

In a world where kings rule and gods bless, meet Sheja a young 16 year old born of a peasant to the prime minister of Pidah kingdom. At the age of 10, her spirit was identified to be the strongest, making her the most suitable candidate to be the crown princess. But due to envy, her step mom used a dark sorcerer to shift her spirit onto her daughter, Hirwa leaving Sheja with a wounded soul. But can someone tell me why 6 years later, Sheja's wound is completely healed by a magnificent guy who is feared by everyone in the kingdom. The king inclusive. And why is the grand prince riding her coattails. Doing everything to get onto her good side. Most of all, why does her heart beat for both these men, and don't be confused. She's not apologetic for that. Follow Sheja's story to the end.

Tandye · Fantasy
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4 Chs

nine year birthday

It was early in the morning; preparations were underway for the grandest noble birthday ever seen. The Prime minister's daughter, moi, was turning nine. And all the kingdom's subjects were determined to make it a day to remember.

The arrangements for this occasion were nothing short of extraordinary, filled with whimsical surprises and hilarious mishaps.The first order of business was to find the perfect venue for the festivities.

The royal palace, with its opulent halls and sprawling gardens seemed like an obvious choice. However, Sheja had a peculiar request- she wanted the celebration to take place in the nearby enchanted forest. This forest was known for its mischievous inhabitants, but Sheja still insisted that it would add an element of excitement to the party. Since it was for her birthday, the Prime minister decided to grant her seemingly whimsical wishes.

Next came the task of inviting the guests. The house valet, Baho was assigned this duty. However, Baho had a tendency to mix up names and addresses, often resulting in a comical misunderstanding. As he set off on his mission, the kingdom held its breath, wondering who would receive an invitation meant for someone else.

The anticipation of the mix-ups added an extra layer of amusement of the preparations.Meanwhile, the royal chef, Kajja was hard at work creating a feast fit for a king. The king had given him to the prime minister as a special gift to celebrate his daughter. Kajja's culinary experiments often veered into the realm of the absurd. He concocted dishes like chocolate-covered pickles and spaghetti ice cream, convinced that the king would appreciate his avant-garde creations. The palace staff, with their stomachs in knots, eagerly waited the taste-testing session, hoping to avoid any culinary disasters.

As the day of the celebration grew near, the kingdom's entertainment were busy rehearsing their acts. Jugglers, acrobats and jesters filled the enchanted forest grounds, practicing their tricks and jokes. However, their rehearsals were not without mishaps. Jugglers dropped their balls, acrobats stumbled and jesters tripped over their own oversized shoes. The kingdom's inhabitants couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of these professionals struggling to perfect their performances.

The arrangements for Sheja's birthday celebration were nothing short of extraordinary. From the peculiar venue choice to the comical mix-ups, every aspect of the preparations added a touch of humor to the upcoming festivities. The enchanting forest, the culinary experiments and the hilarious performances all were meant to contribute to a day filled with ultimate joy and laughter. This birthday was to forever be remembered as a testament to the power of humor and the importance of celebrating life's milestone with a lighthearted spirit.

And maybe, Sheja really needed this. In the realm of the absurdly wealthy, where money flows like water and opulence knows no bounds, lied Sheja, a prime minister's daughter who was despised by her own step family. As fate would have it, a grand birthday celebration was organized for this unfortunate soul.

The stage was set for the most extravagant birthday party the world had ever seen. The enchanted forest, adorned with gold-plated chandeliers and marble floors was a testament to the wealth that oozed from every corner. The enchanted forest was transformed into a magical wonderland for Sheja's birthday party. It was colorful with balloons and a bouncy castle stood tall in the center. Sheja, who was considered the black sheep of the family by Malaika was about to embark on a night she would never forget. For both the good and all the wrong reasons.

The day of Sheja's birthday arrived, and the town was buzzing with excitement. The streets were adorned with colorful banners and the sweet aroma of Kajja's freshly baked cakes filled the air. The boors eagerly awaited the arrival of the nobles, hoping to catch a glimpse of their regal attires.As the clock struck noon, a grand procession of carriages of carriages made its way through the town.

The townspeople cheered and waved their flags as the nobles stepped out of their carriages.As the guests started arriving, the air was thick with pretentiousness. The Prime minister's family, with their noses held high, greeted all the guests with feigned enthusiasm.

The Prime minister, Nyota cared little for his daughter, Sheja. He was more interested in flaunting his wealth than in the happiness of his own flesh and blood. It was clear that the only thing that mattered to him was the image he projected to the dominion.

Sheja, a victim of her own family's disdain was forced to wear a dress that resembled a peacock on steroids. The ostentatious ensemble, adorned with diamonds and feathers, was a cruel reminder of her family's disregard for her feelings. It seemed as though the more authority they had, the less they cared about the emotional wellbeing of their own kin.

The festivities began with a grand parade, led by a marching band of squirrels playing miniature instruments. The King, resplendent in his royal robes, rode atop a giant tortoise, waving to his subjects with a wide grin. The guests, a mix of nobles, royal, commoners and a few forest dwellers arrived in their finest attire, ready to celebrate Sheja's special day.The party itself was a spectacle of excess. The dining table, longer than a football field, was filled with delicacies from around the world with some personally invented by Kajja's the royal chef. The guests who had never known hunger, indulged in gluttony as if it were a competitive sport.

Sheja however found solace in the corner, surrounded by her own thoughts and a slice of a humble pie.This was followed by a series of hilarious games and competitions, including a pie eating contest and a race where participants had to hop on one leg while balancing a spoon on their nose.The entertainment for the evening was a troupe of acrobats flown from a distant land. They twisted and turned, defying gravity with their breath taking stunts. The audience however, remained unimpressed.

It seemed that no amount of physical prowess could distract them from the underlying tension that permeated the room.

As the night wore on, Sheja's isolation became more apparent. Her family, engrossed in their own self-importance, barely spared her a glance. The royal family, too, seemed to be more interested in the lavish surroundings than in the people around them.

It was a gathering of empty souls, united only by their shared love for material possessions.

All but one single person had his eyes on Sheja the whole time.