was.

Save up a sum of money and go to the farther and more prosperous planet.

He would like to buy a more powerful warship.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as he wished.

The plan of his previous life was completely unfulfilled.

Fortunately, God gave him a chance to start over.

He brought the memories and experiences of his previous life with him.

It was enough for him to fight against fate again.

He struggled to create his world.

In the following days.

Leon made a detailed plan for his future.

He didn't have much time to rest before, so he took this opportunity to sort out the plan systematically.

Soon, it was June 10th. Leon should go to the mining area again.

When he arrived at the mineral company, Leon chose a warship named Collection No. 1 as usual.

He was very satisfied with the performance of the warship.

Just as he was about to leave.

Sam, the administrator, kindly stopped him.

"Leon, last time you got a total of 978,000 dollars. We have transferred it to your star account. Check if there is anything wrong."

Leon nodded with a smile, "No problem."

"Okay, God bless you, buddy." Sam waved his hand and said goodbye.

Leon smiled and entered the cockpit of the warship.

The reason why the profit was so high this time was all because of the solid gas he had collected after collecting the pure energy.

Soon, Leon started the warship.

The air route was set.

He was about to go to the mining area.

He was lucky this time and didn't need to wait to enter.

He scanned the ores slowly, but they were all rubbish.

"I'd better go deeper. Maybe I can collect pure energy again."

Then he drove the warship to the center of the mining area.

However, when Leon was scanning an asteroid, the space around him began to fluctuate violently.

Above him, a gigantic monster that was 300 meters long and more than 60 meters wide suddenly appeared!

A giant warship!

The warship was covered in bright silver armor, and there was a huge main cannon along the axis.

The black muzzle seemed to warn the enemy.

It was full of destructive power.

There were eight small subsidiary turrets scattered on the high-speed track around the warship.

The muzzle was pointing at him.

The moment the warship appeared, it used the binding beam of light to Collection No. 1.

Leon's warship instantly lost its power.

The communication and control boards also failed.

Leon knew that it was because they had used interference particles.

But Leon didn't feel shocked.

Because this had happened in his previous life.

Just like his previous life, the warship had to hide in the asteroid belt to avoid the enemy.

It wouldn't hurt him.

But Leon still pretended to be surprised.

"My God!"

Then he put on a spacesuit and waited for the opposite to capture him.

As for resistance, come on, buddy.

The only weapon on Collection No. 1 was the pickaxe that the miners used to pray for good luck.

Could it be that he used this pickaxe to break the armor of his opponent?

Leon immediately turned off the engine and gave in.

The man didn't mean to hurt him.

Otherwise, Leon and the warship would become dust in the universe if the pagodas were fired directly.

The system gave the information of the warship automatically in his mind.

Level-E Swallow Destroyer.

Status 89%.

Growth: Low.

After a while.

The door of the warship opened.

The beam of light dragged the airship into the warship.

As the door was closed, two armed robots walked towards Collection No. 1.

Leon even recognized the model of the robot.

"Big Hammer No. Two Armed Robots. Its skin is rough and flesh is thick, and it has great strength."

But it was not the right time to talk about it.

Leon opened the cabin door and got off the ship with his hands raised high.

Two robots began to scan him to see if he carried a weapon.

Soon, a green light flashed in the eyes of the robots.

Leon breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he felt bad being stared at by such a cold and steel man.

The robots led Leon to the command cabin, which was also the bridge.

Although he had expected it, he was still stunned by the situation on the bridge.