
Spirits' Powers Unlocked!

"Mom... Dad... Sorry... Sorry because a stupid truck hit me out of the blue!" "I'm not stupid truck, I'm wish-fulfilling truck, and aren't you the one who wished you wanted to be a boy in your next life?" "You're really stupid! I just thought of it not wished of it! And I never wish I'll die too fast!" "Whatever you're dead already, and it won't be taken back. How about this, I'll do something for you to make up to it?" "What?" - - - Cover is straight from Google, I just added the title and did something to it.

TestNumber_143 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

More Apples!

"Hey Shido, why did All Might went to his knees yesterday? Gero!" Tsuyu asked while putting her index finger on her face.

"Yea, we were shocked to see him do that." Mina expressed then she took a mouthful of bite of her lunch.

Shido flinched as he sweated a bit. While lightly scratching his face with a finger, he answered, "Uhh... Sounds weird but... He also wanted to ride the bunny, which I rejected quickly because it's ridiculous just from the thought of it." He lied, causing the two chuckle.

Mina almost spat her food that's in her mouth, but she quickly chewed it and swallowed those foods, and she finally laughed. "For real?"

"Hmm? What are you guys talking about, by the way, can we sit here?" Momo who had just came, asked while pointing to the empty seats besides them.

The three agreed, and the three girls sat besides them.

Seeing them sat on their seats, Tsuyu answered her question. "It's about All Might Sensei wanting to ride at the bunny too." Hearing her, the other three girls were dumbstruck. "Ehh?!"

"Even the bunny caught his attention, well who wouldn't?" Hagakure said while looking at the bunny at his shoulder, rubbing the apple that was gave to it.

"Speaking of the bunny, whose turn is it?" Momo said. Hearing her, all of them looked at Jiro who's turning red. "There's no way I'm riding that!" She exclaimed.

They chuckled at her, they obviously knew that she's lying. "Aww! Aren't you the one who gave him the apples? Why are you saying that?" Teased Mina.

Shido just watched them talking happily with each other and smilingly eat his food.

"Shido" Momo called him. "Hmm?" Said as he spared a glance to her, and continued eating. "Congrats for being the class representative." She said.

Shido scratched the back of his neck and smiled awkwardly. "It will be a pain in the back for me actually, but congrats for being a vice."

"Not really, he's just too lazy to do it." Said the bunny and finally took a bite on the apple. What the bunny said made the girls chuckle.

On the other side, Mineta seeing him surrounded by his girl classmates couldn't help but cry blood. "H-he... He took all the girls!" He cried out while pulling the blonde haired boy's pants.

"Not all, there's still that girl." Kaminari said while pointing his finger at Uraraka, who's with Iida and Midoriya. "B-but she already has Midoriya." Mineta continued crying.

Kaminari sighed and said, "Why don't we look at the brighter side?" He said, catching his attention. Then he whispered something to Mineta.

After he said this, the crying boy stopped crying. "Right, how come I didn't thought of that."

Suddenly, an alarm sounded, catching the attention of all.

"An alarm?"

"What's happening?"

Just then, a voice was heard from the speakers. "There has been a level three security breach. All students, please evacuate outdoors."

Before the girls in Shido's side ran with the crowd, Shido shouted at them. "Stay Here!"

"Huh? Why? Can't you hear the warning?" Momo asked, turning her head to him. The other also looked at him in confusion.

Shido then stood and summoned his broom, placing the bunny on it and flew to the window to see what's outside. "Don't you remember? There are media outside, it must be them. I'll check first before we join and be trapped in the crowd." He said.

What he said made those girls also look at the crowd, seeing that they are pushing away. They sweated upon thinking what would happen to them if they joined the crowd.

"It's really just a media." He said as the broom returned to him, with the bunny riding it. Then the bunny hopped onto his shoulder as the broom disappeared after.

"What we'll do? They are in panic and may not hear us even if we yell out loud. Gero?" Tsuyu asked.

Shido then walked towards the middle of the cafeteria. "I'll handle it."

After walking to the middle, those girls sat on their seat and watched him, while continuing to eat their foods.


Shido said as he waved his hand and a keyboard appeared, surrounding him. And a huge golden organ appeared behind him. Although it's huge, it didn't move or destroyed anything.


"So big..."

As Shido pressed the keys on the keyboard, it sent some visible sound waves. Shido didn't put any effect on it, it was just used for him to gain their attention.

They tried to turn to where what piano sound came from, and saw a huge organ and in front of it was a blue-haired guy with a long piano in front of him.

Seeing him, they stopped pushing each other for a bit since their attention was now on the boy.

Then a metal pipe appeared in front of him, it's end was a bit bent and the hole is facing him, and another two pipe pipes appeared from the ground near the crowd. It's bent end was facing them.

"Please calm down everyone and look outside, it was just a media. And don't push each other when coming back here." He said and they sighed in relief.

"Plus bring apples at Class 1-A if you want to thank hi-" The binny was cut off when Shido covered it's mouth.

"Sorry, that's just my bunny, ignore it." He said and those pipes disappeared, including the piano and the organ behind him. He spared a glance to Iida who's currently floating since Uraraka used her quirk on him.

He then walked back to his table, seeing a shocked reaction from them. Those people who's in the crowd also walked back to their seats, while taking glances at the blue-haired boy, thinking if they should bring an apple later or tomorrow.

"Shido, your bunny really is funny, I wonder how many apples will be at out classroom's door." Expressed Mina.

The others felt uneasy while thinking that their classroom was flooded with apples.

After eating their foods, they proceeded back to their classroom together. With Shido accepting apples from various people and giving it quickly to his bunny who ate it with one bite.

'How did they got those apples? Did they emptied the cafeteria?' He thought.

What bunny eats just turned to nothing, but it still could taste the apple that it enjoys.

After coming back into his classroom, some his classmates surrounded him.

"You managed to calm everyone down, as expected of our class representative." Iida said while giving him a thumbs up.

Shido then smiled at him. "I saw you floating there, you're trying to calm them down too with her help, right?" He said while pointing at Uraraka.

Just then, his classmates started to talk. "Shido! That organ earlier was huge!"

"You're so manly there!"

"Do you know how to play a piano? Mind if you teach me?" Aoyama said while doing his pose.

Shido just smiled at them while nodding to each of them, and then he walked to the middle in the front. "Take a sit everyone. Teacher is coming soon." He said as his classmates complied.

He was about to walk to his seat when the door opened, revealing his teacher with a big sack behind him.

"Good job calming them down, and by the way, here are your bunny's apples. And much more might come tomorrow." He said while dragging the sack behind him.

Shido walked towards it and summoned his broom. As he touched the sack of apples, the sack disappeared, entering the broom. He then walked back to his seat.

Just then, his mind went blank, and some tears started to flow out of his eyes.

"Kayama Shido, what's wrong?" Called out the teacher, his classmates turned their looks to him, only seeing a blue-haired guy staring blankly at the front while his tears flowed continuously.

They were surprised when what made them more shocked when Shido suddenly fell on the floor.


- - -

When the panic is still occurring, a clone of Shido was watching those reporters trespassing in, and he saw a figure slips in easily, he saw that the figure doesn't looked like a teacher or student at the school.

Shido followed that hooded figure to the forest, and that man saw him coming. "Oh Kayama Shido, you caught me." He said as he looked at Shido who's hiding behind the tree.

The clone then showed himself, looking at the man who has a light blue hair. "You are? Why are you trespassing here?" Asked the clone.

"Tomura Shigaraki. I just want to take a walk here, and since you're here, why don't we talk?" He answered as he walked slowly towards him.

Shido then summoned his gun and pointed it at him. "Take a walk? Liar!" He shouted. The light blue-haired guy just grinned at him.

"Fine, but let's talk, Itsuka Shido." He then continued to walk closer to him, until he could touch the gun in Shido's hand. Upon touching it, the gun disintegrated.

"Why you didn't shoot me earlier? Itsuka Shido?" Shido then frowned at him. "Itsuka? I'm Kayama, you said it earlier."

The hooded guy shook his head in disagreement. "You forgot your family right? Your real parents? You're Itsuka, from a villain family."

What he said made his eyes widened. "Liar! What's your proof?!"

"Proof? I don't have, but why don't you try to bring your memories back." As he said that, he touched Shido's neck, his four fingers are touching his neck and the remaining one is still raised.

"You know what will happen if I touched you with all fingers, right?" That man asked. Shido gulped an amount of saliva. Although he's just a clone, he still needed to act that he's the real one.

His body was shaking when he thought the thing that will happen. "I-I'll die..."

Hearing his answer, the man grinned. "Good that you know. Now, why don't you summon that gun again, with the clock behind you. I'm sure there is something that could give your memories back."

'Should I do it? I'm still scared for the truth, if he's saying right, I don't want to know about it anymore!' He shouted in his head.

"Do it now! Bring your memories back, why don't you try to remember when you robbed their quirks just before they die?"

"Y-you're wrong, Grandpa tricked me into it, it's not-"

"Still, you're a robber, they died because of you, if you didn't robbed their quirks, then they might still live until today." He said, cutting Shido's words off.

A tear formed in the corner of his eyes as he shouted, "Liar! I co-"

"Then remember it!" He shouted back, cutting his words again. He then loosened his hand and backed away, watching the trembling boy. "See for yourself."

Shido then summoned gun again and pointed it on his head. He was about to pull the trigger but the gun disappeared as he fell into his knees. "I'm... Afraid..." He mumbled.

Shigaraki then continued to walk, leaving Shido behind. "See you when time comes."