
St Chaos Healer

Once a powerful Demon Overlord, betrayed and murdered by his own subordinates, vows revenge with his dying breath. Reincarnated as Benjamin Almond, a human baby, he must adapt to his new mortal life without demonic powers. With his past memories intact, he embarks on a journey to master mana arts and rise to power in the mortal realm. Will he fulfill his quest for vengeance or find a new purpose as Benjamin, a fledgling mage? Join his transformation from demon lord to aspiring mortal mage.

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100 Chs

Ch 63 - Shattered Hopes (Part 1)

Taking my place within the red circle, the first trial commenced. Two colossal slabs of walls emerged from the ground, positioning themselves on either side, enclosing me within it.

In an instant, the walls trembled with energy, unleashing a torrent of vibrant blue light that fell on me like a spotlight. The moment the rays touched my body, a delightful warmth spread throughout every fiber of my being.

The sensation of the blue light was akin to basking in the sunlight. However, there was a unique quality to it as if the rays were permeating our skin and seeping into the depths of our bodies. It evoked a sensation comparable to sipping a warm drink on a chilly day, enveloping us with a comforting warmth from within.

The towering slabs of walls started their mesmerizing dance, swirling around me in a graceful rotation. The motion created a whirlwind of blurred images, momentarily obscuring the view before me. As the walls revolved, the constant beam of light scanned every nook and corner of my body. This spectacle lasted for half a minute before the walls finally stopped and receded back into the ground.

With a sense of anticipation, I shifted my gaze toward the floating cylindrical fountain screen. I held my head high, filled with confidence, as I eagerly awaited the unveiling of the results that were about to astound everyone.

However, amidst the positive atmosphere, Grandmaster Hamanthra's angry glares continued to be directed at me. It seemed as though she harbored a deep resentment for the events that occurred earlier.

Even if the other grandmasters had started favoring me, it's still best not to get on the bad side of the Starlight Nexus as a whole. Aside from pouty Hamanthra, the Starlight Nexus itself was the second most powerful academy just after the Bloodfire Academy.

Initially, the Starlight Nexus had been my second choice in case I couldn't secure a place at Bloodfire. But now it won't be an option anymore.

The outcome of the first trial unfolded before my eyes on the grand floating cylindrical fountain. As I observed the display, I witnessed my silhouette adorned with intricate mana veins, gracefully traversing across my entire body. That was a sign of a healthy mage for sure. It looked better than Hendrickson's meridians for sure, at least I think so.

"That's a healthy body. Too healthy I should say," said Gunther with his eyes furrowed.

A smile appeared on my face.

Yes, I am better than Hendrickson.

"He even has mana capillaries connecting his meridians, indeed he is too healthy for his own kind" added Grandmaster Pierre.

I am confused. Why are the grandmasters starting to act so fishy?

Am I too good that they can't believe their eyes?

"That's certainly odd. Mana capillaries shouldn't manifest until the age of 14 and with rigorous training. Are you sure he's 12 years old?" asked Grandmaster Messindra.

Head mage Sigurd stood up from his chair,

"Yes, we have performed a thorough background check. I can assure you the credibility of our reports."

As the grandmasters fixed their skeptical gazes upon me, a knot of unease tightened in my stomach. Had they somehow discovered my true age? Doubt and uncertainty clouded my mind, leaving me in a state of confusion. Should I be worried about their suspicions?

The atmosphere in the room took a sudden turn, becoming more serious and tense. I found myself completely lost in the conversation happening among the grandmasters. Their words seemed cryptic, and I struggled to comprehend their underlying meaning.

Gunther, perhaps sensing my confusion, let out a sigh and broke the silence.

"Well, alright," he said with a hint of resignation, "It's no wonder the first-tier candidates are always the ones with peculiarities that catch your attention, head mage Sigurd."

A wave of satisfaction washed over the grandmasters, and they seemed genuinely pleased with the outcome. Their eyes held a newfound respect as they looked at me, acknowledging my results.

"As expected from the courageous lad!" Ajax chimed in with a booming voice, his enthusiasm filling the room.

However, Biswaq couldn't resist dampening the mood with his remark. He interrupted the positive atmosphere, questioning my lack of ability.

"But with such a healthy body, shouldn't he be able to manifest his abilities already?" he interjected, his tone laced with skepticism. "He should at least show some signs, but it seems he's oblivious to it."

His words were met with agreement from the other grandmasters, who began nodding in unison.

"It is indeed peculiar that he hasn't exhibited any abilities," Messindra chimed in, her eyes shining with intrigue. "Perhaps he belongs to the psychic mage category, his potential yet to be unlocked."

As she looked at me, a smile formed beneath her hoodie. I could sense her excitement. If I did fall into the psychic category, the Mind's Eye would be a tempting choice. However, deep down, I had a gut feeling that it wouldn't be the case for me.

Moving on to the next trial, I stood before the metallic tree. Its hollowed center emitted an eerie dark mist, giving the impression of a portal to another dimension.

With a signal from the phantom mage host, I rolled up my sleeves and inserted both my arms into the hollow. The spaciousness inside allowed for freedom of movement, but an unusual burnt-like smell permeated the air.

Feeling secure in my position, I was then prompted to begin forming a mana orb with my hands submerged in the hollow. It seemed like a relatively simple task, so I followed the instructions. Drawing upon the memory of creating mana, I concentrated the energy within my body, channeling it into the palms of my hands to shape the orb.

However, as soon as I formed the mana orb, I sensed a peculiar sensation. It felt as though the mana was being absorbed and forcibly drawn out from my hands. It was akin to the feeling of a person losing bodily functions when losing blood. The drain was palpable as my mana was forcefully extracted by the metallic tree.

The branches of the metallic tree extended in all directions, reaching far and wide. Thousands of leaves sprouted and adorned the branches, while vibrant flowers bloomed and withered in rapid succession. As they faded away, small fruits emerged, growing in their place.

With each passing moment, my knees grew weaker, and a drowsy sensation overcame me. It was challenging to observe the details of my results from my current position, as my face was mere inches away from the trunk of the tree.

After a while, the mist surrounding the tree dissipated, and my arms were released. I rose to my feet, though maintaining balance proved difficult. Fortunately, the phantom mage approached me and poured a potion over me. In a matter of seconds, I felt revitalized, my mana reserves replenished.

As I surveyed the outcome, I noticed that my mana tree had grown into a sizable specimen. While the leaves were large, they were slightly smaller than Hendrickson's tree. However, the fruits that had developed were substantial, nearly the size of my head. Their triangular shape and rigid outer surface resembled coconuts, but they bore an unfamiliar appearance.

But most importantly, the size of my fruit surpassed that of Hendrickson's!

That's what truly mattered.

With a confident smile, I directed my gaze toward Hendrickson and the others. I couldn't resist flaunting my superiority over those second-tier candidates who had acted so arrogantly earlier. Their expressions twisted into frustration, seemingly realizing that I was rubbing it in.

"A remarkable tree, almost on par with Hendrickson's," praised Gunther.

The other grandmasters joined in, offering their commendations for my results.

However, the celebration was interrupted by a question from Biswaq, "But what kind of fruit is that? I've never seen anything like it before."

Biswaq really had to be a thorn in my side, questioning everything I did. Who cared about the fruit anyway? That's what I wanted to shout out loud, but I managed to hold back my urge to yell.

The other grandmasters remained silent, clearly unfamiliar with the fruit as well.