

The girl rolled her eyes at me. "We're family, you know, people that share the same blood as you." She said like it was a matter of fact. Now, I don't know about everyone reading this, but I'm pretty sure I'm just as confused as you all. Like, I wasn't an orphan by any means, I had a family and we all lived happily together.

"Have I been kidnapped?" I ask the girl who only looks at me like I'm weird. Oh, and to all of you out there wondering why I can remember I have a family, but can't remember my name, this book is called LOST for a reason. It's kinda like Deadpool, with all the fourth wall breaking and all, but it's also a mixture of Maximus Ride because it's so fucking confusing. You'll learn everything in due time, for now though, just go along with it.

"No, you haven't been kidnapped, the family you think is your family isn't really your family. We are. If you want to learn more then talk to Soul, he's over there by that counter drinking that bottle of vodka, oh, it's gone now, and now he's starting on another. Hey, while you're over there, can you tell him I said lay off the booze, we all want some too.

Before she could say anything else, I got up and made my way towards the man. I have to say, he's not bad-looking. Strong, chiseled jaw, broad shoulders, short black hair, and sweet-ass pair of Aviators. From the way he's drinking that bottle like it's nothing, I'm assuming he just got dumped.

"Yo," I said as I sat next to him, "I was told pretty much bs that woman opened that box, who are you people and why am I here?" I ask in a very polite, yet dripping with so much sarcasm it would crush you from the sheer weight from it, tone. English is my forte, but frankly, I don't care at the moment, I'm trying to write something that will show my thoughts of this world and what's beyond it, this story is not it, so I'm sorry if any of you actually enjoyed this, but it's just not getting my point across. I hope all of you have a good life, and boys, dont let that girl control you. And girls, if a guy is using you, don't be blind because you think you love him, you know what he's doing, get your shit together and leave his ass. You have one shot in this life, don't spend it with the wrong person, and trust me, you will know who the right one is, they'll be the one that'll die for you, if you don't get into a fight within the first day, they aren't the one, and that applies to both men and women. Good luck, and may God give you luck, if he even believes in that shit.