

The sound of the ringing phone awakened Long Tengfei. He quickly answered it so as not to disturb his wife, Yang Jiahui, who was sleeping beside him.

It was his assistant, Cai Guang, informing him that the Young Miss Xiulan was rushed to the hospital because she fainted in the middle of the night. It seemed that Cai Guang's nephew, Dominic Chua, called his uncle and wailed nonstop on the phone.

The uncle couldn't understand what his nephew was saying, only able to squeeze out relevant keywords like "boss", "hospital", "fainted", "scary" and "dying". Knowing that his nephew had the tendency to exaggerate, Cai Guang immediately contacted the hospital and was able to speak directly to Dr. Ching. He was assured that the Young Miss Xiulan's condition was not too serious but was concerning enough not to take lightly. With this information, he called President Long and awaited instructions.

Long Tengfei was, of course, worried about his daughter. She was doing so well since she woke up from coma, appearing to live a healthy lifestyle. Then suddenly she was hospitalized again. He wanted to see her but their tense and distant relationship in the past made him hesitate.

"What's wrong?" Yang Jiahui woke up and asked him sleepily.

"Xiulan is in the hospital."

"What?" She was instantly awake.

"She apparently fainted."

"Then what are you waiting for? Go see her."

"But what if she doesn't want to see me?"

She sighed at her husband. "How will you know if you don't even try? And stop waiting for her to make the first move. Both of you are really father and child, both so stubborn. You're the elder and should be the one who's more understanding. Don't expect her to be the first one to give in. Go get ready now and see her. Don't wait until you lose this chance or you may regret it later."

Long Tengfei took a couple of minutes to make up his mind. Finally, he agreed with his wife. He rose from the bed.

"Does Wei Lan know?" Yang Jiahui asked.

He scowled, his tone was cold when he replied. "Why would I know whether she knows or not? I don't talk to that woman anymore."

"She's your daughter's mother, Tengfei. You may have parted with bad feelings but she still deserves to know what happened to her daughter."

"Fine. I'll tell Cai Guang to inform her."

Within an hour, Long Tengfei reached the hospital, a bouquet of bright daffodils and daisies in his arms. Cai Guang accompanied him carrying a big basket of various fruits. They took the elevator and headed to the private wing.

However, they were blocked by two men wearing black business suits and earpieces when they reached outside Iris' room.

Long Tengfei frowned, displeased. He wasn't used to being blocked by anyone.

"We are here to visit a patient named Miss Long Xiulan," Cai Guang told the two. "We are quite certain that this is her room."

"Names?" One of the men asked in a flat tone, making Long Tengfei feel even more displeased.

"My name is Cai Guang and with me is Sir Long Tengfei, Miss Long's father."

"Please wait here," the man said while his companion knocked on the door and entered.

The remaining man just stood there, his expression cold, not bothering to speak to them. A few seconds later, his companion returned and finally allowed Long Tengfei and Cai Guang through the door.

As soon as Long Tengfei entered the room, he saw a tall man in pyjamas sitting on the bed beside his sleeping daughter, buttoning up his shirt. He knew it wasn't Cai Guang's nephew. Dominic Chua was sprawled on the extra bed at the far end of the room, snoring softly.

"Who the hell are you?!" he roared.

Then the man looked at him and he saw his face.

Long Tengfei froze. "C-CEO Jin?"

Jin Liwei stood up and nodded. "CEO Long."

"What are you doing here?" Long Tengfei couldn't believe that he was meeting this man in his daughter's hospital room at this time of the day.

"I was the one who brought Xiulan here. We were together when she fainted."

Long Tengfei couldn't make sense of the situation. Cai Guang wasn't any better.

"Xiulan and I are in a relationship. She's my girlfriend and I'm her boyfriend."


"CEO Long. I am dating your daughter with the intention of marriage."

Long Tengfei's mind went blank. Cai Guang's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head. No one noticed that Dominic Chua suddenly stopped snoring.

It took a good ten minutes before the two older men calmed down. Jin Liwei invited them to sit down on the couches.

"If you want to speak with Xiulan, I suggest you wait until she wakes up naturally," Jin Liwei said. "She had a rough night. I want her to rest up as much as possible. Besides, she's a deep sleeper. It's very hard to wake her up once she's asleep."

"Of course, of course. I understand. Let her sleep. I only want to see her and make sure that she's alright," Long Tengfei replied. Then he realized the meaning behind Jin Liwei's words.

'How did he know that my daughter is a deep sleeper? Don't tell me that they're already sleeping together? Wait, didn't he say that he was the one who brought Xiulan to the hospital? Didn't Cai Guang said that Xiulan was taken to the hospital at around 3 to 4 AM? Oh yes, he was sleeping on the bed with my daughter when we entered the room. So they're really sleeping together?! Ah?!!'

As if reading the older man's mind, Jin Liwei nodded. "Yes. I just moved in with her. We're basically living together now."

Long Tengfei inhaled sharply. Cai Guang almost dropped the vase he was planning to put the flowers on.

"Y-you…CEO Jin―"

"Please call me Liwei. Once Xiulan agrees to marry me, you are going to be my father-in-law and I your son-in-law. There is no need to be so formal."





It was a good thing that Long Tengfei had a wife who was very fastidious in taking care of his health. Yang Jiahui could be such a nag when it came to maintaining good health, but now he was thankful for her. If not for her, he could very well likely be experiencing a heart attack at this very moment.

Him? The father-in-law of the current most powerful man in the country's business world? And what was more, it was because of his estranged daughter, Xiulan?

"Father-in-law, please be assured that I am serious in my intention of marrying Xiulan. We still have many issues that we need to face and overcome together, but I hope that when we are both ready to take the step, you'll be able to support our marriage," Jin Liwei said.

Long Tengfei took slow, deep breaths to calm himself. He had met Jin Liwei several times before during some business and social events but their conversations revolved mainly around greetings and pleasantries. They may be both wealthy and powerful businessmen but the levels of their companies were vastly different, like that of Mt. Everest and a very small mountain or a big hill. He never imagined that such a figure would want to marry his estranged daughter and call him father-in-law.

Fortunately, Long Tengfei's innate astuteness kicked in. One must have the flexibility and ability to adapt into whatever unexpected situation in order to be a successful businessperson. Although he was still perplexed at this turn of events, he was now calm when he spoke to Jin Liwei.

"Are you and my daughter already engaged? Have you talked about when you want to get married?"

"Not yet. As much as I want to marry her as soon as possible and build a family with her as my wife, I know that she wants to focus on developing a successful career before anything else. I don't want to put her in a situation where she has to choose between me and her career. She doesn't need to choose because she can have both. But right now, her career lacks stability. She needs to stabilize her career first. I can do it for her of course, but I know that she wants to do it using her own abilities. I also have the utmost trust on her talents and skills."

Moreover, Jin Liwei knew deep inside that if his baby girl was ever given the choice between him and her career, she would choose her career over him without hesitation. It pained him to admit this to himself but he knew that this was true. That was why he needed to work harder on imprinting himself on her and on deepening their feelings for each other. He hoped that there would come a day when her feelings for him would come close to what he felt for her.

Long Tengfei nodded.

"Besides, she's still getting used to me. Now that we know what can happen to her health when she becomes too overwhelmed, I don't want to add to her stress by rushing her. After all, I want a healthy and happy wife."

"I understand," Long Tengfei finally said after digesting the things Jin Liwei just told him. Then he sighed. "I don't have a good relationship with my daughter, so she may think that I don't have any right to act like a father. But no matter what, Xiulan is my daughter and I'll always love her. All I want for my daughter is to be healthy, happy and have a good life. If you can give her that, I'll be satisfied. She's been doing so well this past year. I think I can trust her decisions from now on. If she thinks that marrying you is the right choice for her, then all I can do is to support her as her father."

"Thank you, father-in-law."

Long Tengfei cleared his throat, feeling awkward by Jin Liwei's address to him.

"Father-in-law, you must already know that Xiulan was attacked the other day. Fortunately, she was able to defend herself and her attackers were just three skinny girls. But what happens if she were to be attacked by men or stronger people next time? I'm very worried for her safety. I believe that she needs some bodyguards."

"I agree."

The two men, one older and one younger, began discussing Iris' need for bodyguards.

"You two have absolutely NO right to make decisions like that for me without informing me first. I am NOT getting bodyguards." Suddenly, Iris' hoarse, cold voice interrupted the men's deep discussion.

"Baby!" Jin Liwei immediately stood up and crossed the space to reach her in just a few long steps. "How are you feeling? Are you hurting anywhere?"

Iris slapped his hand away. "Tell me what you two were just talking about."

She didn't hear much of their conversation, only catching the part where they were debating whether to hire her some new bodyguards or to give her some of their own subordinates.

Jin Liwei hesitated, not wanting to agitate his girlfriend who clearly awakened in a bad mood. But he would be in deeper trouble if he denied and lied to her, especially since she already overheard them. Having no choice but to be honest, he sighed. "Baby, your father and I are just concerned about your safety. You were attacked. You were able to defend yourself this time. But what about next time? That's why we think that you need some bodyguards to protect you. You're a celebrity. It's quite normal for celebrities to have bodyguards. This is for your own good, baby."

Long Tengfei stood a few steps away, watching the two interact with each other.

Iris was shaking in anger as she glared at the two men. One was her boyfriend while the other was the original Iris' father. To her, Long Tengfei was a stranger. She had not personally met with him ever since she woke up in this new body.

However, at this moment, Jin Liwei and Long Tengfei's figures overlapped with the images of her older brother and father in her previous life. They were all the same, these two pairs of different men. They wanted her followed by bodyguards…to protect her! It was for her own safety, for her own good…what bullsh*t! They just wanted to cage her like their own little bird!

If now they wanted bodyguards to follow her everywhere, what would they do next? Give her a curfew? Then what? Lock her up in a mansion because the outside world was too dangerous?

Did she have to live that kind of life again? That suffocating life of being watched all the time? Of having no freedom?


A great panic flooded her like a tsunami. She couldn't live like that again! She would rather die than live a life of no freedom like that again!

"You liar, Jin Liwei! You said you won't cage me! You said you're not going to restrict me, imprison me! You're the same as them! Liar!"




Jin Liwei allowed himself to be hit by the pillows she threw at him in her distress. He fought to stay calm seeing her so agitated again. He couldn't understand why she was so against getting bodyguards, but this was not the right time to question her.

Climbing on the bed, he firmly pulled her in his arms. She struggled and pushed him away, but he held on, stroking her back and gently soothing her. He didn't say anything, just continued to embrace her.

"I don't want bodyguards," she mumbled.

"Alright," he replied in a gentle tone. He would find another time to discuss it with her when she was feeling better and more receptive to the idea. He was really worried about her safety.




He hesitated before carefully answering, "I promise, for now."

She pursed her lips, understanding his meaning. Now that she calmed down, she realized that she overreacted. She knew that they were just concerned about her, but the idea of bodyguards following her around just reminded her too much of her previous life.

Her father and older brother in her previous life loved her very much, that was why they wanted her safe and protected, especially with their family's special background. She loved them very much too, but deep inside there was a small part of her that hated them for loving her too much, too strongly, too tightly. Their love was suffocating.

As Iris Long, she didn't want to experience that kind of love again. She didn't love Jin Liwei or Long Tengfei―not yet. She still hadn't developed her feelings for them to reach that level, especially when it came to Long Tengfei.

She knew that the original Iris' father was a good man who cared for his children even when he wasn't an outwardly affectionate person. He was generous and protected his children behind the scenes. However, he was basically a stranger to the current her.

These two men cared about her, she knew that. She also wanted to deepen her relationsh.i.p.s with them. As a daughter to Long Tengfei, and as a lover to Jin Liwei. But she wouldn't allow them to decide things for her without informing her or asking her permission first.

Iris Long wasn't a caged bird like Evelina. She had a choice now which she never had before.

She looked at Jin Liwei's eyes. "I will be the one to decide whether I want bodyguards or not. And if I ever do, I'll get my own."

"Fine. But do think about it, baby. I don't want a repeat of you getting attacked again."


"Goo―" He was about to say "good girl" but stopped himself just in time. He cleared his throat. "Great to hear," he said instead.

Fine. She didn't want him deciding for her, but she didn't forbid him from giving recommendations. He would make her a list of the best bodyguard agencies and help her choose which candidates would be the most suitable for her.

Feeling much better, she leaned against his c.h.e.s.t and hugged him back. His familiar embrace was comforting.

Hu callut ovu omn md vuz vuft. Svu oaiout vuz dfhu pn om vaq, arsaoare vaq. Od hmpzlu vu jfl qmzu ovfr vfnnw om mgiaeu. Hal qmpov tulhurtut frt callut vuz.

The two had already forgotten that there were other people in the room besides them.

A cough. It was Long Tengfei.

The couple continued kissing.

A louder cough.

Surprisingly, it was Jin Liwei who broke the kiss first. Iris finally remembered that her "father" was present. A blush crawled up her face, giving much-needed colour to her pallor.

"Ehehehe." A familiar laugh interrupted the awkward atmosphere.

"Dominic Chua!" Cao Guang barked and then quickly turned to everyone. "I apologize for my nephew's bad manners. Please forgive him. I'll lecture him later."

"It's alright," Iris said. "Dom is fine just the way he is."

"Thank you, Young Miss! It's my nephew's good fortune to be your assistant. Dominic, you brat. Get up from the bed and stop pretending to be asleep. We already know that you're awake. Go apologize to everyone."

Dom's sparkling eyes opened, his expression filled with mirth. "Ehehe."

"You brat! How can you be so disrespectful? I'll call your mother later."

Dom immediately looked alarmed and jumped off the bed. "What?! No! Uncle, please don't! Momsy will beat the crap out of my handsome self! You want that dragon to fly over here all the way from the Philippines and terrorize everyone? I'll apologize, okay? I'm sorry! Sorry, boss! Sorry, sir boss! Sorry, papa boss! I'm sorry for…sorry for, uhm…eh? What did I do again? Uncle, why do I need to apologize?"

"You―" Cao Guang clutched his c.h.e.s.t and looked like he wanted to beat up this nephew of his. He regretted that he didn't train the young man in manners before sending him to work for the Young Miss. The worst part was that President Long Tengfei was there to witness everything. What would he do if the President thought that all his family members were without manners? He wouldn't have any face left. So shameful!

Then laughter like the tinkle of crystal bells filled the room.

Everyone stopped. It was as if they were all mesmerized by her lovely voice.

Jin Liwei's eyes darkened with d.e.s.i.r.e, looking intensely at his baby girl. He wanted to kiss her again. Too bad there were other people in the room and one of them was her father. After the surge of l.u.s.t was relief that she was finally showing a cheerful expression.

Her bad mood that he experienced for the first time since last night was like an unpredictable storm that he had no choice but to endure. Seeing her beautiful, laughing face again was like seeing the bright sun finally peeking through the dark thunderclouds. Such a wonderful feeling!

"Don't be so strict on Dom," Iris told Cao Guang. "I can't imagine a better assistant for me than him."

"Boss…" Dom's eyes watered. "And I can't imagine a better boss for me than you! You're the best boss in the whole wide world! I love you, boss!"

Jin Liwei scowled. He had the urge to snarl at Dominic. Fortunately, he was able to stop himself in time. He forcefully tamped down the ugly feeling surging from within him. His logical mind knew that he shouldn't be worried about Dominic's "I love you", but his emotions always felt uncontrollable when it came to his baby girl.

But he had to control them. Seeing his baby girl collapse like a lifeless body in front of him was terrifying. He didn't want to experience it ever again.

He swore he was going to make her happy. If he had to spend the rest of his life to do so, so be it.





After freshening up in the bathroom, Iris sat on the couch facing Long Tengfei. The others gave the father and daughter privacy by leaving the room.

Jin Liwei instructed one of his subordinates to order some food, while he rested at a nearby empty private waiting room. Dom called Tang Yiyi to inform her of what happened to Iris and her current condition, and also called home to ask for some change of clothes and toiletries for the three of them. They left in such a hurry that they weren't able to take anything other than the clothes that they were wearing, their wallets and phones. Cao Guang went somewhere to make some business calls.

Inside the room, the father and daughter studied each other, not saying anything.

Iris was very curious about this man who fathered such a spoiled, unreasonable brat as the original Iris. He was a good father when it came to providing for his children. However, his hands-off approach of parenting and lack of outward show of affection contributed a great deal to his estranged relationship to his daughter, especially since the original Iris was someone who craved constant attention. Because she couldn't get the attention she d.e.s.i.r.ed from her family, she turned to the public to give it her, even if it was the wrong kind of attention.

At the moment, she didn't have any special feelings for this man. He was basically a stranger to her. But since she was now Iris, Long Tengfei was now her father in this life. It wouldn't hurt to repair the relationship between the father and daughter.

"Hello, father. How have you been?"

"I'm alri―" He cleared his throat, embarrassed that his word got stuck. He tried again. "I'm alright. Thank you, Xiulan...my daughter. How have you been…I mean, how are you feeling now? Do you still feel unwell?"

"I'm feeling much better, thank you."


Long Tengfei didn't know what to talk about with his daughter. He was feeling awkward. He opened his mouth but closed it again, unsure of what to say to her.

On the other hand, Iris didn't feel awkward at all. She was busy observing this man who was now her father.

"Congratulations on your album 'Rebirth'."

"Thank you."


Long Tengfei cleared his throat. "I bought a copy, I mean some copies of your album."

"Thank you. Would you like me to sign them for you?"

His eyes lit up. "Of course! Yes, yes. That would be great."

"Alright. Just have them delivered to my place and I'll sign them."

"How about you visit home, maybe join us for dinner? Then you can sign the albums then? But only if you want to, of course, and if you have the time." Immediately, he felt unsure of his invitation. Was it a good idea? What if she rejected him like before?

"Sure. When's a good time?"

"It's fine if you don't want to. You don't need to force―ah? What? You want to come?"

She tilted her head to the side, looking at him, confused. "Didn't you want me to come?"

"Yes, yes! Of course I want you to come," he quickly said. Joy flooded within him, but he controlled the expression on his face. 'Be cool, Long Tengfei,' he mentally told himself. However, he couldn't stop his eyes from pricking.

When he married Yang Jiahui, his daughter swore that she would never step foot back to the ancestral residence ever again. His wife tried to invite the girl several times for a meal but she was always rudely rejected and even insulted. She wanted to build an amicable relationship with her step-daughter. After many attempts, however, Yang Jiahui had no choice but to give up. The girl seemed to hate her very much.

But now this daughter of his agreed to visit home for dinner? This was a miracle!

"Anytime is fine. Just give me a call whenever you want to come." He hesitated but decided to try testing her reaction. "Your Aunt Jiahui would be excited."

Iris nodded. "What does she like? I'll bring something for her when I come."

A lump suddenly lodged itself in his throat and his eyes watered, but he forcefully pushed these sentimental feelings away. He didn't want his daughter to see her father crying in front of her. He cleared his throat. "You don't have to bring anything. Just bring yourself."

"Just tell me what she likes, father. It's not a big deal."

Although he wondered why his daughter stopped calling him "daddy" like she used to before, he was feeling happy that they were having an actual conversation. Before, she would only talk to him whenever she wanted him to buy something for her. If he refused to buy whatever she asked for, she would throw a tantrum and refuse to talk to him until she wanted something again.

It seemed that his daughter had really m.a.t.u.r.ed this time. She was more sensible and calmer. Perhaps she had already outgrown her calling him "daddy", that was why she was now calling him "father" instead. Besides, "father" sounded more dignified so he wouldn't complain.

"Alright. Your Aunt Jiahui likes good tea."

"Oh. That's great. I like good tea as well. I'll bring some tea when I come over then. How about you, father? What would you like?"

He blinked. Eh? Was she asking HIM what he would like? Someone pinch him, please.

"Hm? Father?"

"I…I sure would like a bottle of liquor." His daughter was going to give him something for the first time. Of course, he wouldn't miss this opportunity. He wouldn't ask for something too extravagant, but if she really gave him something, then it would be very special to him.

"Hmm…I don't really know much about alcoholic drinks. I'll have to ask Liwei. Alright, I'll bring your wife tea and liquor for you, father."

He nodded, unable to stop himself from smiling. He couldn't wait to tell his wife that his daughter was coming over for dinner. He hoped that it would be soon…no, tonight! Wait, she still had to stay at the hospital today for further monitoring. Maybe tomorrow night! Hopefully, she would be discharged by then. He would speak with Dr. Ching later and ask.

He wanted to ask Xiulan when she would like to come over, but was worried that he would sound too pushy. He had to be patient and wait for her call.

Today was the happiest day of Long Tengfei's life in a long time. He hoped that his relationship with his daughter would continue to improve. Perhaps he could reintegrate her into the family and cement her position with the Longs. As the family head, he wanted his legitimate daughter to be fully accepted by everyone, especially by those stuck-up Long elders. After all, Xiulan was their heiress whether they liked it or not.

"Xiulan, thank you."

Iris smiled. "You are my father. It's only natural."

"Indeed, I'm your father," he replied, fighting the tears threatening to spill over his eyes. "And you're my daughter."





A nurse and a medical aide knocked and entered the room while Iris and Long Tengfei were still chatting. It was time for Iris' medical tests scheduled in the morning while she hadn't eaten or drank anything yet.

They brought a wheelchair for her. Iris wanted to walk by herself, and she did until suddenly feeling lightheaded after walking just a few metres in the hallway. In the end, she still had to use the wheelchair. Dom went with his boss.

Cao Guang returned to the room to accompany Long Tengfei, waiting for Iris to return from her tests. Jin Liwei was fast asleep at the nearby waiting room, guarded by one of his subordinates while the other one followed Iris and Dom from a distance.


A fifteen-year old teenage girl was walking around inside the hospital. Her mother just gave birth earlier that morning to her baby brother. Everyone was gushing about the new baby. At first, she was also very excited about her new sibling, but when everyone kept on talking about how wonderful it was to finally have a son, she couldn't help but feel sour inside.

So they weren't happy with her, a daughter? Now that they had a son, they loved her less?

She sneaked away from the room and started walking aimlessly in the hospital. She felt even worse because it seemed that nobody noticed that she was gone. If they did, they would surely call her phone which she always carried with her to ask where she was. But no, they were too busy with her baby brother to bother with her.

Wearing earphones, she listened to music on her phone. "Rebirth" by Iris Long played and she hummed quietly along with the song. She gradually felt better as she listened to the music.

She felt like a little bird. As a teen and a student, she held no power of her own. Her own newborn baby brother could easily push aside her status in the family. But one day, she swore that she would rise like a phoenix and become an amazing person who would make her family proud, make them glad that she was their daughter.

The song ended, but she put it on repeat. After watching Iris Long's comeback performance on "MusicFest Tonight", she instantly became a fan. She became an even bigger fan when she watched Iris perform on DJ Song's radio show. She immediately joined the Black Stars fan club when she heard about it. And when Iris' launch party was announced, she wanted to attend but it was a school day so her parents didn't allow her, especially since the venue was so far away. Also, her mother could give birth at any time.

So she could only satisfy herself from the live posts from the ones who attended the launch party. She used her own allowance that she saved up to buy the entire digital album the moment it was released.

Iris Long was so beautiful and talented. She wanted to be cool like Boss Iris when she grew up. She heard that Boss Iris was a horrible person, but she didn't believe those rumours. She bet that those rumours were all untrue and that they were made up by jealous haters like those despicable Alarm Girls who attacked her.

The teenage girl continued to wander through the hallways while listening to the entire "Rebirth" album. She had no idea where she was heading, but she didn't care. As long as she was still inside the hospital, she would be able to find her way back.

These particular hallways looked emptier compared to the ones where she came from. But since nobody was stopping her, she continued to walk.

"Hai. I don't understand! Boss, you're already anemic and bleeding buckets from your period and yet these people are still collecting so much of your blood. Do they want to suck you dry? This is ridiculous! I object to their methods!"

"Dom, they know what they're doing. I trust Dr. Ching."

"Hmph! This is all the fault of those hateful Alarm Girls! You can deny it all you want, boss, but I still believe that it's those b*tches' fault that you're here in the hospital right now. They stressed you out and forced you to fight against them, overexerting your body! I'm so angry! I want to have a go with them! My Momsy told me not to hit girls, but I don't see those b*tches as girls. They're monsters!"

The teenage girl's eyes widened as she peeked from behind the wall. Was that Boss Iris Long? OMG! It must be her! She heard the young man call her boss and even mentioned the Alarm Girls, so the woman on the wheelchair must be Boss Iris!

She snapped several photos using her phone, trying not to be too obvious. Her hands were trembling with excitement. She wanted to run forward to ask for an autograph but was too shy. No matter. She was already happy seeing Boss Iris in person. Satisfied, she pocketed her phone.

"What are you doing here?"

She jumped and turned around, looking scared and guilty. A scary-looking man in a black business suit wearing an earpiece glared down at her.

"I-I…I got l-lost," she could only mumble, nervous.

"This is the private wing. Are you visiting someone here?"

"N-no. My m-mom just gave birth."

"The maternity wing is at the other end of the hospital. Go that way and follow the arrows back to the main lobby and then ask from there. I suggest you leave immediately if you have no business here."

She nodded and then ran away.

The man watched the girl until she disappeared from view. He just returned from the washroom to quickly relieve himself. When he came out, he saw the teen snooping from behind the wall. But the girl was just watching the mistress from afar. He didn't see anything wrong with that. Besides, the girl was just a kid so what harm could she do? (He didn't see the teen taking photos of Iris with her phone.)

Shrugging, he tossed the matter out of his mind and focused on following the mistress from a distance, making sure that she was safe, or else the master would kill him if something happened to her under his watch.


The teenage girl found her way back to her mother's room. It was too crowded inside, so she sat at a nearby bench along the hallway. She was looking at her phone, giggling at the photos she had just taken of Boss Iris.

Then she surfed online. Her expression turned furious when she read some of the stupid comments denouncing Boss Iris as a violent person who beat up others until they were unconscious.

How blind were these people? It was clearly those Alarm Girls who were the violent ones! Boss Iris was just defending herself!

Svu aqqutafouiw imeeut ar om vuz fhhmpro frt hzufout f ruj nmlo. Svu pnimftut ovu nvmoml md Bmll Izal lvu vft ofcur ufziauz.

"Stop the nonsense," she wrote. "Look what those evil Alarm Girls did to Boss Iris! The boss is at the hospital right now sitting on a wheelchair, but do you see her whining about it? You haters, shut up!"

Little did she know that this simple post of hers would cause another bigger media storm.