
Sport King's Legendary Rebirth

Kazuma Tenjo always had massive talent for basketball, he was a legend even among the world players. Having already shown his abnormal ability in the sport during middle school, along with having an abnormal physical ability. However, while he had the talent, he no longer had the passion for the sport. He always found interest in starting to play volleyball, which he was going to do, but life had its own decisions as he soon met his end. To think he would die before even graduating high school... Fortunately, it seemed he'll have his chance as God allows him to be reincarnated, allowing him to stand among the living once again. Though, he won't be as crazy powerful as he was before... No, with his three new abilities, he is even MORE powerful than before!

EternalFreeze · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

A Monster Roams Once More





"So, I finally died, huh?"

"Indeed. It was quite an unfortunate twist of fate." A male elderly voice sounded, the voice carrying emotions of sympathy. The voice belonged to an old man who appeared to be wearing mainly just white cloths and nothing else, the man sitting upon a golden ethereal throne as a young youth could be seen standing in front of him.

The youth was a young male appearing to be around the age of sixteen, having a lean yet muscular physique. Having also beautifully fair skin and also neat straight snow-white hair, along with a pair of crimson eyes that appeared a bit intimidating. He wasn't wearing any clothes at the moment, though his private parts were covered up by a strange light.

"You seem unnaturally calm about the situation..."

"Well, there isn't any point in complaining. If I'm dead, then I'm dead. Nothing I can do about that."

"You perhaps, but I'm an entirely different story." God, the elderly man, chuckled as Tenjo looked up at him in confusion. Tenjo being the young youth with white hair. God gave another chuckle as he then further explained. "You are a gifted individual, I'm sure you've realised your abnormal capabilities compared to normal humans."

"You mean my strength?"

"That's definitely one of them, but another is also your immense talent, especially in basketball." Tenjo just gave a shrug at this. He had already left quite an incredible mark on the world when he was only in eighth grade, he was said to be as good or even better than the top talented players in high school. He only got better as time went on. "We can't let such a talented youth go the true afterlife so quickly now, can we?"

"Wait, you don't mean..."

"Do you fancy being reborn?"

"..." Tenjo honestly had no idea as to how in the world he was supposed to respond to such a question. The concept of being reborn was something that was only written in fiction, and there was no solid proof that it was truly possible to be reborn. While Tenjo was open to superstition, even he always found such things unbelievable. "Is it possible...?"

"Of course! I am God, after all!" God gave a hearty laugh as he grinned towards Tenjo. Tenjo just blinked as his mouth opened slightly in shock, was he truly going to be reborn? He clenched his fist as he felt happiness swell inside him, he didn't want to die so early in life. He may have lived an incredible basketball career despite his age, but there was a lot more he wanted to do, basketball or not. "You will be reborn into a world very similar to your own, I'm sure you're aware of Haikyuu since you have been fancying playing volleyball."

"Wait, I'm going to be reborn into Haikyuu?" Tenjo blinked as he stared at God with a dumbfounded expression on his face. Haikyuu was an anime based entirely on the sport of volleyball, much like how Kuroko No Basket was based on basketball

"Certainly! You may also find quite a number of surprises in the new world, surprises that you won't ever have expected to end up seeing." God chuckled mysteriously as Tenjo just rose one eyebrow up in confusion. Tenjo didn't get to ask as God then continued, probably avoiding getting questioned on the matter. "Anyway, before you start off with your new life. I can't let you leave without compensating you in some way due to your early death."

"Compensate...?" Tenjo muttered as he heard this. "I mean, being reborn is already a massive compensation for me. You really don't need to..."

"Nonsense!" God shouted as Tenjo sweatdropped at the shout. "For such a talented young youth, I want to see you grow, to see how strong you can become! To help you do so, I am going to be granting you three random skills that lie under the three different skill categories."

"I mean, I appreciate it... but, what exactly are skill categories?"

"Well, they're categories." God explained as Tenjo deadpanned. "The first category is labeled as a Passive Skill, I'm sure you've heard such a thing before from games and such that you've played back when you were alive. These skills will usually only occur when certain conditions have been met, they will then automatically take effect without your control."

"I see..."

"The next skill category is called a Prodigy Skill." God stated as he held up two fingers as Tenjo continued to listen intently. "Whatever skill you may end up receiving will be a skill that you will be able to learn and, or awaken much faster and easier compared to others who may be capable of using such a skill. Thus, the name of Prodigy Skill."

"Okay, makes sense. So, if I end up getting a skill of cooking or whatever, I would have a much easier time in learning how to do so?"

"Pretty much, though it will also improve at a faster rate as well." God nodded as Tenjo thought about it in his mind. Depending on what kind of skill he was going to get within that category, it could prove to be an incredible asset. Though, if he ended up getting a useless skill, then it would end up being worthless.

"What about the third?"

"The third is the most special of the three, it's called a Dormant Skill. As the name suggest, it is a skill that remains in slumber until it is forced awake in some way, depending on what kind of skill it is." God explained. "These skills are usually quite incredible, and absolutely cannot be learned. Only awakened when the time is right and certain requirements are met."

"That's interesting... just what kind of skills could that be?" Tenjo muttered to himself as he listened and mulled over God's words. Dormant Skills sounded like they were most likely the peak of legendary skills, and the fact that they can't be learned was something else too. Usually, skills can be passed down, but not these ones apparently.

It's either you can use it or not.

"Shall we begin?" God asked with a smirk as Tenjo looked up at him and nodded his head. "The skills that you will gain are those that will fit well with the world you will be entering, so don't expect to get something as insane as space and time manipulation. What need would you have for that in a world of sports?"

Tenjo just nodded as he felt the same way, while having powers like that would be cool and useful in many ways, he honestly felt no interest in that. He then watched as an ethereal projection appeared to the side, to which both of them gazed at it as three words could be seen scrambling at a blinding speed. The first one began flashing as it then soon stopped scrambling.

The other two did the same as they soon stopped.


Passive Skill: Yips Inducement

Prodigy Skill: Zone


Tenjo widened his eyes when he read the skills that were just displayed. He had watched Kuroko No Basket, so the skill Zone was something he was very familiar with. It was basically an individual's state when they reach their maximum potential. It is a superlative of regular concentration and focus. Their skills are incredibly sharpened when in the Zone, the difference is unreal.

The fact that he could potentially enter the Zone, just made him feel excited!

"Hold on... Yips Inducement?" Tenjo frowned slightly as he read the passive skill. He just thought on it for a bit as God stared at Tenjo with an amused smile on his face. It took a second befoer Tenjo widened his eyes and looked at God. "Yips... is it referring to THAT ability?"

"Hahaha~! It seems that you have realised what skill you had just gotten for passive. Zone is already an incredible skill, but added with this as well. You have truly become a monster! " God just laughed in complete amusement as he then grinned. "I'm sure you are very well aware of the user of this ability. Yukimura Seiichi."


Tenjo honestly found this skill of Yukimura to be terrifying in many ways.

The skill itself, if it could really be called that, was something that forces the person that the user is facing to enter into a state of yips. When the user maintains a perfect condition and no openings at all in their playstyle, the opponent would feel immense doubt and would falter as their motivation and self-confidence are shattered.

This ends up dropping them into the state of yips. Yukimura utilised this talent of his to such a degree that the victim would plunge so deep that they would begin to slowly lose their five senses as they continue to feel immense doubt in their hearts. Of course, they do return to normal eventually, but without their five senses during the game, the victim could only dream of being able to continue playing in such a voided state.

The two skills he just got were insanely powerful in their own right, and the fact that he'd be able to utilise them both at some point, he could only imagine how much more he could accomplish even compared to what he had managed previously. His already abnormal strength on top of these, it was truly a terrifying combination.

"Wait, God. What's with the Dormant Skill?" Tenjo wondered in confusion as he stared at the text. "Why is it illegible...?"

"That is something that I did." God responded. Tenjo could see that the text that would have been the skill was blurred out completely, making it impossible to make out what it said. "I am someone that likes surprises, so I have decided to keep this Dormant Skill a complete secret until it awakens itself. Even I don't know what it is."

"A future wild card, huh?"

Tenjo wasn't certain what skill he had gotten for the Dormant Skill, but whatever it was, was probably quite powerful. Probably even more so compared to both Zone and Yips Inducement considering what God had explained about Dormant Skills before. Just the thought of finding out what it was brought immense excitement to Tenjo.

He couldn't wait!
