
Spreading music in another world

Lucien was a prodigy singer, it was said that his singing voice could reach the soul of anyone, that there was no one's heart he couldn't touch. And it was truth, however he didn't have much to live because of cancer. When he had 1 week left, it was like the final hour before sunset, the final burst of energy. He strangely didn't feel sick like he was before this timeframe. On his last concern almost all of the world were watching he performance live, The elites of the world bought tickets for enormous price to be next to this dying legend. But when the performance finally commenced everyone were taken aback, even if they were used to his godly performances this was next level. Infact his singing that day reached even the goddess that watched over the earth. When the time for him to die came, she took his soul to her domain and disccused a way out for him, reincarnation with few advantages, restriction that made him despair and a new hope for life. english is not my first language so please point out any mistakes I make

FoxyTroxy · Fantasy
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Fragile life

It was a beautiful night, yet because of the lights it was a bright like it was daytime. As the stars in the sky shone on to the stage, Lucien stood there while looking at the crowd who were in anticipation to listen to his heavenly voice for the last time. Lucien was a prodigy singer, it was said that his singing voice could reach the soul of anyone, that there was no one's heart he couldn't touch.

When he had 1 week left, it was like the final hour before sunset, the final burst of energy. He strangely didn't feel sick like he was before this timeframe. On his last concern almost all of the world were watching he performance live, The elites of the world bought tickets for enormous price to be next to this dying legend.

"I want to sing more" thought out loud Lucien.

It was a sad thought. he was only 23 yet he had cancer, it was his prime age and it seemed like heaven took something in exchange for his voice that seemed to have come out from a fairy tale and talent for singing that earth's people haven't managed to find someone to compare.

"it's almost time for your performance" said Lucien's manager Anna.

"I will be ready soon" replied Lucien.

Anna was a special person to Lucien as he considered her family. Lucien was an orphan that struggled to meet his ends. He had to fight for bread crumbs. He didn't have an easy life as a kid. It all changed when he was 11, as he searched for something that resembled food near the trash in the dark valley. He saw a women about to be molested and raped by two thugs.

He knew that as a kid he was no match for them, he could of have just ignored everything that was going on, but for some reason his heart told him to do something. He decided to give it a try, maybe he would earn some positive karma. Lucien run out to the streets where people were in abundance and pleaded for everyone to call the police and help the woman from being raped.

Although most just gave him distainful glances seeing that his apearance was not excatly presentable. He did not mind, he was used to pleading and seeing these glances. Eventually some kind construction workers decided to help him.

They arrived just in time to save the woman, although thugs ran away, the women whose name our protagonist learned was Anna had sense of justice. she wanted to repay Lucien as well as those construction workers.

When Anna asked what Lucien wanted. Lucien thought about it, gathered his courage and asked to be adopted. Anna was a bit shocked and wanted to refuse, but thinking about how he saved her and looking at his pitiful apearance her heart softened, she agreed.

Since he hasn't found the love of his now ending life he considered he regarded Anna as the most important individual in his life. one might argue if not for her, his talents wouldn't have blossomed.

Coming back to reality from his memories Lucien went on the stage. He looked at all people who have gathered here, he saw tears in some of them as they knew this is his last time performing. A soft melody started playing, Lucien took a deep breath and started singing.

"Hope" is the thing with feathers –

That perches in the soul –

And sings the tune without the words –

And never stops – at all –

And sweetest – in the Gale – is heard –

And sore must be the storm –

That could abash the little Bird

That kept so many warm –

I've heard it in the chillest land –

And on the strangest Sea –

Yet – never – in Extremity,

It asked a crumb – of me.

But when the performance finally commenced everyone were taken aback, even if they were used to his godly performances this was next level. Infact his singing that day reached even the goddess that watched over the earth.

Not long after his consert ended the world was astounded to hear that their musical god died. Many people mourned and weeped, it said that to the funeral came several world leaders and elites.

The people also weeped over another reason other than his singing. Tickets to his consert were really expensive and since he couldn't spend it all on himself and his close ones he chose to spend his surplus to charity. Milions people had their lifehood only because of him. He was remembered as musical god and a kind man.

Lucien however at this moment woke up in an unfamiliar environment.