
The Games We Play at Home

What Xue Long did to Tang Yuehua was hard to hide. A Lot of people heard her delirious moans. 

While the new maids were blushing quite a bit. The same can't be said about the regular staff of Moon Pavilion.

They were shocked to hear that their Dean tried something so naughty like seducing the Crown Prince.

Such things spread out quite rapidly through the city, like a wildfire…

So when Xue Long returned home Qian Renxue was already waiting for him.

"So, how was the maid teacher of yours?" She asked with a frown. The blonde always saw that elegant woman as a threat to her. However when she heard rumours that she couldn't handle him as well made her smirk internally. Now that woman knows her woes!

"Lacking, compared to my Fiance." 

"Hmph! Did she try to jump on you?"

"Jump? More like seduction, but that seduction didn't have anything to back it up." He said with a shrug. While he did spend several hours having his way with her he wasn't properly satisfied…


"I see… so what are you gonna do to her now?" She asked curiously. Same time questioning him.

"Do? What are you talking about? You females are so confusing. She has been mine since I was 6, and will continue to be so." He explained with an eye roll.

"...You are not going to take her as your second wife?" 


"Not at all. She knows that there are not many women who could be my wife." 

Now she nodded with satisfaction. She might allow other females close to her fiance but that is to share the burden!

"Since you are so insecure, let me show you how secure your position is." He said that he started to approach her but Qian Renxue slightly paled as she realised that her jealousy made her question him, so now he wants to prove something which she doesn't want!

Nope! Maybe later, when she finds some backup!

"I am fine! There is no need to worry for you! I have some things to do!" She quickly merged with her Seraphiel and with a burst of speed she disappeared from their shared bedroom.

"...Well, since you want to play this game. Let's see how far you can run away." 

With a burst of speed, he disappeared as well. 

Following his future wife.


As Qian Renxue was running away through the corridors her eyes ended up on Hu Liena who was instructing some maids. Since Na'er is incapacitated the blonde is stepping in as Head Maid.

The angel girl appeared next to Hu Liena with a burst of wind.

This made the girls slightly cover their faces from this wind, as it came out from nowhere!


"I need you to put Long into an illusion!" The Princess's request got the Fox girl confused. This was out of nowhere and the angel girl very rarely asks anything of them! This was strange!

Before Hu Liena could answer the Crown Prince appeared not far from Qian Renxue, this made her have a panicky look.

She quickly dashed forward and grabbed Hu Liena who was even more confused! Should she struggle or should she do just nothing!?

After all, it's forbidden to fight unless it's in the training field! So when the blonde grabbed the fellow blonde there was no struggle from the foxy girl!

She then pushed the Fox girl into the Crown Prince and continued to dash away!

Xue Long only snorted in amusement as he was hugging the blushing fox maid of his. 

"...M-My Prince?"

"It's okay. No worries. Xue'er is running away from her disciplining session. There are not that many places she could run away from me." 

As he said that he gently patted the girl's head, then he pushed her aside gently as he took a step and disappeared from their sight.

Hu Liena could only blush even more when she heard 'discipline'. She was wondering how he would discipline the future Empress.


As Qian Renxue was running away, she quickly cancelled her merge with her Martial Spirit and concealed her cultivation base. Instead, she decided to sneak around. 

Since she pushed Hu Liena into his arms, this should give her a few seconds to hide! 

It was silly of her to question him since he will try to prove something to her. He does take everything head-on. So now she is the one who needs to do something! 

'That's it! I could hide in maid quarters!' 

As she thought about that she started to run, without Spirit Energy her speed was that of a regular person. Thankfully she can guess where her fiance was. There is that short burst of winds since he is using the wind attribute to move.

So the beauty quickly walked through the corridors, sneaking around when she was next to the corners, making sure there was no sign of the prince. Her alertness was at max as she was listening to any sort of wind bursts!

Sure enough, she arrived at the maid quarters. The first thing she heard was giggles and the sound of music which was played by maids with musical instruments.

The moment she walked in the maids stopped talking and looked at the Princess. There was some confusion in their eyes.

What does the blonde angel girl want with them? She had never been here before!

"I need to hide! Suggestions! quick!" As she said that, her gaze quickly scanned the room looking for any sort of good spots to hide!

Though her request made the maids even more confused!


"No Time!" Her eyes ended up at other doors, she was wondering where they were leading so she rapidly walked over there and inspected the doors.

A small smirk appeared on her lips as she saw wardrobes with rows and rows of maid clothes. She could hide in here!

Without much consideration, whe walked in… and didn't come out.

This confused the hell out of the maids! What was going on!? Why is the Princess so anxious and why is she hiding like this?

Then a few minutes later the Crown Prince simply appeared in the room. His gaze scanned everyone in the room.

At that moment the maids scrambled to their feet quickly starting to fix their clothes, to make sure they look perfect. 

But with a single motion of his hand, they all calmed down. 

"Did anyone see my beautiful fiance? She has been running away from me." 

His question made all of them for a second be conflicted. What to say? 

Instead, they didn't say anything… however they all looked at single doors.

"Oh…I see… I don't want to talk about it." He said that with a smirk, he knew they were saving their skins by not revealing anything but they still helped him with their gazes!

"I understand." As he said that he started to walk towards the wardrobes. While inside the wardrobe room Qian Renxue sighed with relief she heard how the maids didn't say anything! So they were on her side!

However, she heard familiar steps! 

'Oh no! He is going to check rooms one by one!?' Once again anxiety slammed into her gut as she was cornered!

Without much thought… she decided to stay just there and even stop breathing just for a bit. 

The blonde closed her eyes as she hoped that he would pass her position.

But then… she felt a hand on her head!

"You do realise that I can hear your heartbeat?" 


Without much fanfare, he scooped her up and threw her over his shoulder. He was carrying her like a sack of potatoes.

When the maids saw this they didn't know if they should laugh or pity the Princess. The girl most likely said something about him 'training' the maid trainer and now he wants to reassure her…

Which she doesn't want as last time this happened she ended up bedridden for a few days…

"Girls, I will see you later." As he said that he walked through the doors while Qian Renxue looked resigned but at the same time she was blushing like a tomato when all those maids saw her like that.

~~~~~~In Meantime~~~~~~

Gu Yue was walking through the corridors with slow steps and she was feeling sore all over her body. She ended up as a toy for the Prince and his pent-up frustration. 

The girl never thought she would end up like this, as a fellow Dragon she is feeling not strong enough! Is it because she is now a proper human and she doesn't have the stamina of a dragon?

Well, it doesn't matter anymore, she has lost it, big time, Xue Long knows her identity, she can't fuse properly into her original form anymore!

It's all a big mess! What should she do now?

Eventually, she ended up going outside and walked to the Martial Field where she could cultivate and regain her lost Spirit Energy.

It is not a stretch to say that her reserves were empty, the Crown Prince has treated her Gu Yuena form as another maid which will bend for him. Which she did… several times… this is why her ambitions are… gone now. She doesn't know how to progress? Should she just cultivate it as it is?

Why not? There is nothing else left… she weakened herself on purpose now she needs to work extra hard to recover all that lost strength!

Then an Emerald Swan flew over and landed not far from Gu Yue. 

Seeing this bird she slowly picked it up and put it on her lap. That moment the bird started to heal her. More like helping her muscles to relax.

"You look like a mess… Did something happen?"

Gu Yue was stiff for a bit but she decided to answer, there is no point in hiding anything anymore…

"I tried to merge with Na'er and return to the original form. This way I would have learned all which she had learned. However, it backfired. Na'er developed as a separate being. And the fusion wasn't perfect. After fusing I was made to serve the prince in his bed. 

It didn't go well either, the Prince utilises all the perks of Golden Dragon King. Including stamina and durability. It was too much for Gu Yuena… it split us back and then he continued to do his things to both of us." The Silver Dragon King explained with barely hidden blush. 

While it was… embarrassing and even sad in a sense that she couldn't handle him even as Silver Dragon King. It is something that she is looking forward to with some help!

Not that she will say that out loud!

As she explained the emerald bird simply was just listening in.

Eventually, she answered back.

"So he is a capable mate then. It's a good thing is it not?" 

Gu Yue blushed even more, this bird doesn't understand anything! As someone who went to Moon Pavilion, she understands how the dynamic should be done between woman and man! If the male dominates then she can't push her agenda on him!

It's that simple! Because of her inability, she can't ask or even demand anything!

It almost feels like he is taming her like some pet!

"I-It's not that simple! I am supposed to be his other half! But I am even less!"

"I see… you should then manoeuvre him into a position where you could be advantageous?" She said that as if they were discussing battle plans.

Before Gu Yue could agree, another voice spoke up.

"This sounds interesting! It appears the prince is worthy!" Another female voice said as she walked out from the shadows. This was Zi Ji. There was a smirk on her lips. 

She knew after he defeated her that he is someone she should dedicate her life to! And now she was right! He casually dominated the Silver Dragon King! That just shows how good he is and is worthy to be her mate!

While Gu Yue could only grimace, it appears both of the Great Beast are developing interest in him… for Great Beasts it's easy. Natural selection… 

Something she accepted before but now it's more complex for her because it's the Golden Dragon King who they are discussing…


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Along with the advanced chapters, there are also a lot of other fanfics I wrote and did not upload to Webnovel

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