
SS-Rank Skill: Instant Rebirth

"We are afraid someone like you should not be existing... as a result, your existence must be erased" >>>>> Chapter 150 [Absolute ones To Cyrus] ----------------------- Cyrus and his classmates were summoned to defend the demon castle against the angels. The class was summoned to destroy the world. When the succubus queen began looking at their innate potentials, Cyrus's innate potential was the weakest and called supreme trash. However, his ability and growth were soon discovered to be chaotic. Hence, Cyrus became a god among men. If he stays on earth too long, he'll be the savior and also the end of all things. --------------------------- DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/7k3ZjFuXnc

BlakLord · Fantasy
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93 Chs

:Freelancer Organization

Resembling his usual situation, Cyrus could be seen on top of his scattered bed sleeping like a dead man. After a few buzzes of his phone, he stretched his hand looking for the damn noise.

"Wake up sleepyhead," said Nerd over the phone.

"Jeez man, I was awake. You've got something I gotta do that involves me getting money?"

Cyrus heard Nerd give out a sigh as he leaned off his bed and wrapped his towel around his neck.

"Just some meeting I have to attend, but I don't think I'll be able to do that now. I've got occupied with-"

"Wait, wait, hold on," Cyrus cut Nerd short before he could finish his statement. It was an easy thing to decipher; Nerd was having a meeting and wasn't free, so he called Cyrus.

"Look man, I really don't like stuff like that."

"I know, but I think you need it more than I do. The room will be filled with freelancers and S-rank skill users from all regions... Even the round table will be there."