
Spirits of Destruction

Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Supernatural Cormac Etzell is an expert in understanding the feelings of others. But out of all the people, Etzell sometimes can't understand a woman's feelings. That's why he wanted to keep learning so that he could understand them. One day, Etzell saw a woman sitting in a park chair crying. Feeling sorry for her, he tried to comfort her and approached her. But who would have thought, when approached the woman turned into a strange and terrible figure. And strangely enough, she claimed to be a spirit who was ready to kill Etzell. At the same time, the park became very dark and tense. "What the hell is going on?" muttered Etzell in confusion.

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10 Chs

Chapter 2: Tiwaz Re Barier 1/2

After the incident this evening, Tiwaz Re decided to take Etzell to a secret place. It was a special place where there was a barrier that could only be seen and opened at Tiwaz Re's will.

It was now nighttime. The sky was already dark with white clouds that sometimes emitted lightning. Not only that, some stars also began to shine, as well as the moon. All of them were trying to display their own beauty.

"If you're curious, why don't you come with me?" invited Tiwaz Re.

"Eh? Yes, alright. I'll come!"

When invited to come along. Without thinking, Etzell immediately accepted the invitation from Tiwaz Re. The reason Etzell did so, was because he wanted to listen to Tiwaz Re's explanation for what had happened to him. In short, Etzell was just curious.

"What's your name, young man?" asked Tiwaz Re.

"Umm... my name is Cormac Etzell, just call me Etzell!"

"Oh. Nice to meet you, Etzell! I'm Tiwaz Re, please call me by my full name to sound cool!"

"Okay, Tiwaz Re!"

Before going to the secret place, they got to know each other first. After doing so, they left on foot.

"Ordinary people should no longer be able to see spirits, but it looks like you can," said Tiwaz Re.

"Yes, it seems," Etzell replied.

While on the way to the secret place, Tiwaz Re talked about some things about spirits. Although Etzell did not understand at all, he still responded and listened seriously.

"Humans have evolved to the final stage, the stage where they can live peacefully without contact with spirits. But I don't think you've evolved to the final stage, or is it blocked? I don't know, there's no time to think about it," Tiwaz Re explained.

"Now I have only one offer, do you want to live a normal life or live a life while dealing with many spirits?" he continued while offering.

"If I can, maybe I just want to live a normal life," Etzell replied.

"Why are you hesitating? Honestly, I get a little annoyed when I see someone who is hesitating about their choice," said Tiwaz Re.

"S-so huh? I'm sorry!"

"No need to apologize, you should at least decide after entering my barrier."

Hearing the word barrier, Etzell felt even more confused about what Tiwaz Re was talking about. But in the end, he decided to continue following him.

"Barrier? What is that? Where are we going anyway? Haven't we been walking for a while?"

"Calm down, Etzell! We're here!"


They stopped right in front of an old building. It looked abandoned and unkempt, with even more wild plants growing around it. The sounds of crickets and some other animals were also heard in this place.

Upon seeing it, Etzell was even more confused.


When Tiwaz Re said "Barier!". A large semicircular barrier formed. It was so bright that it dazzled Etzell's eyes.

"Woaahh!!! What's going on? Why is there so much glare?"

"Open your eyes!" Tiwaz Re ordered.

Ordered to open his eyes, Etzell did so. And now, there was no more glare in his eyes. The barrier only looked like a brownish-yellow color now.

"What is this?"

"Think of it as a barrier that keeps everything out."

"Blocking? That means I can't enter this old building?"

"Exactly. Now, grab hold of this barrier!"


Doing as Tiwaz Re instructed, Etzell began to move his right hand to this large, brownish-yellow colored barrier. Until the moment his hand was about to touch the large barier...


Etzell's hand bounced off and it was enough to make him startle. Not only that, but his heart also felt like it was about to fall out due to the sudden pressure he experienced.

"You see? Anything that tries to pass through this barrier will just bounce off. But the question is, if I walk through this barrier casually, will I also bounce off?"

"Maybe you'll experience the same thing."

"You can't doubt! The answer is only yes and no!"

"I-I understand! The answer is yes!"

When emphasized by Tiwaz Re, Etzell answered his question with confidence.

"Too bad, but the answer is no. Well, even so, at least you answered it without hesitation. Now, look at me!"

Tiwaz Re began to walk towards the large barrier. He walked at a very leisurely pace, and true to his word he managed to pass right through it without even a bounce. Now the two of them were separated by the barrier.

"Wow, great, how did that happen?"

Etzell, who was amazed to see it, immediately asked.

"I'm the one who created this barrier. In short, it's like your own home that can only be entered by the few people you allow. When a strange person or creature suddenly enters, then you will definitely feel disturbed. Well, just like this barrier, it will respond to that annoyance with a rude refusal."

"I-I don't understand."

Although Tiwaz Re had explained it at length, Etzell still did not understand.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. Now come in! Barier, Open!"

After Tiwaz Re said "Barier, Open!", the large barier immediately hollowed out where Etzell was and formed like an entrance.

Although he hesitated, in the end Etzell still walked into it. And this time, he was able to pass through without bouncing off just like Tiwaz Re.

"Whoa, that was close!" complained Etzell.

"You won't bounce because I've allowed you to enter," said Tiwaz Re.

"Yes, thank you!"

"Etzell, you probably have a lot of questions in your head. But unfortunately, I can't answer them, because I still have other business to exterminate spirits."

"Eh?! Then why did you bring me in here?"

The moment after Etzell asked that question. Tiwaz Re's gaze suddenly became serious and it made him dare not look at Tiwaz Re.

"Alright, Cormac Etzell, let me ask you one more time. Do you want to live a normal life or live a life of dealing with spirits?"

"Sorry, but I still don't understand."

"Because you've already experienced it, so you have to choose one or the other."

"Really, I don't understand!"

"Whether you understand or not, you still have to choose!" said Tiwaz Re.

"I don't know, I'm confused too!" replied Etzell.

"I have to leave soon, so please decide now!"

Still feeling confused, Etzell stared at Tiwaz Re whose gaze was sharpening. As if he couldn't look away, Etzell also stared sharply at Tiwaz Re.

"If you choose a normal life, I can't guarantee that you can live a normal life forever, the reason being that you can see spirits. In fact, if you can see spirits, then you have no choice but to deal with them, because the spirits will continue to pursue you until you die," Tiwaz Re explained.

"If you choose to live to deal with many spirits, then I will teach you about various new things such as Spirit Energy, special techniques, and others," he continued.

"So in the end, I have to fight the spirits?" asked Etzell.

"Yes, that's it," Tiwaz Re replied briefly.

Etzell did feel scared if he remembered the events of this afternoon, especially if he imagined having to fight other spirits that were just as terrifying. However, if that was the only option.

"Tiwaz Re, please teach me things and ways to deal with spirits!"

So Etzell decided to go through life while dealing with many spirits.

"Alright, I understand. There is no hesitation in your gaze and the way you speak, so I will do it," said Tiwaz Re.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you if the dangerous spirits attack," he continued with a smile.

Deep inside Etzell, he still felt afraid. But with his newfound confidence, Etzell felt that he needed to fight that fear, especially after getting a guarantee of protection from Tiwaz Re.

"Time Stop: Level 1, Teleportation: Level 3! Activate!"

Right after Tiwaz Re said that, time stopped instantly.

Inside this barrier, the figure of Etzell who was looking expectantly at Tiwaz Re was clearly visible. He didn't move at all due to Tiwaz Re's technique. Not only did Etzell not move, even the sound of small animals like crickets could no longer be heard.

The atmosphere was completely silent now, then shortly after...

"Huh?! What's wrong?"

There was one figure that was suddenly in front of Tiwaz Re and Etzell. The figure appeared right after the blinding light was seen for a split second, it turned out that she was a woman whose body was more like a teenage girl, although she was older than that.

"Sorry to disturb at a time like this, Melissa! Haha, sorry! I moved you here without hesitation," said Tiwaz Re welcoming the woman. Without even feeling the slightest guilt, he laughed.

"Never mind, then what happened?" asked Melissa irritably.

Of course Melissa felt upset. But because she still respected Tiwaz Re, she just accepted it.

Then while looking at the surroundings, Melissa looked at Etzell briefly and then turned back to Tiwaz Re.

"This child, can I leave it to you?" asked Tiwaz Re.

"Huh? What am I taking care of this boy for?!" protested Melissa.

"Please, I don't have much time left!" Tiwaz Re pleaded with her.

"No, I refuse!" insisted Melissa.

"Well, what can I do."

"What else this time?!"

Tiwaz Re smiled widely before saying something to follow up his words, and that smile made Melissa feel suspicious.

"I've defeated many shadow-type spirits not long ago. You know what? This kid had a run-in with one of them earlier."

"Eh? That means, he can see spirits?"

"Exactly. So that's why I want you to take care of this child."

"I don't want to, because I don't actually care. Even if he can see it, can't you erase him memories from before he saw the spirit? That way he won't see the spirit anymore."

"You're right, but this kid's screaming almost broke my eardrums. Then because I was interested in him, I used a little lie and managed to bring this child here."

"Huh?! Are you serious? The strongest spirit you've ever fought has no effect on you!"

Melissa really didn't believe what Tiwaz Re said, even she denied Tiwaz Re's own words. Because for Melissa, Tiwaz Re was the strongest among humans and even among the spirits themselves. Because of that too, Melissa respected Tiwaz Re even though he often annoyed her.

The thing that made Melissa confused and disbelieved was about Tiwaz Re's eardrum that was almost damaged by Etzell's scream. She thought about why that would happen, but no matter how hard she thought, no answer appeared.

"Yes, I'm serious. If it wasn't for the Body Enchantment, then I would definitely be deaf by now."

"Eh? Is it that bad?! You must be exaggerating!"

"No, I'm serious. Does my face look like I'm joking?"

"Yes, of course. That face of yours is full of lies!"

"Uh.. your words are a bit hurtful."

As if looking depressed, Tiwaz Re took his eyes off Melissa and he started looking at Etzell.

"Sorry, Melissa! I don't have any more time, please take care of this child!"

"Hey, Tiwaz Re! Don't ru-..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Tiwaz Re had disappeared and time went back to the way it was.


"This place, am I not inside Tiwaz Re's barier?" Melissa asked herself.

"That damn guy, he's so sneaky! I'll pay him back later!"

Clutching one of her hands tightly, Melissa vented her frustration.

Melissa was upset that Tiwaz Re had just left her and handed Etzell over to her without any explanation that she could understand.

"Umm? Who are you, sis?"

Because time had gone back to normal, so Etzell was also able to move again. Likewise, the voices of some animals at night began to return. It wasn't quiet anymore now.

"Who are you?! You're troubling me, damn it!"

"Ah, sorry then, where is Tiwaz Re?"

With a look that was slightly saddened by being yelled at by Melissa, Etzell asked about Tiwaz Re's whereabouts.

"Why were you instigated by him?" asked Melissa.

"What do you mean?" Etzell asked back.

"It's okay, forget it!"

"Emm? Yes, fine."

For fear of being yelled at by Melissa again, Etzell said yes.

"Well, I already know where this is going to lead. You did too, right? Then are you ready?" Melissa asked again.

"Yes, I'm ready!" replied Etzell firmly.

Just like before, Etzell said yes again. Although he didn't know the woman he was dealing with now, but he was sure that Melissa was related to Tiwaz Re. That was why he trusted her.

"Then, prepare to die!"
