
The Cursed Day

Titli was trembling! Her eyes welled up. She still remembered that day! She pedaled up her cycle. Ahi quietly followed her. Soon she reached her home and without sparing any glance at Ahi she rushed to her room. Maybe today is her luck at her side, so no one is at her home. She is alone; she buried her face to the pillow and cried her heart out, recounting the horrible memory of that cursed day.

Not much, a couple of years ago. Raman took a break from football and started tutoring students. At that time Raman came to teach Titli mostly History and English. Titli was in class nine then. Raman used to speak very little when it came to teaching. He did not say anything special except what was necessary to teach. He did not even accept a single cup of tea in their house. Titli noticed every small detail of Raman in awe. His sharp jaw line, doe eyes, tanned skin and well sculptured body... everything fluttered her heart. She felt an unknown pull towards the young but serious man sitting in the light of the table lamp. Titli never liked boys his own age. She thought the man of her choice would be serious and mature. He can convey two thousand meanings in two words.

Titli thought Raman was like that. She wanted to destroy the whole world if she couldn't get a glimpse of him.

One day, she boldly wrote a love letter for Raman at the end of the month. Then put it in the fold of her history book. Raman was supposed to take the book that day to prepare some questions for her upcoming mock test.

The day after giving the letter, Titli felt blank. She couldn't focus on anything. Love and fear were working at the same time. She was not hungry while eating, she didn't' want to sleep at night. She didn't want to talk to anyone. She was upset all day and argued with everyone for no reason. When she heard the sound of the bicycle, she thought that Raman had arrived.

And the day came, Raman was there. Titli understood when she heard the soft Bell of the bicycle in the evening. She was nervous, felt like her feet weren't moving at all. She took a deep breath and entered the room and saw that young man sitting there quietly.

God knows what exam Titli gave that day. Christopher Columbus became Vasco Da Gama, Leonerdo Da Vinci became Leonerdo De Caprio! It was a disaster. But Titli saw Raman was silent as if nothing had happened. Once the test is over he stood up. Just before leaving Raman said in a soft but serious voice, “Titli, take this letter back. Never do that again. Focus on studying.” He folded the letter and left it on the table. Tears were streaming down from her eyes. Her very first Heart broke. So insulting! What does he think of himself? Saint? Her Love Has No Price? Wait, I'll show you who is me" she muttered under her breath.

Two days later the servants of Titli's house called out Raman and bought him to their house. Titli's mother was sitting with a face like fire. Her father went out to work at that time. Titli tells her mother that Raman has written dirty letters to her. A letter full of bad hints. Titli was very happy to see Raman's shocked face, she thought it was good. Her mother insulted Raman and cursed him, calling him a "pedophile beast”. Raman did not answer a single word. He only went up with his face down. Titli did not sleep that night. A calm and serious face was flashing in front of her eyes again and again. Serene Moonlight filled her room and she cried silently. She did not understand whether it was victory or defeat. Because she is sure now, Raman would never come to their house again.

After some days when her father came back, her mother told everything to the father. Her father came and asked Titli to show him the letter. The handwriting was matched with Titli's handwriting. She wrote the letter in a different handwriting. But it didn't take time for her father to catch that the letter was fake. After asking her a few questions, he understood the matter. As always, Titli could not lie in front of her father. Her father was furious. Titli was slapped for the first time in her life that day. Her father did not talk to her for a long time. Later, he himself went to Raman and apologized for Titli. But he never came back

to her.