
Spirit of the Black Wolf

Paul is an 18-year-old trying to find a purpose in his life. He usually spends his time hanging out with his godfather, Wes, who everyone in town knows as “The Town’s Witch” and is also teaching Paul, witchcraft. One day while out fishing with Wes, Paul was involved in an accident that changed his life completely. Now, Paul must figure out why this happened to him and why he is the last of his kind.

AthanLevi28 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Hunters Return

I jumped up from my seat and rushed out onto the front porch to see what was going on. Wes stood beside me on my left and Bryanna on my right. Anthony shoved me out of the way to be the frontman. Rae and Twili were standing behind me.

"Why the hell is 'he' here?!"

The hunter was back, Mathew.

I turned to my right and saw that Bryanna's face had turned pale again and stood frozen as she stared off into the distance, but it was not until I looked passed Mathew and noticed what was going on.

Mathew had brought more hunters.

His people slowly started to get out of the four vehicles that were parked behind him. They are all dressed in long black trench coats, covered in shiny metal-plated body armor from chest to toe. Every single one of them had a weapon in their hand, ready to attack at any given moment.

It did not take us long to realize that they were not here to just talk, this time, it felt more like they meant business.

Mathew stared at Wes the entire time, not breaking eye contact, until finally, he burst out, "Why have you attacked the church, you damn witches?!"

I stood in front of Bryanna to try and hide her from Mark's preying eyes and shouted, "What makes you think that we attacked the church? And who are you calling damned witches?! I do not understand why you are so upset. Where is your proof that we had anything to do with the church!"

Mathew quickly took off his black hat, throwing it to the ground, and immediately stomped on it. After a few couple of stomps, he picked his hat up, dusted it off, and placed it back on his head.

"You are telling me that you didn't have anything to do with the church being attacked and the death of that pastor? Not a single thing, you say! Bullshit! I know that they have evidence of your friend right there vandalizing the church."

I glared at Anthony, who immediately looked away.

"You see what you have done?! Because of your actions, they now think that we had something to do with what happened at the church!"

"Oooowww! Stop that! It hurts! Look, what I did at the church the other day had to be done! At first, I was scared and felt guilty for what I did, but after I did it and felt how exciting it was, I had to keep going!"

I put Anthony in a headlock and slowly started to drop to the floor while Anthony struggled to mumble out, "I… can't… breeeeath. Somebody, help me!"

"He just wanted to get payback at them for what they did! I told him not to step on the flowers."

I paused for a moment to process what Twili had just said and stared at her, "You went with himmmmm!"

"Yes, I admit that I went with him, but they had it coming for everything that they did to you! It wasn't right!"

"Hold on a minute, you knew what he was going to do, and you didn't bother to tell me or Wes about it! What do you mean that you told him not to step on the flowers?! You know that they can't understand you!" I said as I was still choking the life out of Anthony.

"Yeah… But how is that my fault that they can't hear me-" Twili said nervously as she tried to run away. I grabbed her by the back of the neck to get ready to strangle her as well.

As I was busy fighting with Anthony and Twili, Mathew continued to speak, "What upsets me the most is that not only do I let all of you slide for not being registered, but you lie straight to my face by saying that you had nothing to do with the church. When we found out that your friend was caught on camera, we decided to further investigate all of you just to find out that you had problems with the previous pastor and some of the other members. It didn't take us long to put the pieces together to conclude that you had something to do with his death."

At that moment, Wes walked past me and off the porch onto the front yard, "We had nothing to do with whatever went on at the church, but it sounds like you don't believe us. Leave them out of it and take it out on me if you must."

"Whaaat?!" Mathew said in disbelief.

Mathew started grinding his teeth, "Cut the crap! Do you expect me to believe that none of you had anything to do with it?" Mathew shouted as he clenched his fist and shook them out of anger.

"I know that the 'evidence' that you claimed to have found against us makes it seem like we did it especially since we are witches, but I assure you that I, nor my students behind me had anything to do with it."

Wes… why will he not say that I did it… I must come clean, if not, I will be putting everyone in danger and I would be failing on my promise to keep them safe.

"Everything will be okay, Bree… I will turn myself in to keep everyone safe."

Bryanna grabbed my right hand as I walked away and tried to pull me back, "Wait! What do you mean turn yourself in? You didn't do anything wrong!"

…If she only knew… but I just do not have the heart to tell her about my curse…

I yanked my hand away from her and started to make my way passed Wes when he told me, "If you walk any further to turn yourself in, I will kill you myself."

I stopped dead in my tracks and with a little fear in my voice I responded, "Then what the hell do you expect me to do? I don't want to see any of you get hurt."

"Stand beside me and follow my lead."

What could he be up to…?

Mathew started shouting and swearing while pacing back and forth.

"Do you understand what he is telling you? Or do you need me to stupify it for your dumbass to get it?! If I really wanted to, I could take all of you out with the new super cool and powerful spell Wes has taught me!"

All eyes were on Anthony.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK THAT YOU ARE DOING!!!!" I shouted at Anthony as I was getting ready to beat the hell out of him myself.

Before I could reach Anthony, he must have struck a nerve as Mathew responded with rage in his voice.

"You have no idea who the hell you are messing with punk! In class, I might be calm and laid back, but this is my job and I get paid very well by the council to fulfill my duties. If I wanted to, with a snap of my fingers I can order my crew here to kill every single one of you and erase any evidence that anyone of you had ever existed with the help of the council! I will show none of you any mercy, plus you will never even be able to land a hit on me!"

Anthony raised his right arm and pointed at Mathew with a smirk on his face, "Your threats are as empty as your grade in class, zero!"

And there he goes, pissing off people is another specialty of Anthony.

Anthony bent down to pick up a rock on the floor and hurled it at Mathew. He watched as Anthony threw it at him and made no attempt to evade it. He just brushed himself off where the rock hit him and glared at Anthony.

I guess he was so mad that he did not feel anything.

"Whatever happened to your super powerful spell, witch? If I had to guess, but knowing you from class already, I knew you were full of shit as always and now you have made your worst mistake; attacking a hunter under the protection of the counc- aaahhh!"

Another rock had been thrown from behind us and hit Mathew in the face. I turned around to see Rae in a pitching formation and got ready to throw another one.

Mathew was holding his nose and shouting in pain.

I smell blood… Rae made him bleed! Why am I excited?

"I don't understand… Why did Rae's hit hurt him but not mine?"

"That's because she caught him off guard and was not prepared for it like he was with yours," I told him.

"Guess you do make a good point."

"You stupid bitch! I am Mathew, one of the greatest hunters of the council! Do you really think that your dumb rock throw is enough to take me out?! Pathetic!"

That rock throw and nosebleed does not look pathetic to me.

"You should have stayed out of this Regan! I might have let you go, but no! You had the audacity to hit me!!!!!???? He shouted into the sky.

He looked back at us, "I came to this town to find out why witches and mysterious attacks have been happening here lately. The answer is clear to me now that it was all of you who were behind all of this and now, I will kill you and burn your corpse till it turns to ashes and purify this entire town from whatever spells that all of you had put on them."

What is wrong with this guy? He is a completely different person from class and when we first met him here.

Mathew raised his right hand to get ready to snap them, "On second thought…" He smiled menacingly at us, "I will stand back and watch my men kill all of you."

"Coward!" Anthony yelled as he pointed at him, "I knew he was too afraid to come and fight me himself."

"I am not a coward! I am a hunter! I am afraid of nothing, especially some beginner witches that probably can't use magic yet. But, if you want to take me on and have me end your pathetic life myself, I will gladly do so."

"Incoming Mat!"

More rocks had been thrown at Mathew by Rae and all he could do was try and cover himself from getting hit.

"Why the hell do you keep getting in between Anthony and me. Do you also wish to die by my hand? Very well." He raised his hand once again and snapped them, "Kill everyone and burn this place down to the ground!"