
Spirit War

In a dark world where the strength of one's companion spirit determines one's chance of survival, a boy is left to fend for himself as he goes on a strange adventure that lets him discover his special power and defend against a race of monsters that is planning to destroy what is left of the world.

Ezero · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Fenrir's Blessing Pt. II

 When he came to, he found himself in a puddle of a foul-smelling liquid, dazed but feeling like new, he got up, his arm was healed, and he traced the liquids back to Fenrir's bodies.

 Their once glowing and fluffy fur was now covered with pungent body liquids, and the once majestic creature was now reduced to a rotting corpse.

 "Akh!" He backed up before he could barf, he didn't even know how he could still do that as he hadn't eaten in a long time. "How long was I out for!?"

 As he examined the bodies closer, he concluded that it must be at least two weeks, as nothing rotted to this point that fast.

 Next, he examined his own body, through his destroyed clothing he could count five eyes instead of the previous three, and then he observed that his fingernails had grown and turned into claws. Before he could freak out though, he felt a fluffy sensation on his back. But as he turned around, there was nothing, realizing his mistake, he looked over his shoulder and saw a fluffy white tail like Fenrir's, moving on its own.

 'What the hell… He did say this would happen, I should have thought about it more.'

 The sound of a water drop hitting the ground reverberated through the cave, making Avis' ears ring, he tried covering them but they weren't there anymore, instead, they were now placed on top of his head, fluffy and pointy like a dog's.

 'Did I turn into a wolf?! Is this even…' He became lightheaded, a migraine was taking over his brain.


The sound of a giant step was heard.

 "Argh!..." Avis screamed, his ears were too sensitive, he could hear every little sound, from the earth shifting and cracking to an ant's step, it was disorienting and painful.


Another step reverberated through the cave, Avis cupped his ears with his hand, but then he could hear the sound his blood made as it traveled through his fingers, he wanted to scream again but it would be even worse than this.


The metallic steps quickened as they came closer, until they were only meters away. Avis raised his head, and his eyes met the living suit of armor that was guarding this place.

 As if confused, the suit simply stared at the wolf boy, before raising its sword. Avis tried to jump to the side, but as he did, he overshot the place he expected to land as his legs had become much stronger.

 The slash of the sword hit the ground with great force, making a metallic ring that made Avis scream out, blood began to spill from his ears and Avis had a moment of peace with the muffled sound of damaged ears, but that didn't last long as his eardrums healed back to full health.

 To Avis, his own hearing became his worst enemy. But he didn't relent, as he realized that if nothing was making noise, he would be fine.

 His urges got the better of him, he was now less human than ever, even if he still didn't appreciate it.

 Using his newfound strength, he launched himself at the armor, each step making his ears hurt, but he was getting used to it. As he came into the suit's range, it swept its sword at him, but he jumped, expertly landing on its broad side, then jumped again, aiming for the helmet.

 The suit of armor tried to grab him, but Avis caught himself in one of its wrinkles using his claws and climbed on top of the arm. As the suit scrambled to catch him, Avis was already on its shoulder, he planted his feet on a plate of iron, and using his hands, started lifting the helmet of the spirit.

 The suit didn't have much mobility in its arms, as it tried to use its free hand to squish Avis, but it couldn't reach him.

 As the helmet was being lifted, Avis could feel the armor quietly suffocating, it didn't have a mouth to scream or a nose to breathe through, but it was desperate to stop Avis.

 It dropped its sword, and with its now free hand, it could finally reach the boy trying to kill it.

 Seeing this, Avis jumped to the back of its head, catching himself on some minor decoration of the helmet, but as he was again out of reach, the armor became mad, it started to ragdoll itself against the walls, but Avis let go of it before it could squish him.

 It was mad, and Avis felt it, it thrashed about like a child throwing a tantrum, before realizing what it was doing, as it got on its knees, looking for its sword.

 Avis didn't let it, however, as he sprinted to it, the entity sensed him, and with its arm swept the place he was at, hitting him with amazing force, but he held on, the thing tried to shake him off, but it was all in vain, he again rushed the helmet, as he got under its chin, using all three of his arms, he lifted.

 Clanks and sounds of ripping chains echoed into the cavern, but he resisted the pain of the sound, he pushed through, until a big clank rang out, and the head was detached.

 The helmet fell to the ground, but the rest of the suit wasn't done, it started hitting its chest where Avis stood, bang after bang assaulted his ears, and he was unavoidably caught in its grasp.

 "Aght!..." He screamed as his legs were being crushed, the armor didn't hesitate in trying to finish him off, and just now it started to grab his torso with its other hand, intending to twist it off.

 "Ahhhh!" Avis resisted, letting go of his reasoning in favor of the urges, he held off the incoming fingers by using all of his strength.

 With a primal roar, he pushed back against the armor's grip. His muscles strained, veins bulging under the effort, until the armor's fingers twitched, and its grip slightly faltered. Seizing the opportunity, Avis twisted his body, slipping out of the armor's grasp.

 He landed on the ground, rolling away from the armor. His body ached, but he forced himself to stand. The armor was slower now, its movements sluggish without its head. But it was still a threat.

 Avis took a moment to gather his strength, his breath coming in ragged gasps. His ears were still ringing from the cacophony of the battle, but he could still see the armor's movements, slow and uncoordinated, looking almost flustered.

 With newfound determination, he charged the armor once more. The giant swung its arm, but Avis was ready. He jumped over the arm and continued his sprint until he reached its leg. His claws dug into the cold metal, finding holes or dents that could support his body.

 He climbed up, ignoring the armor as it tryed to shake him off, he held on tightly. As he reached the armor's neck, where the head used to be. He could feel the energy pulsating from within, a desperate attempt to maintain its form, this was the whole of its remaining spirit.

 As if calling out to him, Avis felt an attraction to the dark energy, he began feeling emotions that were not his own, anger, rage, an insatiable hunger for blood, the blood of the Fenrirs.

 "Hwaaa!" He grabbed the energy after opening his eyes, unbinding it from the armor's core, and throwing it out, as it unavoidably dispersed.


 The colossal armor fell, and Avis with it, hit the ground, and remained there for some time, analyzing the memories he was subjected to, and thinking about his own struggles.