
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

"Don't you have the job site to get to?" I said looking pointedly at the door. Double rude, yes, I know, but seriously the look on Sam's face is telling me that this guy is a breath away from ripping Mr. White's man-parts off. The poor man was looking between me and Sam nervously.

Sam ignored me stepping forward offering a hand. Don't take it it's a trap! I silently urged, rolling my eyes at Sam as they shook hands. The muscle at the base of Sam's jaw by his ear was ticking as he struggled with his restraint. "Sam Stanley, Parker's brother."

Mr. White took the offered hand and I could see a small wince and I wanted to die a little. "Mr. Stanley, I am more than sure that you are very successful in being the best brother ever to Ms. Stanley." He smiled brightly and leaned closer to my brother. "You have nothing to worry about Mr. Stanley, I mean not unless you yourself are single." He said lifting a brow. "And gay."

I am not going to lie; my heart sank a little just now.

Sam visibly relaxed and shook his head smiling. "Single yes, gay no."

"Well that is a hope dasher to the whole gay community." Mr. White said with a smile letting Sam's hand go.

I couldn't help the "You're telling me." Mutter that came out as I walked to my desk dropping my things off as I waved goodbye to Sam.

Mr. White watched Sam go before turning to me with a smirk. "So, Ms. Stanley, since you and your brother share the same last name, it's safe to assume you're not married."

I laughed at the curious arch of his eye brow and subtle mischievous smirk on his lips. "No, I am not married. You would need to be able to date to do that. Don't let my aging face fool you; I am not too old to date. Yet. Largely due to my father and my five older brothers who are all just as intimidating and protective as Sam. All of which, I still live with."

Mr. White laughed hard and leaned his hands on the desk whispering conspiratorially. "Well I have a sense for these things and I could tell that he was pretty protective of you. I mean besides the fact that he walked you to work and he was giving me a look that I felt to my bones."

I blushed covering my face. "Oh, god I am so sorry, I hate that every man that comes near me has to go through that, I mean especially if you're gay."

"I am not."

I froze looking up at him confused. "Huh?"

"Well, like I said, I have a sense for these things, so I put him at ease and got you off the hook for serious embarrassment. Also, I was covering my ass so I could flirt with you and not have to worry about getting pounded by the testosterone driven protection detail you have on you."

I am pretty sure my jaw bounced off the desk. I was left with that feeling that was elated but also mildly insulted. "So, you told my brother you were gay to be able to freely hit on me?"

Mr. White smirked and gave a small shrug. "That is about right, yes."

I stood up and walked around the desk giving him a tight hug. "That is the sweetest, weirdest thing anyone has ever done to be able to hit on me!"

I pulled away as I start to hear the kids move around the school. I knew that the class will be in here soon and I don't need that gossip wild fire to start. Ms. Stanley was feeling up the new teacher. Mmmhmm, which is what will be my life.

"So, now that everything is all out there, I would like to say, it is a pleasure meeting you Ms. Stanley." He gave me a cheeky grin and shook my hand lightly.

I smiled back brightly, loving the bravery and cleverness of this man already. "Please call me Parker." I grinned, still holding his hand.

The smirk that grew on his lips made me shiver a little, damn he was good. "Only if you promise to call me Jyran, Parker."


The day went surprisingly fast and Jyran was an amazing person. He was funny and great with the children. He even laughed when I kept calling him my student aid. He was flirty and sexy and oh my god I am too old for a stupid crush. Especially on a man I have only just met today.

But fuck if I didn't bite my lip a little when he told me to have a good night. Only he could make that sound naughty and suggestive. I walked home smiling to myself

We sat in the classroom through lunch, talking about where we came from and how we grew up, funny little stories of our childhood. He was from the east coast, some huge university. I was floored, I didn't expect him to be so down to earth and modest and real. So, unlike the stuffy professors that you usually meet from the east coast.

I was staring at a whole lot of nothing, possibly planning out my wedding, when I ran into a wall. The walls name was Paxton.

"Ack, oh geeze Paxton, I am sorry, I didn't even see you there!" I said steadying myself. He was laughing picking up the books that fell out of my arms.

"Damn, Princess Stanley, you got sex on the brain?"

Thank god it was dark enough so he couldn't see my blush. "Shut up Paxton, it was a long day."

"Oh right, that new guy, right?" I nodded and smiled when he refused to give back the books he picked up and just held them for me as we walked heading back to my house. All the boys and dad were out on Thursdays, so Paxton and Jake often came over to keep me company. Which really means the boys made them baby-sit me.

"Well, yeah that too. Well that wasn't really as bad as I thought I was going to be." I said, not looking at him. He would see through me in a second and that would be the end of my brief knowing of Jyran White. "Although it was funny that Sam as going to go all cave man on him this morning, and Mr. White actually hit on Sam."

Paxton laughed hard, slapping his leg. "Oh, my god, that's fucking great!"

I smirked, knowing I was home free now. "Oh, it was, Sam actually handled it pretty well. I think he was more disappointed that he couldn't kill anyone..."

Paxton snorted throwing an arm over me pulling me into his side. "They love you; you know that."

I rolled my eyes wiggling out of his embrace walking up the steps to the front door. "They want me to die alone in this house cooking for them." I said, walking inside, knowing he would follow. He did.

"You know that isn't true." He said closing the screen door behind him. I knew it wasn't but I was feeling a little rebelly today. "They would do a lot to keep you protected in every way possible."

I walked through the house to my room dropping my things on the bed. I lifted my hair and turned my back to Paxton who I knew was still following me. This is probably something the brothers wouldn't approve of, but he was practically part of the family, so it's not like this was sexual or awkward. I mean, the man's done a tampon run for me before. "It is true, I swear to god; those men would starve if I didn't cook for them. Also, someone should tell them that there is a difference between protecting and smothering."

Paxton pulled down the zipper of my dress and I turned to make sure he turned his back before dropping the dress to the floor, he chuckled at my response. "You do know that they were around before you. They did eat then."

"TV dinners and pre-made frozen crap is not real food!" I waved my hand distractedly. "This is getting off the point." I said shoving some sweats, that I was pretty sure were Paxton's, and a tank top I stole from Shay.

Paxton turned around without being told it was okay and I glared to him. "You are bitching about being kept safe. What if you didn't have the boys? There would be scum bags throwing you compliments left and right just to get into your pants."

I pointed right at Paxton walking over to where he stood, so close my finger poked his chest. "You are just part of their little power-hungry group and I would like to think that I am smart enough not to swoon and the first compliment thrown my way."

Paxton touched my face lightly and looked into my eyes in an admiring way I have never seen before. "You're so beautiful, do you know that?" I softened and gave a small smile.

"You have to say that, you're practically my brother." I said touching my hand over his.

His hand slid to the back of my neck jerking me closer and his normal dangerous smirk appeared on his lips. "No, I am a douche bag and I just gave you a compliment and what did you do?"

I glared at him, pushing on his chest to get away, but not budging him at all. Fuck, I cannot believe I just fell for that shit, with Paxton of all people. "Let me go you dick."

He ignored my request and kept his eyes on mine. "You melted like a kitten wanting to made to purr. Princess Stanley, you are pampered with the protection and without it you would be heart broken and knocked up within six months."

My mouth dropped open and my hand twitched to smack him. "Fuck you! I am not some naive teenager out to see the world for the first time!"

"No, you are a grown ass woman who has been living a sheltered life!" he snapped letting me go and stepping back before I have the chance to hit him. "You would be heart broken and knocked up, six months, eight tops."

I narrow my eyes shaking my head. "I would bet you that you were wrong, but I could never prove that to you."

Paxton smirked getting in my space again. That was getting a little disturbing. "What if you could?"

"Don't be stupid, you know they would never let it happen, Paxton." I said still pouting over his trick. What if he could he make this happen? Oh, please let him be a magical wizard that lets me get laid for the first time ever at 25.

"I can run interference, do all the babysitting that the boys normally do so that you can get your secret relationship on with some guy. I will take the lumps if they ever find out about it." He shrugged but I could see the familiar challenge all over his face. He truly believed that I would fail gloriously at having a relationship.

I frowned further thinking this through, starting to pace the room. This was perfect! He wouldn't even need a full-time babysitting duty, but half way, seeing that everyone thinks Jyran is gay anyways. "I'll do it!"

"You wind up pregnant, you know that I am going to cut the guys dick off, right?" Paxton said warningly.

I rolled my eyes and held out my hand to shake. "My choice in a guy and my way of dating."

Paxton came forward and took my hand shaking it. "Do you have a special way of dating? Wait, do you have a guy already?!" he was shocked, but had a smile on his lips that said he was a little impressed.

"Maybe on the guy and no I don't have a special way of dating. I just mean you can't pick apart the guy and throw flaws all over the place like you do with every guy that looks at me."

"I do not, but fine, deal."

I snort dropping his hand and walk around him heading to the kitchen. Thursday is also my day to order pizza and grade the super fun papers I have from school. "What do you want on your pizza?"

"Olive and green peppers." He said automatically. We were the only ones that liked that, so it worked out. "Why do you bother asking, I always get that."

"Get me my bag from school please?" I asked with a pout, making him roll his eyes at me. "I ask because there was once a time you ordered only pepperoni." I said picking up the phone to dial the pizza place.

"Order more for you brothers too." He said, dropping the bag on the table. "I did that because I didn't know anyone else shared my secret love for veggie pizza. It's more of a guy thing to order meat on your pizza."

"Hi, can I get two green pepper and olive pizza, large. Right, and …" I look at Paxton and wave my hand around as I choose and he held up five fingers. "Five pepperoni, large." The guy sounded shocked. It must be someone new. I finished the order and with a promise of thirty minutes I hung up the phone and went to the table to start my school work. This was my life, just another Thursday. I should start vlogging. Those people make bank and my life is way more complicated than popping out 5 babies in 3 years. I am not complaining, it's just that… I am, I guess complaining.

This was a good day though. Paxton may be my ticket to that imagined marriage to Mr. White. This deal with Paxton will change everything and when it goes just fine, like I know it will, it will show my brother's that I am a grown ass woman and can handle myself. Hmm, should I be Mrs. White or keep Stanley?