
Spiritual Earth a world with magus and cultivation

A lost soul from earth reincarnated into a universe of cultivation and magic. He doesn't have memories from his new world and he isn't not the same person either. He is immediately involved in an annihilation of a sect and learns that only strong cultivators can survive. Later on he found out there are different races that are ruling the world. The lost earthling wants to change the rules of this world and is planning to create an everlasting legendary sect while facing schemings, hardships and traitors. The length of a chapter is at least 1500 words. Chapter releases I don’t work as an author. I try to release at least two chapters a week.

HerbsTankard · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 2: Appointment at the elders hall

After the pleasant bath, I went outside to check out the surroundings. I looked around and saw there were buildings that looked like a scholar's temple. People are fighting or training against moving puppets. The puppets seemed to be alive. I got very excited to see something magical like this. I was wondering how they could do that. While other people seemed to have a duel. I moved slowly downhills to scan everything, hoping that I wouldn't miss buildings. A few minutes later, mansions appeared, some looking sturdy while others looked like new mansions. The people that were walking in all directions seemed to ignore me. Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice yelling at me from behind.

It was my maid, Ray. "Master, I see you got finished. I hope the Elder helped with your serious issue of memory loss. Did you get it back?"

I disagreed fastly. "I'm sorry. He said it would take some time "

Ray looked sad. "Hm, that's really unfortunate. I have an idea. Let me show you the sect."

"That would be great! These buildings look fascinating. They look very ancient."

She nodded and smiled back.

"Yeah, they are really amazing. You must know that the sect has some history after all, it has existed for hundreds of years. "

"hundreds of years? That's quite a long time, no?"

"Not really. There are older sects with much more history than our sects. I considered us a newly established sect."

"Oh, how old must the other sects be? "

"Well, I can show you the way to our library. There must be more information about that. I have limited information to these, after all. I'm just your servant. "

"How come you have limited Information? Are you not able to go to the library? You may be a servant, but I see nothing wrong with going into the library."

"Being a servant is not the problem here. I'm not an official disciple of the sect. My rights to learn martial arts or getting information are limited. Even though I have some interests in these."

"So, the sect has disciples. For what do they need disciples?"

"They give their knowledge to their disciples. They are investing in a new generation to build a foundation of the sect. They can grow stronger if they get a lot of disciples. They will defend our territory in future. There are more benefits about disciples."

Her life must be quite difficult. What is she doing the whole day? She even has no access to information. This needs to be changed. I also think that I don't need a servant after all, but chasing her out is the wrong idea. If I have known her since we were kids, maybe I can make her a disciple of the sect with my status. That should not be a problem.

I said excitedly. "I think we need to change the fact that you don't have access to information. Are you interested in being here a disciple of the sect? You should have a lot of time when I'm not beside you, right?"

"Master, that would be great! I can have a longer life when I cultivate harshly! Not only that, maybe… I can come alongside you when you do missions for the sect or go on an adventure."

"I see you get really excited about this. I'll try my best to persuade the elders about this."

"Thank you, master! Before I'll show you the sect, we should go to the elders hall. They won't wait the whole day, though."

"Ah, yeah, you are right! I forgot you to ask when the appointment was. Good to know that the appointment is today."

"Let's go to the elders hall."

I nodded. This took 30 minutes. They build the sect like a town where the housing of the members is on the upper mountain. On the top of the mountain were the personal caves located. The town lies at the foot of the mountain. We went through the town. I saw some buildings like the alchemy hall, taming hall, blacksmithing hall.

So they have professions, after all. It seemed to be something like the medieval age. Shortly we arrived at the elders hall.

Ray said, "Here we are. I wait outside since I don't have permission to enter. I will wait outside until you are finished. After this, I can take you to the library so you can search for the information you need."

I replied "Thank you Ray! I appreciate your help. "

"Nothing special."

I went into the building which was big. There were several people walking in all directions. I don't know if there were actually disciples or elders. I saw something like a reception, so I went there.

"Hello, I'm here for an appointment from the elders. My name is Reves! Can you help me? I don't know where I should go since this building is big."

"So, you are Reves. The elders are waiting for you, but before we tell you where the room is, we need to confirm your identification. Please give us your identification talisman."

Identification talisman?

"Ahh, wait a minute. I'm searching for it."

I looked for the talisman on my body. I found it finally in some of my little bags. It was green and glowing. There was a name on the talisman 'Black Reeves'. It also imprinted my age '20 years'. There was also my current status. 'Alive'. Somehow, there was a soul connection to this talisman. After scanning it, I found out that the information would update every 5 minutes.

"Here, this is my identification talisman."

They checked the talisman and someone went with the talisman to somewhere else. I couldn't see where he went. After a few minutes, he came back.

"We confirmed your identification. I need to inform you since you are a peak Core Formation cultivator that you need to come back when you reach the Nascent Soul Realm. A part of your soul will need to bind a Nascent Soul lamp. The best thing about this is, if your body gets destroyed your soul will transfer to this lamp. There are some pills that can revive your body after the battle. The downside is the enemy can track your soul. If the enemy can get your soul, they shatter it, mostly. Then you are truly dead, but be at ease those who can do that need a special treasure or technique."

Wow, this is outstanding! At least I am kinda safe then. I hope this problem will never occur. I need to ask if I can be reincarnated or something like that.

"Thank you for the information. I have a question, if you get killed, is there a way to get reincarnated by other means, like a treasure or some kind of method?"

The receptionist laughed. "There is no way to be reincarnated in this world. Dead means dead and it's final. However, there are rumors about that in the Realm of God's. A mystery person shows up when your cultivation is at the peak of this world. The problem is 99,99% of the population will not come this far. The next problem is our estimated lifetime. On this continent, there was not a single one who arrived at the peak for ten thousand years after the second all out war."

Hmm, maybe I will get my answers in the realm of gods. The problem is time, talent and luck otherwise, you wouldn't be able to get this far. I want to be transmigrated back to earth. There should be some way. What the name already says there are gods. They must have some kind of power to make this happen. I hope I can reach this goal.

"Thank you for the answer. "

"If you have nothing else, the room number is 300. It's on the highest floor. You can't miss it. I'll inform the elders that you are here. Bye! "

"Bye! "

It took me a few moments to get to the top. As I arrived, I found the door to the room. These were massive doors. I wasn't sure how to open these massive doors. They look really heavy to push them.

Suddenly it slowly opened


I went inside the room. The doors closed automatically behind me. What I saw were 10 elders sitting on a long table of wood. They looked at me with caution. I didn't know their names. I hope that would not be a problem.

A loud voice echoed in the room.

"Core disciple Reeves. We heard that you successfully arrived at the peak of Core Formation. In the names of all elders, we congratulate you for coming this far even without having a master, but that was your decision. Your merits of the sect are not low. You are a genius at fighting and won two tournaments. Even at cultivation, you outmatched everybody with your age. You successfully killed devil cultivators and their small sects. You did great deeds for the sect. When you break into the Nascent Soul realm, it's time that you need to get your own disciples. We will promote you as a core elder. The only condition is to break through the Nascent Soul realm. Given your speed, reach it in months, mostly a year of time.

Do you have any objections?"

I replied "No."

"I dismiss the elders since there are no other objections. I need to talk with Reeves privately."

The elders walked outside. I was wondering why this elder wants to talk alone with me.

"Reeves, I heard your memories are sealed or gone. That's why I sent the elders off. Don't worry, I sealed this room from the outside. Nobody can hear us inside this room. The question that I have for you is what do you know and what do you not know? Before you answer, there is a second reason I wanted to talk to you. The second reason is I want you to be the next sect master in the future. My time as a master is limited. Only a few decades are left and I know I will not overcome the next realm. "

"To be exact, I know nothing. My memory about cultivation, names, the structure of the sect, geographical of this continent, even the world itself, is unknown to me. That's why I must kindly disagree with your request for being the next sect master."

The Sect Master was thinking to himself, 'This is actually perfect that he lost his memories. He can take the sect's hope with him. Even if they search his soul for information, all they will see is that he knows nothing. The sect may fall, but with him, I'm sure the sect will be revived. Only one thing that I need to know about him is that can he be trusted?'

"Well, this is indeed a problem I never heard of. So, you say that you lost your memories?"

"Well, yes I don't have any knowledge of this world."


I looked confused at him. "Perfect?"

"As long as you do your duties and don't violate the sect rules, it's a small matter that can be solved. I'll inform the Elder who is taking care of the library hall to give you all access to the Information you need. I will give you some advice. Learn the core details about cultivation there, as you will walk this path further. Maybe you have some enlightenment and your memories come back. There also are some sections about the world that will help you. As for my name, you can call me just 'sect master'. You are still a core disciple after all."

"Thank you, sect master. I have a request. My servant wants to be a disciple of this sect."

"You want a disciple? I can arrange a group of disciples that want to have a master. Are you sure that you want your servant to be a disciple? I see an issue there. You are already her master. You can use this as experience being a teacher. I'll inform the receptionist they will get her an identification talisman."

"Eh, well, I'm not ready to teach several disciples for now. However, if I see some progress with Ray, I will reconsider this. Thank you for the permission, sect master!"

The sect master smiled and took a ring from his fingers. He also summoned a knife. "I will give you a special ring. You must bind this ring when you reach the Nascent Soul realm. I need a drop of your blood! Give me your hand."

He sliced a minor wound in my hand and took a drop of blood from it. He created something that I don't understand and placed the ring on my hands. A few seconds after that, it went invisible

"This special ring is called a spatial ring. It has a dimension where you can place objects inside of it, except for living beings. I placed a formation on this ring. It has two functions. The first function is, it is invisible to everyone except for you. The second function is you cannot use it for a week. There are some items in this ring which will help you. I will erase my memories of this day today. I will also give you this letter that describes why you got this ring and what this ring is. This letter is sealed. It will open in a week. You can't read it until this week is over. This mission is not a suicide mission it has to do with.. Well, you will read it when the time comes. This is a burden that you can only do. Since I can't trust anyone besides you. You also need to swear here and now a heavenly oath that you will take this mission to your heart. You must fulfill it until you die. I give you a few moments to consider it."

"Well, it seems to be important. Do I get merit points for this?"

The sect master laughed hard. Even the room trembled. "Sorry I couldn't control my power. Yes, consider it as a reward and merit points."

"I don't know what this mission is, if it's not dangerous I think I will do this. So, yes, I will swear at it!"

"Good to hear. One last information about the swear it's called the heavenly oath. You can't go against an oath, otherwise the gods will punish you. Repeat what I will say.''

[I swear a heavenly oath, if I don't accomplish this mission, then I will die by a tribulation.] While I repeated his words, a strange light was slowly covering my body and glowing a few moments before it disappeared.

"I have nothing to say anymore, Reeves. You are dismissed."