
Stalemate (BL Novel)

(Audiobook available in Youtube channel: Kei Abordo) Youjin and Keita met when Keita and his girlfriend broke up, and instantly they became bestfriends. They have a pretty normal friendship until Keita started holding Youjin's hand. From simple hand holding, Keita begun doing more a friend wouldn't normally do. Keita never says anything about it and that left Youjin confused. Even more that Youjin is falling in love with him. But Youjin decided to stay in their stalemate relationship than lose Keita and their friendship. CONTENTS: - Main Story : Ch1 - Ch7 - Extra & Mini Chapters: Available on 'Stalemate Series Extra Chapters' Book STALEMATE SERIES: #1 Stalemate #2 Checkmate #3 King's Gambit #4 Stalemate Series Extra Chapters *** ( THIS IS A BOY X BOY STORY SO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!) Language : English Demographic : Yaoi Genre : Romance, Drama, Angst

KeiAbordo · Realistic
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10 Chs

stalemate 005.5

<< keita >>

THE NIGHT WAS UNUSUALLY CHILLY, but it's tolerable. I watched Youjin as he walked –his body shivering, his ears and nose were bright red from the cold. I am wondering why he wasn't wearing a cardigan when he always— always – wears it.

"Youjin, are you okay?" I took a step closer to see Youjin's face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit cold."

I clenched my fists inside my jacket pockets – they're a little warm, as I stared at his face. "It's really cold tonight. Look at your nose, it's bright red."

"Really?" He consciously touched his nose.

"You're not just 'a bit' cold. Liar!" I blurted out. This guy…

He suddenly started laughing. "You got me. I easily get cold but I'm fine. Really."

His forced smile – with his pale lips as they quietly shiver – made me feel uneasy. I felt a sudden urge inside of me of something I know I'm not supposed to feel. I tried to fight it. So bad. I clenched my fists tighter, trying hard to hold back. Maybe it could help. But it didn't.

I pulled my right hand out from my jacket's pocket and reached out for Youjin's face. I could see that he was caught off guard by my sudden action, even myself doesn't really understand why I am doing this either. All I know is that I wanted to touch him so bad. And if I won't do it now, I probably won't be able to do it again.

I lightly brushed my fingers across his cheeks. But even from that light touch I could feel his cold skin. This is not enough.

I want to hold his hands.

And him in my arms…

This sounds crazy.

I'm a guy the same as Youjin, it isn't normal for me to feel this way. It isn't normal for a guy to crave to touch his guy friend.

I took my hand off his face then I reached for his hand instead.

His eyes widened. I was preparing myself for him to take it from my soft grasp. I was waiting for him to get furious or yell at me or ask me why I'm doing this. But I'm scared because I don't know what to answer. I helplessly prayed he wouldn't ask and he would let me hold him.

But all my thoughts flew off when I felt Youjin entwined his fingers with mine. He couldn't meet my eyes and his cheeks seemed to be redder than before. I am too but more than that I am overwhelmed by this indescribable state of euphoria I am in right at this very moment.

I chuckled to hide my embarrassment. "Man, you're freezing." He just smiled at me with his ever gentle and sweet smile.

I squeezed his hand gently and it made me smile when he gently squeezed my hand too.


EVER SINCE THAT NIGHT, MY HANDS WOULD NATURALLY REACH TO YOUJIN EVERY TIME HE'S CLOSE TO ME. I would always – always – find a way just so I could hold his hand, even hiding it from our friends. Until days… weeks passed and this feeling grew wanting more…

And I'm starting to question myself more.


Why do I want to touch Youjin so badly?

Why do I even feel this way?

I stepped on the point of no return the night Youjin and I slept over at Eisuke's apartment. Youjin and I were both a bit drunk and we were lying next to each other. It was dark in the room and I could feel Youjin's warmth. I got up to look at Youjin, his eyes were closed and he looked like he's about to fall asleep. Then my eyes traced down stopping on his lips.

Why am I noticing this just now? He got lips one would love to kiss.

I brought my hand to gently touch his face, it made him open his eyes in surprise. Seeing him looking back at me made my chest twitch.

I wonder what it feels like to kiss him? I want to kiss him…

But, what will happen after I do that?

I leaned closer, our noses almost touching, we could smell each other's breath. Youjin's face shows the expression as if he has a clue what I wanna do next.

"Please. Don't Ask." I said.

The moment our lips touched all my thoughts vanished. In that instant, I totally lost control of myself. It started with a shy gentle kiss. I felt relieved that he's returning my kiss. Then it didn't feel enough that I began kissing him deeper, hungrier.

His lips, his tongue, his kiss… his body… I want to own everything about him.

Then I found my hand underneath his shirt, rubbing all over his chest. They're nothing close to a woman's but I can't stop myself. This made him moan against my mouth. And before I knew it, I already had a hard on. I felt Youjin touch my crotch and it brought me back to reality.

I pulled myself away from Youjin and from that short distance between us, despite the darkness, I saw disappointment plastered on his face. There's nothing I could do but to look away. I'm scared he'll ask why I'm doing this to him. I don't have any answer for that… yet.

"I'll take care of this." I said as I ran to the bathroom.


I hope you enjoyed this mini chapter from keita's POV :)))

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