
Standing on top of the worlds

Don is the ruler of the world earth, but gets betrayed by his ally, after his death he finds himself in a new world way diffrent then the one he was in before. Don sets his sights on conquering this new world and getting stronger, striking everyone agains him or even those that’s not against him all to relise his new goals.

dad_song · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The darkgreen bird

Mark and Zei walked back home, the way back home was uneventful, so when they saw their fence and hate and the spikes on it from the outside, Zei could not help but be reminded of some type of a prison, from back on earth.

As Mark opened the gates they walked back in, nothing was of the unusual, and as they got to the door of the house, Mari opened it, she kissed Zei and Mark, telling then she missed them.

"Common now Mari we have not even been out for a hole day" Mark added.

"So it dosent make me miss you less because of that, espacially my darling Zei." She then went and kissed him again.

After their renunion where done, Zei was tirerd and went to sleep, metteting people and finding new things relese hormons to your brain making you feel more active, and with the strengtening pill that strengethen you and your senses and all functions on your body, it increased the amount of hormons that Zei's brain took in, so he was sleept very fast when going into the bed.

When Zei woke up, he started training again, there was no droping it, he would not drop it, and his dad would never allow it, he has invested too much into Zei for him to just quit.

So Zei trained with all types of beast and after 3 months, he was very good with the sword, his dad did not find anything wrong with it, he was training very hard and has experienced many near death senarios, witch increase a babyes natural instincts willingly or unwillingly, and with the pill it bosted the speed of learning much more.

So now when his dad, now looking at him fighting a bird that was as big as a egle dodging it's claws and even deflecting some of it's attacks with his sword, the bird then relised it couldnt grab or harm him from being near him, even tho Zei was just 100cm he was strong and fast, and had skill with the sword. So the bird having nothing else it could do it flew up, and left his sight of vision,

This ofcourse would make the pray think they are safe and leave their guard down, so after about 1 minute, it came back from Zei's back Zei just say there waiting for his dad to end the match but he didnt.

So Zei just continued to sit there playing with his sword, as the Bird came back it looked at Zey from one of the trees outside the fence of their house, it was dark green, and had a build like a egle and as big as it, it then looked at Zei and saw he was facing the house so it flew up from the big tree, and looked at Zei from the sky, flapping its wings from his back.

Then it dived down, it looked like it was cutting though the air, so there was not much sound, it's head was at the front and it had pretty sharp teath from it's mouth that went like this < so it dived with it's front to remove sounds.

As it went down at very fast speed, Zei could pick up on the small sounds in the air because of the highten in his senses and hearing from the pill. He imedietly took hold of his sword with both his hands.

And spined around as fast as he possibly could while also slashing his sword with his spin, his eyebrows where contracted and he was focused. The bired after seeing the sword coming for it, and Zei also reacting.

It immidietly tried to halt it's assult, opening it's wings and closing it's mouth witch it just opened, however it was already too late, the sword was coming for it's neck and it's head was already leaned forward, it tried to take back it's head aswell but it already got in range of Zei's spinning movement and sword.

"KREEE" the sword connected with it's neck cutting it's neck to the bone killing it, while also sending it a bit to the right. This made it so it's head won't his Zei. So It continued to go down because of the speed, however it was much slower from when it started because it tried to halt it's speed, and trying to contract it's body back from the swords range.

So as the sword was in it's neck Zei saw it's wing coming at him. It looked like when you throw your bed sheet at someone from above. However it was a wing of a big beard instead, Zei could only think "damm-" before the wing hit him slapping him to the grownd, the bird continue to slide a little on the ground before stopping. You could then see Zei on the grownd unconscious with his nose and mouth bleeding a little.

Mark took Zei up from the ground with both his hands, "Good job my son" he then took him into the house to treat his wounds.

Of this was a normal 1,5 year old they would probably die from the blow, but Zei because of his training, and esspacialy because of the strengthening pill, only got very heavy injuries from the blow. And it's speed slowing down at the end also made a diffrence, If the bird didnt slow down, Mark himself would intervene destroying it. But he wanned Zei to also feel how it's like to experience heavy injuries.

Zei then woke up, he was on his bed laying down, both his mother and father was there looking at him, "my son" Mari then cryed and hugged Zei,

Zei was a little confused but then, the memories flashed into his mind, Mark noticed this and smiled, and his seirous expresion relaxed a bit, all worries where that Zei might not remember the fight witch would make all he just did usless.