
Stalker with the putishestinik system

This is a story about a stalker who travels through the multiverse and worlds. I do not own the Works, games, movies, etc. used in fan fiction. [Chapters will be published at different times] [English is not my native language], [I apologize for spelling mistakes]. Have a nice reading for everyone.

XMorganX · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1 Death

The darkness was all I saw after my death. I didn't feel, didn't hear, and didn't move, I think I don't have a body at all. Somehow I did not expect that everything would end like this, to die at the age of seventeen, falling into an open sewer manhole, walking home from the store, listening to music and not noticing the problem that led to my demise.

To tell the truth, I was scared.

There was a deep darkness, silence and complete loneliness around. I can't even move, I'm completely immobilized and helpless... It's scary to be here forever.

I'm a little worried about my family, but I think they will somehow cope with this.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a holographic blue screen with the inscription appeared in front of me.

System loading is complete]

[You are welcomed by the "Putishestinik" system, which allows users to travel through worlds and multiverse. Do you want to look at the unlocked features?]

It was somehow unexpected... The system is the same as in the fan fiction that he read on the sites. Although, perhaps, I should have expected this, for some reason I thought even after my death? Which shouldn't have been possible, but it somehow happened.

Mentally agreeing with the system, a number of system functions appeared in front of me.


* Tasks

• Relationships

• Map

• Inventory

• Personal space

Other features can be unlocked when completing quests].

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked the system.

[Of course]

Is there a store among the blocked functions?" I asked about one of the functions of the system that could make my life easier.

[He is missing]

I mentally sighed, this was also to be expected, because the main function is still travel, the name of the system speaks for itself.

Okay, what about personal space?"

[It's quite simple, it's a non-residential space where you can relax after moving from world to world, like a personal room for people.

Warning! Being in the world, you can't get into this space.]

"Well, I'll know," I thought to myself.

[Having finished asking questions, are you ready to start your journey?]


Having said that, a list appeared in front of me in the likeness: games, books, anime, etc.

After a little thought, I chose games.

Then there was a huge list of games, known and unknown to me. I need to choose the game that is most familiar to me, where I could harden myself, become tougher to the world around me, preparing for future difficulties.

I suddenly came up with one game that I'm most familiar with, and that's "S. T. A. L. K. E. R.". I played this game when I was still young. Well, I'm still playing, I completely passed the trilogy of the game "Shadow of Chernobyl", "Clear Sky" and "Call of Pripyat", I even passed many times and passed many mods, I'm still a fan of this game.

The question is, what kind of game is this? The game takes place in the "Chernobyl exclusion Zone", where the player will become a stalker-hunter for "artifacts", studying the anomalous energy of the Zone. Anomalies are small areas of the Zone in which the physical laws familiar to a person are seriously changing.

Anomalies generate artifacts — various types of objects with unique properties, which are hunted by stalkers.

There are also mutants in the zone, former animals that have mutated due to a large amount of rodiation.

[Do you want to start your journey?]

the system asked.


There are difficulty levels: easy, stalker, experienced, veteran, master.

After selecting " stalker ", I disconnected.


This chapter will be edited in the future.