
Spirit War

In a dark world where the strength of one's companion spirit determines one's chance of survival, a boy is left to fend for himself as he goes on a strange adventure that lets him discover his special power and defend against a race of monsters that is planning to destroy what is left of the world.

Ezero · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


 "You say that, but can you handle it?"

 "Don't even dare to look down on me! I already defeated you once!"

 "I just hope you won't regret it."

 "Don't make me laugh!"

 "You love telling me what not to do, no? How about we make a little bet?"

 "I assume you want something from me?"

 "You're right, I want my bed back, and maybe a date… If I'm not being too forward with it. You can choose anything as your prize."

 "Then if I win you'll be my butler."

 "Butler? Fine, I agree."

 "Let's begin!" As she summoned her sword, she lowered her stance while keeping her sword vertically in front of her.

 'Rather simple.' He thought.

 In response, Avis, in one simple move, pulled out the sword attached to his hip, it was a simple sword, made to be one-handed, with only some simple inscriptions on the side with no other decor, the blade was rather worn, but sharp enough, as he was diligently taking care of it.

 As for his opponent's weapon, it was a spirit, all the care it needed was a supply of the wielder's 'magic' power, for lack of a better description, it was simply the energy of the soul, so exhausting it couldn't be good, but it's the only way to use spirits. The sword looked almost like a rapier, it was decorated with intricate designs on both sides.

 As Avis examined it, he tried to think of any monster that it could come from, it didn't appear in his books, and he didn't hear any stories about something similar, so it would mean that it came from something really strong.

 "Come at me!" She shouted, now properly holding the sword in her hand.

 "HA!" After she said that, Avis launched himself at her, her sword was able to react but her body was slow to catch up, being dragged behind the sword.

 'She can't properly control it? Well, seems like it's my win.'

 As their swords collided she lost her balance and staggered backward, it was clear that she wasn't experienced in fighting as she took too long to regain her balance, and Avis already reached her with another attack,

 She let the sword go and it intercepted the attack but was split in two by his blow.

 "Too easy!" He muttered while launching another attack, slashing forward, but it was again stopped, the guard of the sword resisted the blow, but the tip of the sword was nowhere to be seen.

"...!" He jumped, and in the place he was standing was now the other piece of the sword.

 Maizy was dumbfounded that her surprise attack didn't work, she used most of her spirit to not let the blade disintegrate with every blow, and even after it was cut, controlling both parts took an amazing amount of concentration.

 "H-how! You are just damn infuriating! Aren't you?!"

 "The duel is still going, watch out." The instructor shouted, but she couldn't react.

 A blow that would have struck her heart stopped just short, and a winner was declared.

 "Avis wins!" The man declared before stepping up to him. "Did this girl really defeat you, she doesn't seem that strong except for her spirit."

 "More or less." Avis said, he walked to the girl, who was now on her butt, and he kneeled, extending a hand in front of her. "Are you okay, Maizy? I didn't hurt you, right?"

 She looked at him as if he made a joke that landed badly, then slapped his hand away.

 Avis insisted. "You're really difficult, you know? Come on, let's go to the market and eat something, I'm hungry."

 "You're a crazy person, you wouldn't even…" As she raised her eyes to look at his face, his strange features stopped her line of thought.

 He had pale pink eyes, an extremely unnatural color even for a noble, they looked like they were staring right into her soul, above his left eye, on his forehead was a big scar, round with lightning-like tendrils going in all directions, only visible because he held his long brown hair up with his other hand so it wouldn't get in his face.

 The boy was a little taller than average and had a build fit for a teen who had been training since childhood, but as she looked at his extended hand, she could see the enormous number of scars.

 "Just what are you." She asked. "How are you so strong even against my spirit?"

 He shrugged.

 "Who are you, really, you must be some kind of genius, defeating a spirit user should be impossible for a child!"

 "Child… We're the same age, aren't we?"

 "That shouldn't matter, you… you…"

 "Hey, please don't cry again, here I was hoping to be friends."

 "Friends? What a useless thing, I don't need any, especially you, so you can buzz off."

 "Come on, at least go with me to lunch, it's my treat, and I'm dying of hunger over here."

"...Fine… But only since you won."

 As they left the orphanage, every single person in the class was staring at them, even the instructor couldn't help but wonder how Avis got to go to lunch with such a pretty girl. Avis, who was by no means unattractive -except for his unkept look-, carried an air of rugged charm. His hair, rebelliously untamed, bore witness to months without a trim, and his clothes were always dirty, he is amazing at the things he cares about, but his appearance isn't one of them.