
Stage of oddities

Act 0 — A manipulative act (Prologue) --------------------------- Noel, preoccupied with personal concerns, finds himself relatively at ease in the urban environment of Nanome. Like many, he is aware of the lurking dangers of the world. In Nanome, a country considered the safest on the continent for its inhabitants, the supernatural is acknowledged but remains a marginal concern in the public eye, with its existence even doubted by skeptics. For Noel and many others, the supernatural has always been a distant, irrelevant concept. However, this perception shifts abruptly on the day he visits a shopping center. Unbeknownst to those present, an imminent disaster is about to strike, similar to a hurricane emerging on a sunny day, unexpectedly. In just under two hours, their lives will be diminished to nothing more than fragile threads, easily broken. --------------------------- Note --------------------------- - Immerse yourself in chapters ranging from 1500 to 4000 words, and occasionally beyond, as the chapter demands a satisfying conclusion. - Discover the clues hidden in each chapter, leading you closer to the truth. - Explore a meticulously crafted power system that governs this story. - Delve into a narrative that blends grim themes with a touch of humor. I welcome constructive comments that can help me improve specific areas of my writing.

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Interlude: Events Chronicle

A few days later

Incident report (Confidential version)


Incident Type: Supernatural Terrorist Attack / Mass Abduction

Date: October 13, 3024

Location: Solaris Plaza, major shopping center in Cotiny

Main incident summary:

On the late afternoon and evening of October 13 3024, a group of children reported to a nearby police station that their friend had gone missing during a game of hide-and-seek. Initially not taken seriously, an inspector with time to spare decided to investigate. The children led him to their play area near Solaris Plaza. Upon arrival, the inspector noticed several witnesses outside the plaza who reported that they could not enter and that those who had entered had not exited. The glass doors showed only darkness inside.

The inspector found the glass unbreakable despite attempts to break it. He then called his station, which had already received similar reports, confirming the severity of the situation. It was estimated that approximately five hundred people were inside the buildings.

The Supernatural Collective of Nanome was alerted. One of their members codenamed Dwarf, who is also a police consultant, was among the first to arrive, soon followed by another one. They were attacked by hundreds of drones, leading to a call for additional backup from the Supernatural Collective and the police.

At 21:24, the supernaturals managed to break the supernatural barrier restricting access to Solaris Plaza.

At 21:26, Dwarf confirmed sensing the presence of several dozen people inside Building A. However, they vanished soon afterwards, indicating a possible mass abduction. Intelligence suggests that only the terrorist group "Freedom Fighters" possesses teleportation means in Nanome, but this incident did not align with their usual modus operandi, as no declaration from them was present.

At 21:27, Dwarf confirmed the presence of three individuals in Building A of Solaris Plaza. Two of them were unconscious survivors, a male and a female. The male had been drugged with a sleeping pill but claimed to have taken it willingly, showing odd gratitude. The female wept because she had witnessed her husband's death.

Their statements did not contradict the facts found, only adding the disturbing detail that everyone present was an unwilling participant in a death game. Given the nature of the game, it seems improbable that they were rendered unconscious as part of the game's mechanics. Despite this, Dwarf verified that their omissions aside, they had not been deceitful. He planned to conduct further interrogations once they had stabilized from the shock of the events.

At 21:55, hundreds of deaths were confirmed in the buildings. It appeared that the victims had killed each other with weapons found on-site or with their bare hands. Other victims appeared to have succumbed to heart attacks and strokes; however, the hundreds of cases made it impossible that it was natural. In addition, disturbingly, some of the bodies showed signs of cannibalism. Dwarf commented, "It was likely done for some kind of ritual. However, the one behind this just wanted to see them eat each other."

At 21:55, another survivor was found in an elevator in Building H: the child who had been playing hide-and-seek. After the supernatural culprit issued a death threat to all individuals not in Building A, the child left his hiding spot within a ventilation grid and headed towards the building's gateway. He was intercepted by a woman who warned him that he would die if he proceeded. She then knocked him out and left him in an elevator. Fortunately, the child was hidden from the beginning and was knocked out before encountering any victims. He is not expected to suffer long-term trauma, but the risk is not zero.

At 22:10, it was discovered that the security cameras had no recordings of the events.

Next Steps:

> Find methods to counter cognitive effects on a large scale, addressing a major security flaw that should have been resolved earlier.

> Arrange psychological support for the surviving child.

> Maintain the anonymity of the survivors.

> Assign the investigation to Dwarf.

> Compile a list of the deceased and inform their relatives.

> Create a list of potentially abducted victims from Solaris Plaza based on incoming missing people reports.

Incident Summary (Illegal drones deployment):

On October 13 3024, a government drone station building filled with armed drones was being operated without authorization to fire near Solaris Plaza, killing dozens of civilians.

At 21:37, a Supernatural Collective's member and several officers apprehended the suspect who had deployed attack drones against them. The member swiftly neutralized the threat, cutting the machines to pieces along with most of the building.

The member began to "interrogate" the suspect at 21:38, who was a government worker. A minute later, the suspect's behavior changed, claiming he was not in control of his actions. Under the watch of the member and officers, the suspect stopped the drones and recalled them at 21:40

At 21:41, without authorization, the supernatural cut every drone remaining to pieces in a matter of seconds. Several dozen million in losses are estimated.

First-aid treatment was provided to the suspect at 21:49 During interrogation by Dwarf at 23:00, the suspect's innocence was confirmed.

Next Steps:

> Implement new security measures for drone piloting and control at national level, not only for military drones.

Incident Summary (Ecological Disaster):

On October 13 3024, at 21:28, the S.C. members encountered a suspect at the Building A of Solaris Plaza. One engaged the suspect, and by 21:29, they had moved a few kilometers away to Verdant Haven Park, after causing extensive damage to most of the Building A, E and G. The suspect was confirmed dead at 21:43, disintegrating into dust with the arrival of another member of the S.C. Despite the intense confrontation, no human casualties were reported. However, the green space sustained significant damage, with nearly all animals and insects reduced to dust, not to mention the vegetation.

By October 19, six days later, the condition of Verdant Haven Park had deteriorated further. This deterioration was not related to the damage from the confrontation; rather, the remaining life forms, from animals to vegetation, had turned black and rotted, prompting a request for Dwarf to investigate. He observed, "It seems that, even in death, the being continues to affect the living through its dream… We have some artifacts that might help, but I doubt their effectiveness, and they can only be used once so I deem it prudent to reserve their use for a situation where their effectiveness can be assured. The only solution might be to allow the complete the work already started here and destroy everything cleanly this time. Might as well start from scratch with this green space."

Next Steps:

> Prepare the process for a controlled explosion at Verdant Haven Park:

> > Securing the Perimeter: Erect fencing around the green space to prevent public access, with minimal signage to maintain secrecy.

> > Evacuation and Notification: Quietly evacuate or inform nearby residents and businesses to stay indoors during the operation.

> > Time: The explosion should be made during off-peak hours to minimize risk and public attention.

> > Post-Explosion Assessment: Evaluate the effectiveness of the explosion and determine if further measures are needed.

> > Post-Explosion public explanation: Make a public declaration that the supernatural terrorist group "Freedom Fighter" are the one behind the explosion of our beloved park.

Incident Summary (City Rain):

On October 13 3024, at 21:34, upon entering Building B, the group lead by two members of the S.C. was attacked by a suspect making and creating bubble. The bubbles formed, floated and imprisoned every object and person touching them. It's reveled later that the suspect was also a member of the S.C. brainwashed by the culprit being all these incidents.

At 21:37, the confrontation moved outside as more and more bubbles were created, lifting off the ground most of the officers and objects nearby.

At 21:40, more and more bubbles were created out of nothing in the surrounding area, wrapping around countless people and objects like vehicles.

At 21:42, an attempt to cover a whole set of nearby skyscrapers with bubbles and lift them was stopped; however, the damage sustained to these colossal structures, each towering over 200 floors high, had rendered their foundations unstable.

At 21:43, the suspect released his bubbles, which were now up in the sky, making them pop and letting everything inside them fall.

At 21:46, the suspect was captured by the S.C.

At 22:20, it was noticed that not every bubble in the sky had been released by the suspect.

From October 13 to October 15, occurrences of objects falling from the sky at random times were reported throughout Cotiny and nearby cities, from vehicles, random objects to people. Due to our drones, by the morning of October 14, we were able to monitor the bubbles still up in the sky, and a fast S.C. member was on standby, ready to mitigate the damage. It was discovered that the humans falling were already dead due to suffocation, yet the supernatural's intervention saved the lives of hundreds on the ground.

On October 15 at 12:34, the event called "the rain disaster of Nanome" stopped as the suspect woke up, according to the testimonies of the S.C. members, and recalled all the bubbles to the ground.

By October 20, seven days later, the financial damage is still being assessed. It can be confirmed that no fewer than two thousand people lost their lives.

Next Steps:

> Give financial compensation to the victims' relatives for the city rain incident.

> Make a public declaration that the supernatural terrorist group "Freedom Fighters" is behind "the rain disaster of Nanome".

> Evacuate residents from any skyscrapers deemed unsafe due to foundation instability.

> Provide temporary housing assistance for displaced residents of the affected skyscrapers.

> Develop and implement a comprehensive plan for repairing or demolishing damaged skyscrapers, prioritizing public safety.

This incomplete and unredacted report is authorized for sharing with law enforcement and government officials only. Disclosure of any details to external parties is strictly prohibited without explicit authorization from an authorized party. Anyone sharing the information without authorization will be guilty of treason, punishable by death and lifetime imprisonment, both without trial. The same sentence can and will also apply to their acquaintances.

Report filling date: October 20 3024.

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