
Star's Ships

Not much phased Bai Mei Xing. After graduating with a Master's degree in Forensic Anthropology at the age of 16, she became the youngest professor of Anthropology in the history of A University and moonlighted as a consultant for the local and national police forces. All in all, she was a highly intelligent girl with her entire future in front of her. That was until she was abducted by aliens one night while she was sipping hot chocolate by her favorite lake. Years of torture later and she was able to team up with another prisoner and take over the spaceship and enact a little revenge on the crew that held her captive. Facing a completely limitless future, Bai Mei Xing decided to forge a new path for herself. But she would live her life on her terms, even if she was facing a 7-foot warrior species that specialized in killing. Nothing would stand in her way. After all, Star's ships were meant to fly. Other Novels: Dancing With Monsters--- Ongoing Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm--- Finished Rebirth In the Apocalypse: Fight, Flight, or Freeze- Ongoing Discord: Sakura#6289 Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/CapanRmy Instagram: @devil_besideyou666

Devilbesideyou666 · Sci-fi
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291 Chs

Cute But Stabby

The two male Dryadalis gasped and took a step back in fear, as if being in the same room as me would result in a mating. I mean, it's not like I can say that it has never happened, but I think my genes would have picked better specimens.

"Don't worry, you will not be chosen," chuckled Da'kea, speaking for the first time since we entered the room.

I watched the two males in front of me looking at each other while coming up with a new plan. Was I still going to be killed for the 'betterment of all?' It would be interesting to know where they stood. Unfortunately for them, no matter what plan they came up with, I would still have a better one.

"We are not going to be put in the same situation as before," grunted Orzoth, finally making a decision. He nodded at his second, and before anyone could react, the laser blaster fired a beam toward me.