

*alarm clock rings*

I opened my eyes and saw an unfamiliar ceiling


'Shit where the fuck am I? Did I got kidnapped?'

I quickly inspect the room and saw my lifeline

It's my phone

While she's putting the passcode on her phone someone opened the door

"Oh you're already awake? How's your sleep?"

Those words are coming from the beautiful girl who opened the door

Her voice sounds like minami

A petite bishoujo with a long silky shiny ponytail wearing a tshirt and shorts

I'm slightly taller than her

If do Goddess really exist, I think I found one

'Wait did I die?'

I pinch my cheek to comfirm it

'Thanks God I'm still alive.'

But where the hell am I? She doesn't look like a kidnapper, so what is she?

It was so confusing, the last thing I remember was the time that I was drinking at the overpass. I had no single idea where the hell am i

"Excuse me? Are you okay?" she asked

Her eyes are same as mine, lifeless but I think that is one of her charms

"So beautiful"

She gave me a confused look


'Ehhhh what the hell did I just say?'

"N-no... I'm so sorry! Yes I'm fine! By the way where am i?"

"In my apartment, I saw you sleeping in the alley last night" she coldly answered

'Oh shit'

"You're drunk as fuck and leaving you alone will shattered my conscience"

"Thank you very much for letting me stay here"

"You're welcome~ the breakfast is on the kitchen feel free to eat it"

she said while walking away

"Again, thank you!"

And now she's gone

'Shit! What time is it?'

I looked at my phone and saw that i am already late

I quickly stand up but i feel suddenly dizzy and fell on the bed

Oh I forgot, the reason why am i drinking last night its because I got fired from work

My chest suddenly hurts and my tears fell

This is not the life I dreamed for, it's so fucking hard to be an adult

Ughh I gotta find a new job but this time I have to find the bathroom first

I forced myself to stand and open the door hoping that I would see her but it seems like the living room is empty

Where the heck is she? Maybe she's gone to convenience store

I look around and found another door

This might be a bathroom

I hurriedly opened the door and get inside

As I closed the door, the curtain at my back suddenly opened up

I saw the owner of the house and notices that her chest is missing

"Hey! Is it common to knock before going inside the bathroom especially if you are in someone else house"

She got masculine body but i can't see the lower half

She's only covering the lower half?

Wait is she a he?

"Wait! Are you boy?"

"Yes, now if you don't mind please get out and lemme finish first" he plead

"I'M SO SORRY!" I panickly said and quickly do what he said

Ughhh I'm done for~

After some couple minutes he's finally finished wearing his uniform

It seems like that he's only a highschool student still he really looked like a girl even if he's wearing male's uniform

"Did you already take your breakfast?" he asked


If only i can say that

"N-no, I haven't eaten"

Waaaaaaah this is awkward, what really going on with me these few days

"Oh i see, then let's eat those together, by the way do you need any meds for hangover?"

"N-no, I'm alreadyt fine"

I could deal with deal with a cooler older person like our manager or someone like chief but this one makes me stutter and I cracked my voice, its only a little though

"I'm so sorry for what happened earlier" i forced myself not to stutter

"Okay" he coldy said then started eating his breakfast

I also started eating my food too


He's also a great cook, way better than me. He'll be a great wife in near future, I mean husband

I loved the way how omellete melts in my mouth and the miso soup taste good too

It feels like I'm in heaven

We finished eating and started preparing our things since he got classes while I have to find ways to have a job

"Once again thank you for letting me stay in your house"

"You're welcome" he coldly said

As I walk away from him, I heard him called me

"Uhmm ano! You see there's something happened last night" he said while looking straight into my eyes

Oh my fucking god! What did I have done? Did we do it? Am i a criminal now? Am i going to jail? Shit! I shouldn't have drink last night

"W-what happened?" I nervously asked

Shit Im fucking done right now~

"You sleeptalk last night and cried"


"You said something about getting fired at your job"


"I can offer a job for you"


"I'm currently searching for an assistant or more likely a secretary who's willing to live at my house and know also about the house chores"


"Ill offer you a ¥100,000 salary per month, is that okay for you"


I was fucking speechless I can't even look at him in the eye


this is a fucking tempting offer that every single adult will definitely accept however there somethings wrong here how can a highschool students affords that? Also searching for secretary for what? If he wants a maid I can still understand that but a secretary? Perhaps he's a child of some business tycoon and have to practice handling things

Alright its decided!

I need a job and now it's right in front of me, I'll gladly accept it whatever it takes

"Well if that's isn't enough for you, I'll throw another ¥50,000" he added

"No, no I'll accept it!" I said in panic

"Then you're hired~" he coldly say and smiles

"By the way I'm Kitahara Harumi and you are?" he asked while extending his arm

Even his name is feminine, is she really a he?

"I'm Akabane Fumiko" i said and grab his hands

And thus my new yet confusing life began


(AN. For those who didn't know who's minami, search it in the youtube or whatever music platform do you have)