
Stage of oddities

Act 0 — A manipulative act (Prologue) --------------------------- Noel, preoccupied with personal concerns, finds himself relatively at ease in the urban environment of Nanome. Like many, he is aware of the lurking dangers of the world. In Nanome, a country considered the safest on the continent for its inhabitants, the supernatural is acknowledged but remains a marginal concern in the public eye, with its existence even doubted by skeptics. For Noel and many others, the supernatural has always been a distant, irrelevant concept. However, this perception shifts abruptly on the day he visits a shopping center. Unbeknownst to those present, an imminent disaster is about to strike, similar to a hurricane emerging on a sunny day, unexpectedly. In just under two hours, their lives will be diminished to nothing more than fragile threads, easily broken. --------------------------- Note --------------------------- - Immerse yourself in chapters ranging from 1500 to 4000 words, and occasionally beyond, as the chapter demands a satisfying conclusion. - Discover the clues hidden in each chapter, leading you closer to the truth. - Explore a meticulously crafted power system that governs this story. - Delve into a narrative that blends grim themes with a touch of humor. I welcome constructive comments that can help me improve specific areas of my writing.

UncoverTheStory · Action
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9 Chs

Prelude: The Scenery of Nanome and the Beginning of a Twisted Game

'Calm down, Noel.' A young man thought to himself. 'These events happened a long time ago.'

He sat within a subway train compartment. Fidgeting in his seat, his gaze darted around, observing his immediate surroundings while avoiding eye contact with anyone, just in case.

The passengers near Noel immersed themselves in their digital worlds. Their attention glued to their mobile phones or other portable devices. He felt a temporary sense of invisibility that slightly eased his tension.

Despite the distraction of the digital world, Noel couldn't suppress a lingering unease at the sight of them. Would they start staring at him?

'Stop it!' Noel mumbled, glancing at a window to distance himself from his worries. The fast-moving underground scenery outside was his only indication of movement, as the near-soundproof train with its steady speed felt no different from being still.

In Nanome, residents primarily relied on the sophisticated network of automatic underground trains and tramways for transportation. Capable of reaching speeds up to 1350 km/h, the train network spanned the entire country with departures every twenty to thirty minutes. A tramway system serviced each city, operating at more frequent intervals of two to five minutes and capable of speeds up to 600 km/h.

This efficient infrastructure enabled travelers to cross the country in a single day. However, stringent security measures were in place. People couldn't simply board an essential component of Nanome's transport system, they had to undergo a quick but proper process first.

An announcement indicating the train's arrival echoed through the compartments.

'Less than five minutes?! The journey flies by faster than it used to.'

Noel disembarked from the train at Cotiny's underground station. He proceeded down the only available exit route, a corridor designed to ensure all passengers passed through the gate detection system.

No alarm sounded, signaling that Noel possessed either a valid ticket or a subscription. Also, if he carried something dangerous, authorities would quickly apprehend him. The system balanced leniency and strictness, minimizing false positives, yet was robust enough to prevent accidents in most cases. …however, human imagination knows no bounds. For instance, a terrorist group recently managed to create a bomb from non-hazardous objects on a train.

Noel pondered. 'These scans… do they detect if—'

The young man shook his head, pushing away the thoughts. 'That hellish month won't happen again. Stop dwelling on it!'

He quickened his pace and stepped into a lift with a few other people. A soothing, repetitive tune began to play as the doors shut, he lost himself in the melody. In that moment, two ghostly figures appeared before him.

'…My parents were with me last time—' Shaking his head once again, he dismissed the recollection as the figures vanished. 'No need to think about that too. The past won't change.'

'My only choices are moving forward …or killing myself.' He shook his head, then looked around in the small space going up. Teenagers, adults, children, elderly people — nothing unusual. Though being in such close quarters with strangers did bother him, it was maybe an occasion to be close to someone.

'On second thoughts, it sounds creepy.' He shook his head. 'And I should stop shaking my head so frequently…'

Even without looking back, he felt the weight of stares bore into the back of his head. Fortunately, the lift finally stopped. As soon as the doors opened, he exited the elevator as if it were about to explode. Soon, sunray touched his skin and he squinted his eyes.

After some instants, he slowed and looked around while walking. His eyes swept across the once-familiar landscape of the city, now nearly unrecognizable. Each glance collided with foreignness, shattering his decade-old memories like fragile glass under the weight of relentless change.

Noel took a deep breath; air filled his lung. 'The air… is clean.'

Urban life in Nanome, characterized by a unique and complex web of technological progress, showed uneven distribution of advancements across the country. This created a landscape where cutting-edge innovations coexisted with areas seemingly unaffected by the rapid pace of technological change. In Cotiny, the distribution of technology was uniform, showcasing the pinnacle of Nanome's advancements, befitting its status as the capital of the country.

Noel's gaze instinctively moved upwards, tracing the lively dance of drones against the skyline, emitting barely audible sounds despite their astronomical numbers. These drones varied in purpose, some for news reporting, some for delivery, and some under government control. Everywhere he looked, drones filled the sunny sky, leaving no view unoccupied and moving masses of shadow across the city.

As he lowered his gaze, he noted another change.

'I never imagined a day when I would see so few cars on the road during a busy hour.' Noel thought as he finished observing his surroundings.

'…So what do I do next?' Noel felt a wave of uncertainty. His room, once a sanctuary, now felt like a cage. He knew he couldn't forever avoid the world outside, no matter how daunting it seemed. Confronting his fear of crowds, of engaging with others, seemed a necessary step, albeit a frightening one.

The ten-year-old event made him lose trust in having any deep relationships but he couldn't ignore that he was human, a social creature. At the very least, he felt a real need for occasional genuine conversations with people in real life once in a while.

As he scrolled through forum after forum, Noel felt a growing sense of emptiness. Initially, these online spaces were fulfilling, perhaps even a source of happiness. But over time, he realized they were stagnant pools, where users circled endlessly in their comfort zones, reluctant to evolve. This realization hit him hard; he didn't want to be trapped in that loop, happy with stagnation like before. Although these forums had, in some way, satisfied his need for connection over the years, Noel now found himself weary of their repetitive and unchanging nature.

'This isn't difficult. Just have a conversation Noel!'

Where could he go first?

'Why not—' His stomach rumbling interrupted him. '…Why not fast food or a restaurant?'

He was walking aimlessly to avoid getting any attention on himself by standing still. Then, he paused before an electronic panel, its screen displaying a simplistic, smiling face, "(•‿•)".

The panel suddenly chirped in a cheerful tone.

(◉‿◉)/ : "Hi! I'm P.E.P.P.Y.! What would you like to know? I can help!"

The screen's face shifted to a larger, more animated expression to emphasize its readiness to assist. On the bottom edge, the panel displayed a transcription with a keyboard in case Noel was deaf or mute.

"E-Er." Noel stammered, surprised not only by the flawless, natural-sounding female voice but also by the accompanying animated face. He remembered seeing such animations online but had dismissed them as fabrications. In retrospect, relying on online forums over official news sources might have been more than just foolish, considering he could (and indeed, already did) place his trust in, or dismiss the wrong information.

He barely registered surprise at the innovation, given his enthusiasm for technological advances and stylish changes. However, it momentarily disrupted his train of thought. His infrequent speaking made him susceptible to having his planned words thrown off by any unexpected element.

Noticing his hesitation, the panel's face morphed into a concerned expression.

(ಠ︵ಠ) : "Are you alright, sir? Do you need assistance?"

The machine's tone became serious with its next comment.

(¬_¬) : "Checking the database for escaped mental patients…"

This sudden comment startled Noel, triggering a memory from a distant event in his past.

"Crazy…" Noel muttered, his fists clenching as a wave of intense anger and terror surged within him.

(ಠ︵ಠ) : "…Are you all right?"

Soon, he reminded himself, 'Take it easy Noel! You know it's a programmed joke made when someone takes time to answer.'

He focused on steadying his breathing.

"Y-Yes!" Still struggling, Noel finally managed to say. "W-Where is the nearest chEAp facility wheeere I can… c-cAN… eat?!"

A map appeared on the screen, displaying his current location and the position of a nearby establishment that was a hybrid between fast food and a restaurant. At the bottom of the screen, the face provided directions, accompanied by a text transcription.

(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ : "Just turn right and then…"

The panel continued, listing detailed directions in a cheerful tone. Of course, Noel could use his phone but he felt intrigued by these panels that were introduced when he isolated himself. Although artificial intelligence had developed significantly, it was still far from actual consciousness; nonetheless, it became a significant boost to the country's productivity.

Noel turned as he began to leave, the female artificial voice sounded.

(^▽^) : "However, Solaris Plaza is also an option to consider, as it offers a variety of restaurants and the convenience of nearby stores for any shopping needs… like new clothes. While this isn't the closest option, covering 50 kilometers take only 5 minutes on a tramway."

"I-I see." Noel nodded, then left after he learned the new itinerary.

'I stutter to talk to a machine… Never mind, even if I don't talk to someone, a change of scenery is more than good for me.'


A few hours passed, sunset came, and with it, darkness fell upon Nanome.

After eating pork-chicken in a randomly chosen restaurant, Noel wandered aimlessly through the vast expanse of Solaris Plaza, the country's biggest shopping center consisting of eight connected buildings whose layout formed an S-shape.

Despite Solaris Plaza's capacity to host a bustling crowd of twenty thousand, only about five hundred people roamed its vast expanse. The rise of efficient, affordable drone delivery services had revolutionized shopping habits, dramatically reducing the necessity for in-person store visits. Numerous businesses had embraced this shift, either offering their own delivery services or subscribing to existing ones. Consequently, the sparse crowd in Solaris Plaza primarily consisted of individuals seeking non-shopping experiences. They flocked to various facilities such as the cinema, gym, restaurants, and game corner. Some visitors still opted to purchase items in person for personal reasons, while others simply strolled through the expansive complex.

Apart from a few technological improvements in the stores and interactive panels at every corner, Solaris Plaza retained a familiar atmosphere, similar to the shopping center engraved in Noel's memories.

He slowed down in his steps; a store windows display caught his eye: 'Create tailor-made attire with our clothing printer — only 2000 Mononyne!'

'That cheap?' Mononyne, commonly referred to as Myne, was the primary currency on the continent. Crafted from a metal of remarkable durability, its very fabrication implied the only hint of its potential breakability. In Nanome, people conducted the majority, if not all, transactions digitally, rendering physical Mononyne a rarity, mostly held by banks.

Within Nanome's economic framework, a transaction of 2000 Myne held low weight, and it was not financially devastating for the average individual and household, though it might present a modest financial burden for some.

Therefore, 2000 Myne for the service of a personalized clothing printer, which boasted the ability to produce an array of clothing using endless materials (a marketing catchphrase, realistically meaning within reasonable limits), was cheap for what the printer offered (clothing that would actually last over time instead of succumbing to programmed obsolescence). Not that many would use it, since most would only follow brand or cheaper options.

Noel glanced down at his current outfit, comprising a tight-fitting brown shirt and ill-fitting blue jeans. His shoes, too, were causing discomfort due to their lack of fit, an issue he had been neglecting since stepping outside.

No wonder the strange looks he received on the way and the strange comment of Peppy; at least he felt less frightened than a few hours ago.

He sighed deeply, ready to move on, when suddenly the entire plaza began to tremble. The young man nearly lost his balance before the shaking ceased as abruptly as it began, making him fall on the ground.

'This place is boring. Why not play a game?' a thought surfaced in his mind as he stood up.

 'That sounded like me…' His heart raced. 'But I didn't think of it!'

Confusion swept over him, followed by a chilling realization: was he losing his grip on reality? Were they right all along?

Nearby, he heard a passerby exclaim while gripping his head. "I'm going crazy! Do I have another personality?!"

Noel observed the people around him, as quickly as it had changed, his countenance reverted to its normal state. 'I'm not losing it. But something is happening!'

'For those wondering, you are not dreaming.' The voice said, offering no further explanation, and continued, 'Look at a nearby panel.'

Noel's eyes quickly spotted a panel, prompting him to approach it. The screen displayed a simple form resembling an online registration page. However, rather than demanding extensive details, it only required a name, family name, and a picture (each panel featured an integrated camera).

'The first step is to register. You have ten minutes. Those who can't fulfill this task will receive a punishment. This isn't rocket science, just a simple task. Nobody should fail this.'

For a brief moment, no one moved.

'Okay, let's do what the voice in my head say! …I'm out!' Noel rushed to the nearest exit, all over the Plaza many had the same idea. Fortunately, his corner was less populated, so few obstructions were present on his path.

He was the third to arrive near an emergency exit.

The woman cried. "What are you doing?! Use your strength and open the damn door!!"

"I try! It won't budge!" The first being a burly man said as he gripped the door handle, his muscles becoming more and more accentuated.

'Maybe someone locked the exit by accident it sees little use in the first place …kind of dumb if it's the case!' Annoyed, Noel rushed to the nearest normal exit encountering more obstruction on his path.

Chaos and incomprehension filled the center. Heavy foot traffic flowed through all the buildings like a raging river, threatening to sweep him away. The cacophony of voices, supported by echoes of the foots hitting the ground, assaulted his ears.

One thing was clear; his current fear of the unknown could not overcome his fear of the people. Yet, his heart still pounded as he forced his way through… making contact with people.

As he arrived near the exit, he heard, "If the automatic doors won't open then we smash their windows! Screw the fines!"

A group of people quickly gathered around, grabbing a nearby metal bench to use as a makeshift battering ram to break the doors' windows. After a few dozen tries, they froze like Noel and the rest of the spectators who noticed before them. The windows refused to break! Could glass withstand such force? Not a single crack appeared! The impacts barely made a sound despite the force used.

In addition, they were so eager to leave that they failed to notice a detail beforehand.

"…why is it pitch dark outside?"

Peering through the glass, they could only see the utter blackness stretching out before them. It was as if the world outside didn't exist in the first place.

'One minute remaining.' The words dripped with a chilling eagerness, fully shattering the illusion that they could leave the place.

'I'm not going to find out through experience what the punishment is!' Fortunately, Noel spotted a panel right behind him. He quickly typed in his full name, then barely remained motionless as the panel captured his photo, completing his registration. Suddenly, he felt a forceful yank on his shoulder, sending him to the ground. Another person, also desperate to avoid the ominous punishment, had shoved past him.

Full panic broke out everywhere as people shoved and pushed one another in their frantic attempts to complete the registration process.

'The countdown is down.' The panel's screen suddenly turned black and chaos quickly quieted.

Despite having five panels within easy reach, only seventeen of the hundred people near Noel managed to register in time. The chaos hindered what could have been forty to eighty registrations.

Noel found a quiet corner to sit, away from the panels, as he waited for the pain from his fall to subside. He tried to organize his thoughts. Now, the emotion that dominated him wasn't fear, but a profound sense of confusion. He had no option but to wait for further instructions from the voice, HIS VOICE!

Noel, like most Nanome residents, knew about the existence of the Supernatural. In a country overflowing with communication, concealing such a fact proved impossible, yet specific activities remained shrouded in secrecy despite occasional leaks. However, this knowledge did little to alleviate his confusion.

• Why did this unfold here and now?

• What was the true nature of this game?

• What consequences awaited those who failed to register?

• Could this be a hidden camera show with a supernatural accomplice?

• If a panel hadn't been nearby, would he have also acted desperately to register?

The answer to the last question seemed an obvious yes, but the other questions consumed his thoughts.

Simultaneously, his gaze locked onto everyone he could see. Of course, he couldn't know with certainty who had registered or not, but some expressions they harbored gave it away. He focused on those he knew for sure hadn't registered. 'So… what is the punishment?'

A faint trace of excitement flickered within Noel before reality crashed back, replacing it with fear and worry.

As if a glitch in the matrix of the universe itself, more than 80 people blinked out of existence before Noel's eyes, vanishing from the world without a single frame of transition.

'The punishment period is over.' The voice echoed.

"WHAT PUNISHMENT?!" Incomprehension surged among the registered throughout the shopping center.

'Let's begin the fun part!' The voice sounded even more ominous than before.

The panels sprang to life, displaying everyone remaining with their faces, names, and varying point totals.

'First place goes to Leila Bennett, the fastest to register after just ten seconds from the start. The loser, however…' The list of registered users, exceeding fifty participants, scrolled from top to bottom. 'Calum Bornlos, one second before the end. You kinda suck. However, your role will prove crucial in the next game.'

Panic and anger erupted at the mention of a game. Some people shoved and pushed, desperately trying to locate the source of the voice, refusing to believe it originated in their heads. Others frantically pulled out their devices, only to discover all networks unavailable.

Frantic cries echoed through the plaza:

"What the hell do you think you're doing? The Supernatural Collective will get you!"

"Where did the others go? How did they disappear?"

"Why can't we connect to any networks?!"

"Let us go!"

"We demand answers!"

Noel felt their anger but restrained himself, wary of antagonizing a mysterious force capable of communicating directly inside their heads and making people vanish. Regardless of the danger, he wouldn't shout in the first place, and not everyone shouted — only a noisy minority.

The voice ignored the growing protests and continued its announcement:

'Let's play a game called 'I really don't want to be eaten'.'

'You start with points based on your registration order. Your goal: accumulate enough points to avoid the last place.'

'You are all currently survivors. However, the only way to gain more points is to take the life of another survivor. Each kill earns you the victim's points.'

'Every two minutes, the Eaters will hunt down and devour the ones in last place. They are unstoppable, so don't even try. When not tracking their prey, they will remain motionless.'

'The top 10 by the end of the game will receive power and immortality. The rest will receive a participation trophy… just kidding, you get nothing!'

'Any questions?'

Like before, no one moved, but this time, most faces contorted into annoyed frowns.

"OF COURSE WE HAVE QUESTIONS!" Not everyone spoke these exact words, but this response represented the collective sentiment.

"What did it just say?"



"Stop messing around and let us go!"

'…No, I'm not dreaming, I'm too conscious to consider that.' Noel sweated as he moved to a blind spot. Despite the current crisis, his discomfort with being watched remained. To proceed with what might happen next, maintaining a stable mental state, even in small ways, was crucial.

'Too bad, I was also kidding. Let the game begin!'

As if reality itself had glitched once more, the eighty or so individuals who had vanished from Noel's sight reappeared, their forms blinking back into existence as suddenly as they had disappeared. The same unsettling scene played out throughout the center, like a corrupted video feed skipping frames. They all stood motionless, their expressions vacant and lifeless, yet their stillness radiated something profoundly unnatural. It was as if they were marionettes suspended by invisible strings, their limbs frozen in unnatural positions, awaiting the puppeteer's command to spring into action. The air around them vibrated with an eerie, palpable wrongness, as though their reappearance had distorted the very fabric of space and time.

As the realization dawned on Noel, he instinctively retreated a step, forgetting how to breathe, his mind reeling from the implications. 'They are the eaters… Humans are the eaters… What twisted game is this supernatural playing?!'

This should be my umpteenth rewrite. This time, it's the last time, and I'm going to concentrate more on going beyond the first 9 chapters. For those who have read the last version, there have been a few changes. If you ask me, I can list them, but I really recommend you reread it.

What do you think of this first chapter?

UncoverTheStorycreators' thoughts