

"What? Are you insane?" Latai blurted out. He never imagined that Piu would tell him to pick up Raka from her home. His heart is beating crazily.

"Please don't say no latai. Raka was crying because her mom doesn't want to let her come alone. I told her mom that I will send my brother to pick her up. Please latai" Piu pleaded.

Now Latai understands well why he is getting that dangerous vibe since morning. Picking up Raka from her home to here is like inviting own trouble. He took a deep breath and chanted some mantras to calm his raced heart down.

"Where does she live?" He asked.

" Caffeine Park, the bungalow number is F-4. Her father's name is Mr. Subha Senapati". Piu answered in a single breath. Latai understands he has no way out, still he tried.

"But it's a private area. What if they don't give me permission to enter?"

"Raka's mom already informed their security guard. Just go and bring her here." Piu pleaded again with her big doe eyes which is Latai's weakness. He loves sister Piu more than anyone and can't handle her tears. Last time he saw tears in piu's eyes when her relationship ended with brother Rishi. He doesn't know the reason but he knew the emptiness in Piu's eyes. Since then he vowed, he would never let his sister cry. So now Latai is on his way to Raka. He looked at his surroundings. It's Autumn now, the season of falls. Latai loves this time. His beloved city appears with a new look. The cool breeze shivers him down sometimes, but he keeps going on. Soon enough he reached Caffeine Park. The richest private area of shillong city. Everything, the roads, the trees, buildings are in perfect shape, like some renowned artist drew it very carefully.

Everything seems fine but not in Latai's mind. His mind is loitering about Raka's words. She will be mocked at him again. He doesn't want to ruin his Sunday. His thoughts paused abruptly when he heard someone calling his name, with a sweet voice. He knows the owner. But how did she come here? He looked at the owner of the voice... Jasmine, his one and only best friend. But what is she doing here?

"Jasmine? Oh my God? What are you doing here? Aren't you in Delhi? Then?" Latai gave her a bone crushing hug.

" Yesterday. I'm on study leave. So I visit here" she answered with her usual smile. Latai always find Jasmine very healing and soothing person. He believes jasmine can heal anyone with her sweet smile. She is soft, kind, friendly yet bold and brave. She is someone Latai wanted to protect but it's always the opposite, she protects Latai in every possible way.

"Hey? Latai?" Jasmine waved her hand in front of Latai's eyes.

"Oh yeah?" Latai respond.

"What are you doing here? Are you thinking something?"

"No, I'm going to caffeine Park. Sister Piu arranged a small picnic in her house. I am here to pick her one student." Latai answered.

"I see. I'm also going that way. " Jasmine informed.

"Really? Then let's go together " Latai was overjoyed. He felt little bit of relax too. Jasmine saved him again.

Soon enough they reached Caffeine Park. Raka's mom already informed security guard so he let them entered. Raka was already waiting for him.

"You are late again..." She was about to shout on Latai but paused when she saw Jasmine besides him. She looked at her with curiosity.

Latai introduced them. Throughout the journey Raka was quiet while Jasmine and Latai were catching up with eachothers life.

When they reached Sister Piu' s house, Raka went directly to the terrace without sparing any glance to Latai. Latai was confused by her behaviour. Raka isn't a quiet calm girl, she is the loudest girl he has ever met. His thoughts get interrupted by Jasmine.

"I'm taking my leave now. Say hello to sister Piu".

"Wait! Don't you wanna meet with her? She will be sad. Come!" Latai held her wrist and pulled her inside where everyone was busy preparing lunch.

"Sister Piu! Look whom I have brought" Latai was shouting excitedly. Sister Piu was working on the kitchen counter, she turned at them and smiled at Jasmine. Jasmine was her favourite student. It was unexpected to see her but it is true that she was missing her badly. She immediately pulled her in her embrace. Latai was watching them with a wide grin, suddenly he felt someone's strong gaze on him. He looked at Raka, who immediately turned to the other side. Latai found it strange. Something inside him feels strange. But for now he chose to ignore that feeling. After all Jasmine returns, she will sort out his feelings and confusion.