
Spurning Rejection

Avalor travels to the Red Moon pack with his pack of wolves to take over its territory for himself. After he killed them all, he takes the key which the late Luna clung tightly to before she died. Avalor Hunter is the uprising strong, and ambitious Lycan who is exercising his dominance by spreading across his reign to other territories. In his recently conquered pack, he expects to find a treasure in a closed-lid coffin but instead, he meets his mate, a weak and vulnerable wolf who falls for him at first sight.

Mary_Abazuo · Fantasy
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4 Chs


His mouth tasted of blood and apples, a strange, warm taste that forced a whimper of longing from my mouth. His lips were eager, prodding, trying to force mine apart and push inwards. But I kept my lips firmly shut, unwilling to betray my desire for him.

My hands stayed firmly by my side, even though they ached to reach up and rake through his thick, dark hair. I didn't want him to stop, and yet I didn't want him to know that I wanted him.

I'd wanted him from the time he'd opened that coffin and stared into my eyes.

I'd wanted him even as I'd run from his presence and into the forest.

I wanted him now.

He broke free and leaned back, his strong hands still clutching the sides of my face. "You're one feisty one, are you not?" He murmured, the ends of his lips tugging in a playful smile. "I will kiss you till you give in to me."

As much as I hated him, that statement left wave after wave of goosebumps on my skin.

The sexual tension between us was palpable now, slowly building into a crescendo. I leaned towards him, silently offering myself, impatiently urging him to kiss me again. He noticed my fidgeting and smiled again, then slowly traced lines of desire from my cheeks to my shoulders.

Then his lips followed his fingers.

And the result was a surprised gasp from my lips.

A purr slipped from my mouth and I held on to his shoulders as his lips played around on my shoulder and neck. I groaned, pressing myself against him, feeling every bit of his hardness against my softness.

"I see you're not immune to my touch, after all, Little Wolf." He whispered, his voice husky with desire. He leaned back and smiled again, and I melted into his arms. He slipped both arms under my body and lifted me, then carried me to the chair he'd been sitting on.

We collapsed into the cushioned chair with matching sighs. I straddled him, my silk dress bunching around my thighs. Impatiently, I tugged at his shirt while he left short kisses up and down my neck. Desire made my insides clench and my skin grew warm under his touch. I could feel his dick bumping against my inner thighs, and the result was a dull, pleasurable ache between my legs.

"Mm, impatient much?" He whispered in a tease as I freed his shirt and pushed it over his shoulders. I ran my hands down the hard, taut muscles of his chest, feeling every bump, every ridge that made him so beautifully male. My hands continued to travel along his chest and down to the hard bump of his dick between my thighs.

He hastily grabbed my hand and pushed it away as I reached out to touch his dick. "Don't rush this," he murmured, then slipped his hands between my legs and began stroking along the length of my thighs.

I purred again and rocked against his cock, aching for an even closer touch. I wanted him to touch my wet core, wanted him to dip himself into me and claim me as his.

I wanted him so much that it was almost like a physical ache.

Deep within me, I knew I was betraying the memory of my parents and my entire pack by giving in to my desires, and yet I couldn't hold back wave after wave of pleasure as his fingers worked their magic on me. Was this what the mating bond did to a person? Made you so maddeningly bound to your significant other, so much so that your body betrayed your common sense?

I didn't know. All I wanted was to explore every inch of Alpha Kieran.

Revenge could wait, I thought. I wanted this man.

The alpha kept stroking my inner thighs, his eyes on my face, studying every expression on it. I could feel his breath start to quiver as moan after moan left my lips. Then his fingers pushed my panties aside and dipped into my warm folds.

I arched my back immediately, groaning in pleasure. He continued stroking, my juices wetting his fingers. The feeling was heavenly, and I didn't want him to stop. I could feel myself approaching a precipice, my release dangerously close.

Suddenly he withdrew his hands and a whimper of protest left my lips. "All in good time, Little Wolf." He murmured, then lifted me and placed me on my feet.

"Sit," Alpha Kieran ordered, and I obeyed, sinking into the chair. He towered above me, six feet of pure male muscle, and my lower belly jumped in desire again. He slowly began unbuckling his trousers, his eyes full of indescribable emotion. I could see the tease in them, and I knew he was silently mocking me for throwing all my vengeful plans aside because of him.

But I didn't care.

I groaned impatiently and leaned forward, pushing the rest of his trousers down. I gently guided him back to the chair. With my back to the chair's headrest, and him kneeling on the seat, we fit perfectly.

"Have you ever done this before?" He murmured, voice laced with desire.

"No," I whispered back.

"This might hurt a little, then." He replied. And then he was inside me.

I gasped forcefully as he pushed into my wet folds, all rock-hard and pleasurably good. A groan slipped past his lips too, as he withdrew, then thrust into me again and again.

Slowly we began to move against each other, our bodies simulating. The chair began to creak beneath me as he kept the rhythm of his thrusts. Our movements began to increase in crescendo, and our moans gradually turned to pants of pleasure.

Alpha Kieran lifted my legs and placed them firmly on his shoulders, further deepening his thrusts. I could feel my release building slowly, pressure gathering between my legs as he continued to rock into me.

Our orgasms came at the same time. I let out a forceful scream as I felt him release into me, and grabbed the armrests as wave after wave of pleasure flowed through my body.

Alpha Kieran slowly withdrew from me, panting heavily. He stood to his feet and turned away from me hastily, muscles tense as he picked up his clothes from the ground.

I felt a bitter hatred build up inside me as I watched him put on his clothes, not saying a word. I felt used, as though he'd merely had sex with me to relieve some tension. What was more, I couldn't do anything to him now. The Red Seal had made him untouchable to me, but our mating had practically made it impossible for me to avenge my parents and my pack. He was bound to me for life, and I would never be able to pursue my revenge again.