
Chapter 1

In a lonely night a lone shadow could be seen sitting in a chair while gazing at the moon. The shadow belong to a young man. His black hair is in a mess but it not affecting his handsomeness. The pair black eyes of his look so clear but it will give people deep feeling when they see it.

He seems to recalling his past. His face show many emotion from sadness,anger,helpless and regret.

It has been 20 years since i reincarnated to this world. Many thing has happen this twenty year and most of them are bad thing.

Losing both of my parents, Fired from my job, and i even need to live in a old abandoned house. If it wasn't because of that guy.

Luke's life is a good one in the past but it gone just like a smoke.It happen when he was in highschool . In the highschool he meet a girl and they ended up being together.

But that is also when his life become ruined. A guy named Jack come to meet him and said to him to not get close to Lily , the girl that he like or else his life will be a tough one.

Luke as a man can't take what he said and fight him. Until Lily come and separate them. Jack leave when he see Lily. Lily soon told Luke about Jake.

Jake is the son of Ceo Silver Sword Company and he was enganged to Lily when they were baby by their family. Lily never like Jack but her parents told her to do it.

That day Lily said to him that her parents will send her aboard and she will only come back when her marriage is ready to be held. The next day she go aboard.

Jack still do something to Luke's family that ruin his life. His parents lose their job and no one want to employe them. Their economy become worse and they ended up selling their house.

Luke still able to continue his school and graduate thanks to his good friend Adam. Someone who has a strong back ground just like Jake.

But it not last long. Adam was send to oversea to take care of his family's company. Jake not done anything to Luke's family because Adam threaten Jake before leaving.

Luke soon look for a job as a programer in a company with his skill from previous life he able to make money for his family. Jake find out about this and ended up taking over the company where Luke work.

Luke ended up with no job because he was fired. His parents fall sick because they have live in a bad condition for long time. They ended up passed away leaving him behind.

He was griefing that day even when the funeral was over he still stand in the graveyard watching his parents' grave. he stand there alone but he know that he wasn't alone. His parents is watching him.

"Don't worry dad,mom. i will be fine here by myself. Go now i will always pray for both of you."

He remain standing waiting for his parents to reply.

"We know that you are special son. Don't bear the grudge in your heart and take care."

His parents made a smile and hold hand to show their son that they are fine now. They know that their son won't leave without seeing them off. Their soul soon dissapeard from the earth.

Since then Luke live in the old abadoned house. The house close to the graveyard where his parents buried so that he can visit regulary.

"What a bad life? Well atleast i have good parents that love me. Unlike my previous life where i don't even know who is my parents."

He let out a sigh and pick up a cup from the table. He take a sip of coffee inside the cup.

"Now i only have myself with no family left."

He continue drinking the cofee in his hand while see outside of the window.

"Kid ,your life is a tough one but you should not give up."

Luke hear a man's voice but he know that it wasn't a human.

"Who are you? show yourself."

A old man started to materialized in front of him. The old man has a thick bread and long hair that tied into tail.

"I am William Blaire. I am a spiritualist that more than live 500 year ago."

"What bussines you have with me old man?"

Said Luke while observing the old man carefully.He don't seems care about what he said just now.

"You come from another world right?"

Luke surprised hearing what he said. He never tell anyone about his reincarnation. But how this old man know.

"How do you know this?"

"Ofcourse i know about it. i have visited your world before."

The old man talk about his previous world the earth where exsist 7 Continent and lot of countries.

In his current world the earth he reside only exsist 2 continent : Eastren Continent and Westren Continent.

He live in Westren Continent the size of the continent same as Africa continent but the climate is same like Europe.

The Eastren Continent is the bigger than Westren Continent. The size is roughly the same as Asia of the earth he come from and the climate is same.

"No need to be surprised kid. You remember how you die right?"

Luke become silent, he seem to try remembering how he had die.

"I don't know . I just see a bright light come from above and then i was reborn."

He always curious how he had die back then. The old man seem to know something.

"You are crushed by a meteor" said William with a flat tone.

"What!!! So the light i saw back then is a fucking meteorite."

He always curious about his death but now he seems to be a joke. How unlucky someone could be to die because of a meteor.

"Kid it's all in the past no need to think about it anymore. Now i will tell you why you able to reincarnated to this world."

He sit down on a chair in front of Luke and stare at him with a serious eyes.

"Why i am reincarnated here not in my own world?"

Luke become serious, he put down his cup on the table and prepare to listen to the reason why he reincarnated here.

"Your reincarnation here happen because of Spiritualist System."

Said William.

"What? You mean like those novel i read right? But why it never appeard?"

He was shocked to hear it and confused too. If he has that kind of system. Why it never appeard before?

"You must be wondering why it never appeared right? it will only activated after you become a spiritualist."

William then started to explain about spiritualist.

Spiritualist is peopole who own the abillity to control and use spiritual power. These people able to see what other can't see. They use their power for what they believe in. Some use it to protect people and some use it for personal gain.

Spiritualist is hidden from this world, they had exsist for a long time. Hidden in the human society, no one know about their exsistence except some people.

William finished explaining about spiritualist and look at Luke. He seems to wait Luke to say something.

"You mean i need to be a spiritualist to activated the system but how? I don't know how to be one."

Said Luke.

"I know you don't listen to me carefully when i introduce myself. But oh well, i can teach you don't worry."

"Really? But why you want to teach me?"

"I guess i will explain it first then."

He explain that he was the previous host of the system and when he die he make a contract with the system to help the next host.

"Why would you do that anyway? It better to go to afterlife right?"

Asked Luke.

"I made a promise to someone to protect this world. I will protect this world for her even if i die already."

"I see. She must be somone you love that mean she is your wife."


Luke understand that he must be love his wife very much that he will even abaddoned the tought of going to afterlife.

"No need to think about it kid. I will teach how to become a spiritualist."


"Just use teacher instead. I don't like to be called master."


"I will teach you a cultivation techique. It called "Holy Darkness". It prefect for someone who with dark and light elements like you."

He took out a book out of nowhere, the book seems to come out of thin air. He hand the book to Luke.

"Teacher, how you know my elements?And where is the book come from?"

Asked Luke.

"It's simple. i just ask the system and it will tell me and the book come from the system's storage too."

"Ah, i see."

Luke then take the book from his teacher's hand. The book cover is black with word written in front Holy Darkness and below it written People think that Holy resprented by light but even darkness could also resprented Holy, Darkness not always mean it was evil and Light also not always good. Everything come from the heart of human,because even darkness could protect people and light could hurt people.

"Even darkness could protect people and light could hurt people? Hmm i see so it was like that."

Luke noded showing he understand what these word mean.

"Now, open the book and start your cultivation, so that you can activated the system. The first stage of cultivation is spirit foundation building, it consist of 9 level. I will explain the other stage after you reach the peak of spirit base realm."

"Yes, sir."

Luke opened the book and read the content inside, it explain about how to reach spirit base realm. He need to gather dark and light elements along with spirit energy from his surrounding and gather it inside his body.

"Teacher where the elements should be gathered? It not written in the book."

Asked Luke.

"After you entered cultivation state you will be able to sense space in your body gather the spirit energy and elements there."


He sit down and cross his leg and started to meditate like what he read inside the book, closing his eyes he calm his heart and stabilized his breathing.

He able to feel the elements and spirit energy around him, there many elements in his sourrounding. He feel the space his teacher told him, he begin to pull and gather the elements and spirit energy toward him.

He lost track of time while meditating, what he do is only gathering elements and spirit energy. The space inside his body soon filled with lot of dark and light elements and spirit enegy.

'It already filled up time to form my spirit base, the elements should be balanced just like the book.'

He concentrating and gather the elements inside him to form a a spirit base. The elements soon taking a shape like a ball, with color black and white just like yin-yang image.

The spirit energy absorbed by the ball, it increase in size slowly. The ball stop growing when there is no spirit energy left. Luke has succesfully create his spirit base.

[System Starting! Analyzing the host!]

[Host information acquired]

[System Activated]