
A step behind him.

What a beautiful moment when you discover how intense can a blink be at the right moment. Whether it is corresponded or only condescendant, it have given me a pleasant moment before I saw her again coming to my arms, and she reached me, I start frightening, my sight got more faded each second, my mind got faded too. Then I heard a voice in my mind yelling: "whon't dare to run away from me again, it could have been your last chance to do it... " These were the last words that I heard before to pass away and set my sould caught by a monster. Now I woke up in a new place, darker than my worst nighmare. In front of me, there is two roads weakly shining. Unconsciously, I turned away and followed the way behind of me. I kept walking for about two hours wondering: What am I doing here? Why am I here? What is this place? In the moment when I was indeed in my thoughts, my body stops and looked up. There was an enormous cave whose shape even in the dark, was still admissible , even in the dark. Fordward, there was a brunh of shapes emerging from a dark hole, I could barely see these deformed forms, as insects or modern art figures. Suddenly, a deep voice emerged from the multitude of creatures -hahaha! hey guys look at this loser! he has returned again! -What brings you here this time? I bet you don't have more memories to offer? You are just empty, but your body still managed to return to me! The voice was nasty and softly at the same time, there were more voices laughing around in a choir of agreement with the voice in behalf. Soo cute! are not you tired of failing to fix your life? be gone! your destiny is ahead of you in the other way, Just give up! his soul is not worthy to be saved and your soul its faded enough to almost disappear by itself. -What is he talking about? Why I cannot feel fear? Why in a stranger way I feel like familiar with his voice?

My tears started to pour by themselves, -why am I crying? -oh man! don't cry, I kept my promise to give you more chances as were possible, but now Its time for my retribution. As we accorded, you will return one more time to get rid of him. -You will reborn one more time but with the destiny of an assassing. In this way you will lose your humanity, your temper, and as we agreed: your soul.

Something emerged from my skin, burning like hell. My tears got dissipated, my skin got rashes and my soul emerged from my damaged body, the sad part is: I could not feel anything. My body fell apart and I got suspended in the air - it's your turn buddy, - one of the figures took a more clear shape. It was like a giant fly, with gold eyes and nasty jaws. I could see the whole process. This creature placed his jaws on its hips and extracted two wings. From now on! mercy is only a sign of weakness, behold my child you were born to fad completely in this dimension. From the wings emerged