
Spirit War

In a dark world where the strength of one's companion spirit determines one's chance of survival, a boy is left to fend for himself as he goes on a strange adventure that lets him discover his special power and defend against a race of monsters that is planning to destroy what is left of the world.

Ezero · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Dark Cave

 One of the claws snapped as it struck Avis, taking off one of his hands.

 "Argh!" Avis stepped back, clutching the stump of his hand.

 The woman struck again, tearing the shirt Avis was wearing to bits.

 "Oh, I'm so excited that I get to experiment on you… Do those hurt?" She wondered.

 "You'll find out soon enough!"


 Avis stepped off the ground, launching himself through the air, but the woman, with her fast reaction, started striking at him, cutting up small bits of his body as she tried to avoid killing him, Avis was not blocking the strikes so his whole body was bloodied before he even reached her, and when he was only a step away from her, she struck again, now trying to definitively stop him.

 This last strike is what Avis bet on, as the claw moved forward his body contorted, the wounds making it easier for him to move rather than restricting him, and as the claw went past, he grabbed it with his hand, and using the last of his strength, he ripped it from the woman.

 "What are you doing!" She saw her claw being ripped from her, but it did not disappear, so she ordered her other claw to strike.

 "Too… Late…" Avis used the spirit to cut a hole in reality, then went through it, not caring what was on the other side.

 "Do we follow him?" One of the men asked.

 "No, he's dead anyway, I know where he went." She said.

 He landed with a thud, his consciousness was quickly disappearing, he could only see darkness as the puddle he was in cooled his body, he was knocked out.


 When he regained consciousness, Avis found himself lying in a cold puddle. The air smelled damp, and the faint sound of flowing water echoed through the cavern. His body ached, but he pushed himself up, trying to make sense of his surroundings, the missing arm was still far from recovering.

 'A cave… Of all damn places…'

 Having no light to orient himself, Avis decided to open his other eyes, but as soon as he did so, his senses were assaulted by an incredible amount of spirit energy, his brain was being scrambled, and as his body weakened, he was forced to throw up all the blood that pooled in his lungs.

 'Oh god! What is this!?'

 As the source of the energy seemed to get closer, so did the agony Avis was experiencing, his muscles tensed, his senses dimmed and eventually, he lost consciousness again.


 "Ahhh… Fuck…" When he came to, his head was spinning and his ears were ringing, he felt like his body was disintegrated and then reattached, he could barely move, but even so, he wouldn't want to try and run away from the beast that was holding him, a massive wolf with white fur that glowed despite the absence of light. It held Avis' legs in its mouth as he was left dangling in the air, it seemed like the monster was going somewhere.

 "Child… You are awake." The beast spoke, its mouth didn't move, but the sound still came out.

 "Y-You can speak!"

 "Is that really surprising? I am almost certain that there are other speaking warriors walking the earth."

 "Warriors? What are you talking about? And more importantly, what are you planning to do with me?"

 "You are the key to my cell, you will free me! The true demon god sent me salvation!" The monster's voice became frantic, it stopped speaking clearly and mumbled its words.

 "W-What!? I'm no key! Please, this is a misunderstanding!"

 "My pack will flourish again with my freeing, we will soon take over the world, just like in ancient times! Thank you, absorber, with your powers I will be free again."

 "I don't know what an absorber is! And I'm pretty damn sure I'm not one!"

 "Impossible! I can clearly feel the energy you emit, you are definitely a spirit keeper!" The monster let go of Avis and his body flopped to the ground, weak and clumsy.

 "Agh! Can't I catch a break?"

 As the beast thought about its encounter, it asked. "Tell me, absorber, what is your business here?" The wolf put one of its paws over Avis and it was almost as big as him, its claw was as big as his head.

 "I-I got teleported here while I tried to escape a group of assassins! I mean no harm to you!"

 As he said that, another enormous black wolf came out of the shadows, it approached Avis and began to smell him until it finally scoffed, signaling that it's not impressed.

 "You couldn't hurt me even if you wanted, but I feel that you are telling the truth, then decide, will you help me escape?" The dark one spoke.

 "What even are you!?"

 "I have many names…" The white one spoke in singular. "My oldest one is Vanagandr, but I prefer the name Fenrir."

 As the monsters started walking in front of him, slow enough for him catch up, he could only follow the light, otherwise, he would be left in darkness.

 "What is this place?" Avis asked.

 "This is a cave at the edge of the world, a desolate place without any kind of life, not even warriors survive outside easily." One of them said matter-of-factly, and Avis found it hard to discern which one spoke.

 "Then why was I sent here? The spirit I used should have gotten me where I wanted."

 "Did you use a dimensional slipper? Those pesky bastards frequently teleport here…" The wolf brightened his light, and tens of carcasses of monsters just like the one Avis used were placed against the walls, but as it did that, the other wolf lowered its stance to blend back into the shadows. "They are attracted by my power, it's a weird event since other warriors never come here."

 "There are other creatures like that?"

 "Not many, these things are simply breeding too much for their own good."

 "...So, what are you planning to do with me?"

 "Send you out, with me as your spirit."


 "You are very clueless about the world's works, child, I will show you once we reach the gate."
