
Sports In A Fantasy World

Anna, now Avyanna, has found herself remembering her past life on her 18th birthday. She goes through a journey of understanding herself, bonding with people, finding love, and letting people in a magic world understand the happiness that sports bring. This is my first book. Hope you like it feel free to make suggestions or corrections.

Dash_Coco · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 7 - Her awakening

She cautiously looked behind her and moved towards the sound. On the other side of the bush, there was a small puppy. The puppy was injured and bleeding. It looked like a golden retriever puppy, around one month old. It was bleeding out of both its mouth and a large scratch across its stomach. Worriedly, she scoped the puppy into her chest, hopped on her horse, and pulled out bandages to stop the bleeding. She made the horse run as fast as it could to get back to the shop, not even stopping to say hi to the guards.

Once she got inside her new home she ran to the kitchen, and immediately ran the puppy's wound underwater. Because the puppy was too young, she could not use the adult potion she bought on him. She got frustrated, as the bleeding wouldn't stop. She did not know what to do, so she sat down and started crying. She did not want to see a puppy die in her arms. Just as she was about to give up, she felt a unique energy coursing through her body and heard a "ding".

A few words popped up in front of her.


Name: Ayanna Winter

Elements Awakened: Water, Fire, Earth, and Wind

Unique Talents Awakened: The Book of Knowledge, Manufacturing Space

She heard another "ding," and a voice in her head said, "Open awakening gift. This includes, from the Book of Knowledge, how to suture up a dog's abdominal wound, and from the manufacturing space, one-time use of tools needed for the surgery."

She accepted right away, grabbed the puppy, and got pulled into a space that looked like an operating room. She felt like she had been doing surgery for years and had started right away. She gave the puppy a mix of sedatives, making sure it was not having an adverse reaction. Once she made sure the puppy was stable and sleeping, she started to clean out and prep the wound. After making sure the wound was well-cleaned and dry, she prepared to sew up the wound. Staying focused, she made sure it was fully sown up. She covered it with a bandage and put it back on the bed.

Looking at the dog and making sure that the reversals worked. She saw that the puppy was pale. She checked for new symptoms and noticed that the puppy's gums were pale and its limbs were cold. She was sure it was because the dog was losing too much blood. The only thing she could do at this moment was give the puppy some of her blood. Animals in this world were able to take all types of blood. While thinking about the knowledge book, it popped into her hands. It opened, flipped through half the pages, and opened on one with the title Blood Transfusion. There were about two pages on how to draw blood and how to do the transfusion. It was complex medical knowledge, but somehow she was able to process it like she had done it many times before. She was very thankful that she had been given a surgical room. She set up the equipment and found a major artery in the antecubital area of the arm (the inner part of the forearm). She drew about 300 ml and ran the blood into the puppy. She felt faint and sat down. After about five minutes, the puppy looked like it had started to regain colour. 

At first, when she picked up this injured puppy, she was just worried about its health, but she now felt like she had more of a connection to it. She would still take it to the wild when it recovered, but a small part of her wished the puppy would stay. When she checked his gender, she realized that it was a boy. She always dreamed of having a dog. But it was not realistic with her travelling lifestyle. So having a pet in her second life felt like a dream. Even if she wasn't able to keep it, she still wanted to name it something. After thinking about it for a while, she decided to name it Bear.

Out of nowhere, she popped out of her space. With the Bear in his bed on her lap, it turns out that she was only able to spend six hours in the space, and if she went over, it would kick her out. There was a cooldown time beside the Manufacturing space.


Name: Avyanna Winter

Element powers: fire, water, earth, wind

Unique powers: book of knowledge, manufacturing space - Time left before entering: 4:59

Taking a deep breath, she got out of her chair and placed Bear and the dog bed on the ground. She made sure the door was unlocked, and, when outside, she walked to the inn to find Jamie and ask for the mattress she promised. She did not have time to make one tonight and wanted to get to bed soon. When she got to the inn, she knocked on the door. Jamie ran up and opened the door. She waved at Anna and started yelling "Davis, come here; I need your help". By now it was nighttime and he was home from work, so Jamie wanted him to help carry the mattress to Anna's new home.

Davis called back. "I'm coming. I'm coming. Give me a second."

Walking out of the kitchen, Davis saw Anna and said, "Oh, hi Anna, Jamie told me you were coming to pick up a mattress, right? I put it in the hallway. Let me grab it. You guys can go outside. I will be out in a second."

Jamie and Anna thanked him and walked outside. When Davis came out, he was using wind magic to carry the mattress. On the way back to Anna's house, she asked the couple how they met. They met due to their soulmate bond. They were the same age, but Jamie's birthday was a month later than Davis's. On Jamie's birthday, their soulmate connection awakened. They grew up in different towns but attended the same school when they were young due to family circumstances. On Jamie's twentieth birthday, she hosted a party, and Davis was one of the people who came. As she blew out the candles, a red light flashed on her pinky finger and connected her to Davis's pinky finger. And that was when they found out they were soulmates.

By the time the story had finished, they had arrived at her new shop. She asked them to leave after leaving the mattress upstairs. At the house, Jamie found the puppy, and Anna told them the story about how she found it. Shortly after, the couple left, and on the way out, they warned her to be careful of the worry that it could hurt her when she woke up. However, she assured her that it was no problem and waved goodbye. She quickly cleaned upstairs, got ready for bed, and put the dog in her bed, making sure that Bear was okay. After about 30 minutes, she fell asleep.