There is nothing more beautiful than the tiny green sprouts fighting their way up from the moist earth and waving their head in the most adorable manner. It's wonderful when you know and realise you too happened to be one among the reason for their happy homecoming. Homecoming , I would like to call it. Coming back to the mother earth breaking the seed shells , expunging the soil over their head and bathing in the first glimmer of sunlight on a cool and fine morning.  What an amazing sight that is ! Tiny seedlings smiling at us and I feel they have always a special story to tell us.The story of patience , hope , fight , resistance and suffering that can inspire and motivate you.

These gone days of lost freedom , I read just as the pre-germination period of the tiny heroes. Time for us to rejuvenate and strengthen ourselves. Life in the most inviting and appealing forms is not far gone. This shell around us will break for sure. Patience is the lesson , I learned from my tiny friends. Patient enough to wait under the soil bed and sprouting with the  greatest of great vigour when the call of mother earth arrives. Resistance , resisting all sorts of external pressures with the calm and most humble mindset knowing , the day of hope and rebirth is not that far. Fighting your way through, to face the adverse and ill-fated days in the most simple but responsible manner, so that with you , your fellow companions too are guarded. Sharing space for others and letting them too prosper with you. Not jealous , not over ambitious , not desperate , not complaining and the wait finally bears the fruit. 

"Heard melodies are sweet , those unheard are sweeter" . The days await us has to offer much more than what we already have seen and heard. I love to wait. With all the possible charm good days will come back. The lessons learned will be the strength, the minutes spent to know and read and feel your inner self will give you the wisdom to move ahead. The sufferings , loses , tears and shattered dreams will be buried deeper and new sprouts will be born. That's the law of nature. That's the lesson these little heroes teach us. 

Don't regret . Not a single moment of yours is wasted. Much learning took place.

Inspite of all the negative things happening around ,  I myself could experience much happiness and relief  seeing my seedlings prosper .I will keep these moments always dear to my heart.  I was all busy farming and each day new lessons were learned. Learnt to accept the inevitable . Adapt to the changes. My little heroes are the reason. These are the greatest lessons learnt. Go Green 🌱💚
