
Chapter 7 - James


"James wake up"

I felt someone pushing me, then the next thing I know, I'm on the floor.

"Ey, what was that for you...urgh" I said groggily.

"You slept on the chair and table James, and I called your name twice and you were still sleeping. I mean, what do you expect?" Chris managed to say in-between his laughs.

I looked around and noticed I was still in the kitchen. Oh, I guess I did fall asleep then. Then I remembered - the letter.

I shot up and looked on the table.

There was a yellow post it note, but no letter. Wait, did I just dream all that? No.. No way..

I picked up the post it note and read it-

  You think it's that easy to get hold of someone's secrets? Well you're wrong. Xoxo - Stalker

"Chris! Where's the letter?"  I shouted through to him since he was now in the living room.

"On the table James, like when you fell asleep." he shouted back.

I angrily stomped into the living room and showed him the note. Chris eyes widened and he jumped up and ran to the kitchen to check the letter was definitely not there.

I know it wasn't Chris, who took it. I know his handwriting, and on the post it note it's definitely not his.

"Have you stayed the night?"

"Yes, you fell asleep and..." Chris trailed off into his thoughts and looked like the realisation hit him.


"And then I ran down to get pizza and chips from Erin's 24/7, and I... I left the door unlocked..."

"So you think someone could have come in and took it then?" I asked understanding what he just put together.

"Yes." he whispered. "Look James! I'm so sorry, I had no clue that someone would come in like that and take that letter. I always leave the door unlocked when I go Erin's."

"It's okay. But what now?" I said more to myself.

We sat down and ate Chris made pancakes for breakfast. This is his way of saying how sorry he is, but I'm not mad at him. I'm mad at whoever took that letter, but I'm also mad at myself because I never read the letter. Once again, I was too late. I guess I'll never learn from my mistakes.

"Do you have any idea who this person could be?" Chris asked after a moment of silence.

"I honestly have no clue."

That's because I don't. I don't know who took that letter. I don't know what to do now. I can't go back to Jody, she won't say anything.

Stalker? Who would be a stalker tho?

Maybe I could go and speak to Georgia! They were best friends. I'm sure she knows at least something. Maybe something about this stalker.

Once again the psycho I am, I logged into the school system and looked up Georgia. I found her address, then got in the car and left. Chris left not long before that, had a date or something.

Pulling up to Arkles Avenue, I see number 6, straight away. I make a stop and look at the house. It's was a terraced house, walls gone over the grey in blood red. I opened a little gate, and walked up the path leading to the door. Two small steps, then I was at the door, and saw a bell, so I rang it.

The door took no longer than thirty seconds to open, and I was faced with tired looking Georgia Kins.

Georgia was the typical popular girl. Unlike Ali, she had to wear make up to look pretty. No offence, but in my opinion, without make up, she is not attractive.

Today, I was faced with a Georgia I have never seen once, through this past year-

Her dyed blonde hair looked greasy and a mess, her eyes bloodshot like she had no sleep for days. Her cheeks puffy and red, no trace of make up whatsoever. She wore a tshirt twice her size, and old black leggings hung on her.

"Mr Woods? What are you doing here?"  Georgia looked at me confused.

"Er..hi.. I was wondering if I could talk to you about something and see how you're holding up. May I come in?"

She looked at me up and down confused, put eventually opened the door wider so I could get through.

I waited patiently until she locked the door, then she led me into her kitchen and gestured me to take a seat.

We both took seats, and I looked at her, but she was looking anywhere but at me. Avoiding eye contact.

"Well firstly, please call me James. Mr Woods is formal, but we're not in school so there's no need." 

I waited for her reply to make sure she heard me. She gave me a quick nod.

"So.. Well.. Ugh how do I say this without sounding like a total creep..." Oh God, I should've planned out what I was gonna say.. "Georgia, I'd like to talk about Alicia. I'd like to know why she did what she did. And I need your help." Then I told her how I loved Alicia from the start, Jody, the letter, the so called stalker and that I don't know what to do next.

By the time I have finished with my little story, Georgia was staring at me, mixed emotions on her face. Shock, confusion, sympathy and understanding. I kept quiet, leaving time for her to comprehend what I've just said.

"You loved her?" She mumbled, tears forming in her eyes "You went to see Miss Hill, you came to see me.... You did all that for her.. Because you want to know why she would end it."


"She loved you too." Georgia whispered "That's one of the reasons why she ended it"

I stared at her wide eyed. No, not because of me. Wait she loved me? She loved me back! But then, it doesn't matter now..


Since the first day, Alicia stayed behind every day after school, except Tuesdays. We talked for a whole hour, made jokes, laughed etc.

God her laugh.. Its so angelic.

The more I speak to her, the more I get to know about her, the more I fall inlove with her.

And today, was the day I decided to make a move on her. If she likes me back, I'll obviously be the happiest person, teacher or not. If she doesn't like me that way.. I guess that's bad luck, although I hope we can stay friends. Without going back into teacher and student formalities. She already calls me James, and I do not want that to change.. But will she like me??

I heard two soft knocks on the door, then the beauty who has been on my mind all day flew in so delicately, and took her usual seat.

This is it James. You better do good.

*End of flashback*