
Stand-In Princess

Adelaide has been Princess Josephine's personal maid for as long as she remembers. Through her classes, punishments, tea parties Adelaide has always been there in the shadows of her wild lady. When Princess Josephine switches places with her to sneak out of the palace and doesn't return at the promised time, Adelaide frantically starts searching for her while trying to conceal the fact that she's missing in the first place until she finds out that the princess isn't missing but eloped with her lover. Adelaide is forced to take up the role as princess to protect her life but can an ordinary maid navigate her way through the life of a royal especially someone with a reputation as bad as Princess Josephine's? What will Adelaide do when the marriage proposal for Princess Josephine lands on her head? Can Adelaide pull it off or will she be caught in her deception? cover gotten and from pinterest all credit to the artist

cosmicality · History
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10 Chs

The Message

Adelaide draws open the bed's curtain, and after taking some time to adjust, her eyes land on the small lump nestled underneath the dark red blanket covering the bed.

A frown curls Adelaide's lips as her gaze lands on objects scattered across the blanket.

Going to sleep surrounded by all sorts of exquisite jewelery is a strange hobby Princess Josephine sometimes indulges in, and while doing this brings Princess Josephine joy and satisfaction, it fills Adelaide with nothing but dread each time she's greeted with this sight.

Jewelery capable of being used by the princess is one that's of the highest quality, but in Adelaide's eyes right now they're nothing more than beautifully decorated hazards.

If any of them should cause injury to the princess or leave even the tiniest scratch on her skin, then Adelaide would have to pay with her life because the penalty for harming a royal is an immediate death.

Irrespective of whether she placed the objects there or not.

'That's the risk of serving royalty.'

The high pay comes with harsh punishments for every mistake.

Adelaide hurriedly removes all the jewelery from the bed, and only after confirming that there's nothing harmful around her that she continues with her task of waking the princess up.

"Your Highness."


"Your Highness."


"Your Highness, Princess Josephine."

There's neither any movement nor response from the slumbering princess.

Adelaide usually leaves the princess to rest for a few more minutes while she goes to do other things when this happens, but she can't do that today. Not when she has to pass on the order of the King.

Adelaide glances at the time, seeing almost ten minutes have already passed. Waking up the princess wouldn't be so time consuming if she could shake her awake, sadly, though, calling over and over again hoping the princess will wake up –as tedious as it is- is the only method allowed, as touching the body of a royal without permission carries a punishment of its own.

At this point, other maids would start getting frustrated or even burst into tears like the one from before, but there's still no change in Adelaide's expression.

If this much could rattle her, then she wouldn't have been able to serve the princess for as long as she has; and it's precisely because she's served the princess for such a long time that she knows what to do.

Adelaide moves from the side of the bed and heads towards the window, then proceeds to call the princess again, much louder this time.

"Your Highness, Princess Josephine!"

A muffled groan finally rises from the royal lump on the bed.


Adelaide seizes the opportunity and immediately draws the curtains open, sending warm rays of sunlight flooding into the room and most importantly, the bed, which elicits another groan from the unmoving lump.

"So bright." Princess Josephine mumbles as she rolls deeper into the bed, trying to get away from the sunlight, causing thin rosy arms and long ink-black hair to spill out from the blanket.

"Your Highness, it's time to get up." Adelaide moves back to the bed, grabs a corner of the blanket, and holds on to it tightly to prevent her from hiding underneath.

"Ten more minutes." She mumbles.

Adelaide immediately refutes, "You're having breakfast with His Majesty in exactly fifteen minutes."

Princess Josephine groans again but doesn't move.

'Why is it like this every morning?'

Adelaide sighs and yanks off the entire blanket. A thin girl lies in, curled up on the bed in a light blue night gown, her black hair spread out around her, a sharp contrast to her flawless rosy skin.

Her face is small with plump rosy cheeks; long curly lashes; thin brows that are currently furrowed, and small pink lips that are twisted into a frown.

Only half of her face is visible; the rest is hidden in the depths of the pillow, but it's not hard to guess that the girl lying on the bed is a beauty.

Adelaide folds the blanket and places it on the bed far from her reach. "We don't have much time, Princess. You'll be late if you insist on sleeping any longer."

Princess Josephine finally sits up from the bed, of course, after a few minutes of groaning and rolling around.

Her hair falls softly around her like a curtain; thick, glossy, and straight. Adelaide can't help admiring the result of all her hard work over the years.

Princess Josephine runs a hand through her hair, the black locks sliding easily through her fingers before looking up at Adelaide with watery brown eyes.

Adelaide holds the sides of her dress, bows her head, and performs a flawless curtsy. "Good morning, Princess Josephine."

She yawns, "You said Father wants to have breakfast together?"

"Yes, milady. Mr. Dan came to deliver the message himself this morning."

Princess Josephine moves to the edge of the bed, her small white feet dangling from the side "Did he mention why?"

Adelaide helps her put on her slippers. "No, milady. All he said was that His Majesty wishes to have breakfast with you in the Verith Palace and he also requested that you shouldn't be late."

She purses her lips in dissatisfaction, "He makes it sound like I'm late for everything."

'You're only on time for balls and tea parties.' Adelaide thinks, but there's once again no visible change in her expression.

She yawns again, "Are there any tea party's holding today among those I was invited to?"

Adelaide only spends about two seconds thinking before giving her reply. "Yes, milady. There's one being held by Lady Rose the daughter of Count Chres by two in the afternoon and another by Lady Emilia Stiele the younger sister of Marquise Stiele at noon."

"Hmm." She rests her hand on her chin and looks at Adelaide, "Which one do you think I should attend?"

Adelaide keeps her gaze on the floor as she gives her response, "Lady Rose's party are known for being quite entertaining since she always displays things the Count gifts her from his travels, but she has little influence both in her family and in high society." She pauses to lick her lips.

"Lady Emilia on the other hand is holding a tea party for the first time since she recovered from her illness attending will be a good way to form a good relationship with the Marquise as he's someone who cherishes his sister. I think it's best to attend Lady Emilia's party, milady."

Princess Josephine smiles pink lips curling to reveal pearly white teeth, "As expected of you." She lies on her side resting her head on her elbow. "Send a letter to Lady Rose that I'll be attending her party. I'd rather see what she has to show this time than visit a sick stranger."

There's the slightest wrinkle in Adelaide's brow but it disappears as quickly as it came, "Yes, milady."

"Some letters were brought in yesterday, read through them like usual and only show me the party invitations you think I'll be interested in."

"And the rest?"

She shrugs, "Throw away the useless ones and reply to the rest as you've been doing."

"Yes, milady."

Adelaide goes to check on the door after catching a barely audible knock and sure enough when she opens the door, she sees the two maids from earlier who sigh in relief once they see it's her.

"The bath is ready?" she asks.

They nod.

Adelaide returns to the room just as Princess Josephine gets down from the bed, "Is the bath ready?"

"Yes, milady."

She smiles, "Then it's time to get ready. I'm really curious to know what Father wants."

Adelaide is curious as well. The king doesn't invite the princess to breakfast often and each time it does, it always ends in either a very good way or a very bad way.

Adelaide isn't sure what the outcome will be today, but if the news of that incident has already reached the king's ears then things most likely won't go smoothly.

what do you think about Princess Josephine? tell me in the comments.

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