
Spirits' Powers Unlocked!

"Mom... Dad... Sorry... Sorry because a stupid truck hit me out of the blue!" "I'm not stupid truck, I'm wish-fulfilling truck, and aren't you the one who wished you wanted to be a boy in your next life?" "You're really stupid! I just thought of it not wished of it! And I never wish I'll die too fast!" "Whatever you're dead already, and it won't be taken back. How about this, I'll do something for you to make up to it?" "What?" - - - Cover is straight from Google, I just added the title and did something to it.

TestNumber_143 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


"That's Thirteen! A pro hero who saved tons from natural disasters!" Izuku said with his nerdy knowledge when he saw her. "Oh, I love Thirteen." Uraraka cooed.

Aizawa then walked to her and asked her something while looking around. Thirteen raised her three fingers.

She started to explain things, and just then, a purple mist appeared in the fountain area. 'Oh, it started. That man-child...'

"Is the training already started?" Kirishima asked as he took a step forward, but was stopped by Aizawa. "No, they are villains." He said, making his students shiver.

"Kaminari!" The guy flinched when his name was called. "Try contacting outside." He said and the other nodded.

"You're going to fight alone, Sense? But there are too many, your quirk can't erase all of them!" Said Izuku with a worried look.

He then put his goggles on. "I won't be a hero if I only have one trick. Thirteen, begin the evacuation." He said as he started to dash towards them.

Shido then looked at Aoyama. "Hey lazer guy!" He called out. Aoyama looked at him with confused look. "Why call me, Shido?" The others also looked at him.

"Try to signal the outside with SOS, I doubt they will let us exit easily, especially they have a warp quirk." He said that surprised the others a bit. Aoyama nodded and started to shoot beams.

Meanwhile, the bunny looked at Midoriya who's currently watching the fight scene. "Hey Broccoli, it isn't time to watch, let's go!" It said.

He nodded at it and started to run with them.

Suddenly, another purple mist appeared at their exit, it also blocked the incoming beams. "Quite smart, Shido, but I won't allow that." He looked around as if he's searching for someone. "But where is All Might? He should be here right now, did the schedule changed?"

Seeing that mist guy, Kirishima and Bakugo was about to jump and punched that guy, but long white arms appeared on the ground and held them off. "What the-"

"Oh Shido, your classmates are so aggressive, aren't they?" A jade-haired girl appeared from the side. Shido looked fiercely at her. And his classmates were alerted by her sudden appearance.

"Let us off, you damn witch!" Bakugo shouted when he saw that the girl has a witch costume, and a sexy one.

She chuckled and complied to him, and at the same time, Shido asked her, "How did you know my name? And who-" But before he could finish his sentence, an arm appeared on his chest, and retracted quickly, leaving a hole in his chest.


As he dropped on the floor, his classmates are shocked, and before they could even cry on the spot, the black mist covered them and teleported the most of them in different places.

The students that were left tried to get near him, and even the teacher tried to do so. But another long arms appeared from the ground and held their feet. "Don't worry girls and boys, he's just asleep. He won't die by simply killing him."

They tried to release themselves from the hands, but to no avail, they failed as more hands came out and grabbed them. They are also processing their thoughts. 'What is she saying?'

She walked calmly towards Shido and sat besides him as she lifted him up, his head was now laying on her thighs, at the same time, blue fire appeared on the hole, surprising them.

Little by little, his hole regenerated, as purple mist covered them and they appeared in the central plaza.

As she teleported to another place, the hands that are grabbing them loosened, and came back to the ground. Thirteen then instructed Iida to go out and ask for help.

At the area where Aizawa's currently fighting, he there saw the purple mist and two people came out from it, and was shocked to see Shido in a jade-haired girl's lap. He wanted to charge at them but the small villains kept coming to him.

"You got him huh? Let's wait for him to wake up, I need to talk to him." The light blue-haired boy said and he looked back to Aizawa, and scratched her neck.

When the teacher could finally attack them, the guy with hands on his body held his elbow, injuring it.

His fight continued, until the Hand Guy ordered the Nomu, and Aizawa's head was pinned down on the ground.

Midoriya who's hiding wanted to jump there and help his teacher and his sleeping classmate, but was stopped by Tsuyu and Mineta.

They were also surprised to see the hole in Shido is slowly regenerating.

"Fear not! For I'm here!" A shout was heard as the door in the entrance slammed. Everyone looked at him and smiled. 'Finally!' They cheered in their heads. However, Midoriya didn't see his usual smile.

All Might then looked at the central plaza. Seeing Aizawa in bloodied state and the unconscious Shido on girl's lap ye frowned and charged at them.


Just then, Shido's wound finally healed as he woke up. "Good morn-noon, Shido! What a nice sleep you got." The jade-haired woman said, attracting Shigaraki's attention.

"Oh, you're awake... Why don't we talk for a bit?" He said. Shido quickly stood up and summoned his broom and let it fly away hut not too far. "Talk? There's nothing for us to talk!" He shouted as he took the puppet off and placed the bunny on his shoulder.

"Of course there is, you're a quirk robber after all, you caused your family's death, and yet you wanted to be a hero? What a joke!" 

Hearing him, Shido started to form tears in his eyes again. "I'm just tricked Grandpa..." He said in a low tone, but was loud enough for others to hear, and he continued, "But if it weren't for monster to enter my family's home, they won't die! It's not entirely my fault, it was a villain's!" He shouted, causing Shigaraki to scratch his neck again.

"Calm down Shigaraki." Said the mist guy who had just arrived when Iida successfully escaped.

"I'm calmer now." He said as he looked at Shido. "Villains you say? We are just addressed as villains because of our violence, but look at All Might too, aren't he's using violence to deal with violence? Hero is just a title to cover their violence, don't you think too, Shido?"

Hearing him, All Might tried to charge at him. "Stop brainwashing him!" But to no avail, the Nomu keeps him from attacking them.

Midoriya who's carrying Aizawa wondered. 'Rob? What are they talking about?' He then looked at All Might. "Tsuyu, can you hold Aizawa-sensei and head back first?" He asked while handing the teacher to her.

"Why?" She questioned as she took their teacher from him. "I'll help All Might." He said, shocking them.

At the meantime, Shido chuckled after hearing what he said. "Seriously? I agree anyway, but that doesn't change the fact that you're a villain, and things in a wicked way." As he said that, the broom moved fastly towards the woman in witch costume and knocked her off, so she won't kill him again.

And he then took his broom and sat on it, an apple appeared from it and gave it to his bunny. And at the same time, Shigaraki scratched his neck more. "Nomu! Smash his head!"

The nomu charged at him but was stopped by All Might. They exchanged attacks until All Might was in a tight spot. Just then, the ice guy froze the nomu, allowing All Might to free from it's grip.

Shido didn't continued to watch them since he already knew what will happen to them. He just left the scene to go to his other classmates.

He then lowered his broom and landed on the ground. Right now, he's in the area where no other students could be seen. And suddenly, a guy with a gun showed up, and behind it followed a group.

He has no idea why they are in here.

"Well, who's here?" Said the guy with gun. He's about to shoot him but the broom suddenly glowed at them, and they were sucked in.

"Troublesome..." He mumbled as he sat on his broom again, and gave another apple from the broom to his silent bunny.


He said and a clock appeared behind him, and two guns on his hands. Then he flew to the mountain zone.

There, he saw a guy who just popped up from the ground and grabbed Kaminari, threatening those two girls.

Shido then pointed his gun at seven o'clock. "Zayin"

The guy wasn't alerted since he didn't hear him for Shido was quite far from them, only the two girls who saw him flying around knew that he was there.


After a gunshot, the guy who grabbed Kaminari froze, he couldn't move and it was like his time was stopped, which is the case.

He then helped his classmates who were shocked to see him alive. "How did you survived? Didn't the woman killed you already?" Asked Jiro.

Shido produced some fake tears. "You wanted me dead?" He asked.


A loud sound came from the central plaza. 'Oh it ended, too fast... Anyway, I got six hostages. I may get some information from them.' He thought as the clock and the guns disappeared.

"Let's go back? I'll give you a ride Jiro, we didn't have time for the bunny riding after all."

"Wait, only her? What about me? You're going to leave me here alone?" Momo complained. Shido just chuckled as his broom moved towards her.

"Ride that then, just hold it tightly so you wouldn't fall."