
Spirits' Powers Unlocked!

"Mom... Dad... Sorry... Sorry because a stupid truck hit me out of the blue!" "I'm not stupid truck, I'm wish-fulfilling truck, and aren't you the one who wished you wanted to be a boy in your next life?" "You're really stupid! I just thought of it not wished of it! And I never wish I'll die too fast!" "Whatever you're dead already, and it won't be taken back. How about this, I'll do something for you to make up to it?" "What?" - - - Cover is straight from Google, I just added the title and did something to it.

TestNumber_143 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Should I?

I'm a dark room where the din light is the only source of light, Shido woke up. He quickly sat and looked around, only seeing some injured students laying on their beds.

'Why am I here?' He asked in his thoughts. Just then, he recalled what happened. 'Oh right, I fainted, stupid self.' He thought as he felt something moved at his side.

He looked at his side and saw her sister who's rubbing her eyes while sitting. "Good mornight, Shido." She said as she yawned.

Shido nodded at her as he looked at his hand, there, he saw his puppet but it doesn't move on it's own. 'It's sleeping... How cute...'

"You're okay now, Shido? Although there's nothing wrong with your body, but I heard you cried before you fainted, what happened?" She asked while checking the time in her phone.

He just nodded at her and said, "I don't know... But I'm okay now, can we go home?" He then moved his feet to the edge of the bed to get up.

Nemuri smiled at him and said happily, "Of course. Also there's a hero training later, it's a pity if missed it."

Hearing her, he nodded again and stood up. 'Yeah, it's a pity if I missed that villain attack.'

As they exited the room and closed the door behind them, Shido called her in a low tone. "Sister Nemuri."

She turned her body to him when she was called. "Hmm?"

"My parents, are they villains?" He asked, causing her eyes widened to his question. l

'Should I tell him the truth? There must be something that he can use to retrieve his memories since he got his Grandma's quirk  But if he know the truth, will he go in bad way too? And-' She was cut off in her thoughts when Shido spoke up.

"It's okay if you don't tell me, I could get those memories back anyway. But..." He said and he lowered his head before continuing. "I'm too scared to do it, something preventing me to do so, but from your reaction, now I know it's true." As said it, he shrugged.

A second after, he felt a warm hug from her. "Sorry Shido for hiding it for a long time. I ju-"

"No it's okay, even if they're villains or not, it doesn't matter since they are dead. It's just that..." He paused for a bit as his tear formed in the corner of his eyes. "I'm the cause of their death."

Hearing that, Nemuri hugged him more tightly. "Stop saying that, you're making your big sister cry." She said as she cried. She made it sound fake, trying to lighten his mood up.

"Stop hugging him, you're suffocating me, Aunty!" The bunny shouted. It made her angry again at it, while Shido just chuckled.

- - -

"Oi! Crybaby! What the hell happened to you yesterday, huh?" Bakugo questioned as Shido entered the room. The others sweat dropped. 'What's wrong with him?!' They screamed in their heads.

He just smiled at him and turned his head to his approaching classmates. But before they could start asking questions, the bunny suddenly spoke. "Eh? Bakugo? You're concerned about him now? Don't tell me..." It said as it covers it mouth, making him mad.

"Why would I be concerned about him? I-"

"Woah, calm down Bakugo." Kirishima said as he tried to prevent him. "Tsk!"

"By the way Shido, what really happened?" Mina asked.

"Yea, you suddenly cried and fainted. Gero"

Shido just shook his head and walked to the middle. "It's nothing, really, just too tired and fainted, that's all." He said as he looked around, checking if everyone's in the classroom already.

'Too tired? Is it because of that organ and piano thing he summoned yesterday? If so, then it makes sense since it's so big.'

"Everyone please sit down, the teacher is coming soon." He said, and as usual, everyone complied. Seeing them sitting back to their seats, Shido started to walk towards his seat sinve he's the only one standing now.

- - -

"Hero Training?" They questioned.

"Will there be a fight? I'll beat you Crybaby!" Bakugo shouted as he suddenly stood up.

Aizawa looked at him furiously. "There's no fight." He said as he looked back to the front. "From fires to flood, we're preparing you from disaster reliefs. I and All Might and the other teacher will supervise you."

He then pulled something from his pocket. "You can choose to either wear your costumes or your P.E. uniform since some of you are not used to their costumes." As he said that, he pushed the button that in his hand and boxes appeared in the wall.

They then went to the changing room, many grabbed their costumes before going there. While walking, Shido tapped Momo's shoulder who was quite surprised. "What is it, Shido?" She asked.

"Can you help me organize everyone's seat? I'm still quite tired." He asked, earning a nod from her. "Tired from sleeping? But sure, leave it to me." She said, making Shido scratch the back of his head. 'Yea, you got me.'

- - -

"Everyone please line up according to your I.D. numbers and fill those seats inside." Momo said, that surprised them a bit.

"Hmm? Why is it you who organize seats? Shouldn't it be Kayama Shido?" One of them asked. "He's too tired from sleeping." She answered, making them chuckle a bit.

"It's true though, sleeping makes me tired." Shido lied as he walked towards his seat.

"Oh, you again, still my seatmate in the bus huh?" The bunny puppet said as it plucked two balls from him. "It's still sticky, I hate your balls now." It complained as it frozed those balls, completely destroying it, while staring down to him.

Mineta who's planning to ask Shido about the girls held back and shuddered as he watched the same bunny that's destroying his balls.

Jiro who's at his side couldn't help but laugh. "That bunny, so cruel." She expressed.

"Oh right, still wanna ride m- ... it?" Shido asked, earning a slight nod from her. Her ears turned red as she looked away. "I bought those apples, of course you have to pay me back."

Suddenly, Shido's head laid on her shoulder. She's about to push him away but he spoke. "Don't push please, let me sleep for a bit." He said. She reluctantly complied as her face turned red. She looked at him who's in deep sleep quickly.

'So fast...' She thought.

On the other side, Midoriya was a bit nervous. He looked around and saw Shido sleeping on Jiro's shoulder. He wondered if they are dating, but immediately trashed the thought since Shido really needs rest. After all, he fainted and fell asleep for hours.

"Can I say what's in my mind?" Tsuyu asked.

"What is it, Asui?"

"Your quirk resembles All Might's." She said, making the green-haired boy more nervous. "R-really? Uhh... I mean-"

"Hold on Tsuyu! But All Might doesn't get hurt when he uses his quirk." He said then smiled at him. "But still, I'm quite envious since you got strength enhancing quirk. You can do a lot of cool things too."

He then started to harden his body. "While my quirk is pretty plain, it just hardens my body."

"I-I think your quirk is great too! You can do a lot of things and become a pro easily." He said. He just got his quirk lately, and he thinks that everyone's quirk is great.

Then suddenly, a blonde-haired guy interrupted them. "My navel lazer is strong and cool too. Perfect for a hero." He said, as Mina chuckled.

"Not unless if you're stomach doesn't blow up." She said, making the blonde-haired boy remain in silence.

"If it's strong, then it's gotta be Bakugo, Todoroki, and Shido, right?"

Hearing his name being mentioned, the other blonde-haired guy became angry. "Tsk!"

"But Bakugo is too rude, he might not be famous." Tsuyu said, making him more angry. "What dud you said? Frog Face?!"

"See?" She said while pointing her finger at him. Suddenly, she remembered something. "By the way Shido, how come you didn't get hurt when you copied Midoriya?" She asked as she looked at him, only seeing him sleeping.

Jiro who heard her tapped Shido to wake him up, it's also because she's curious too.

"Hmm? Are we there?" Shido asked while stretching his arms. Jiro shook her head and said, "They're asking on how you didn't get hurt when you copied Midoriya." She repeated.

He was about to answer when Midoriya suddenly asked him questions.

"Do you have more weapons? How big is the storage in your broom? What can the clock do more? Also that piano and huge organ?"

Everyone who are also curious turned their looks at him. "Uhh that... I could only copy a part of their power, depending on how cute they are. That's also why I could copy Tsuyu's full ability." He said, making the frog girl turn red.

'He really thinks I'm cute...' She thought

After saying that, he continued to sleep at Jiro's shoulder, ignoring Midoriya's questions, he just let the bunny answer him.

"That's too much Midoriya-kun." Said the bunny, then quietly mumbled, "Such a nerd..." Midoriya felt embarrassed that his nerd personality was exposed, and wondered if he made a bad impression to him, which is highly possible since he remembered him in the entrance exam.

"Still, even though Bakugo's quirk is strong, he still won't become popular because of his personality." Said Kaminari.

"Huh? I will become popular!" He shouted, making the bunny chuckle.

"There's no need, you're already popular since middle school. That sludge incident, right?" Mocked the bunny. Everyone was shocked to what it said.

Bakugo was going to attack the puppet. "Die! You bunny!" He shouted.

"Can you guys be quiet?" Aizawa reprimanded them.

Not long after, they have arrived at the place. "Uwaa! It's huge!" Screamed Uraraka as she saw a huge building in front of them with USJ on it.

As they entered, a hero with space suit suddenly appeared. "Welcome students to the Unforseen Simulation Joint, or USJ for short."