
Joining the Prince's 'Faction' Regardless

Dugu Bo quickly left the city and found the remote location where he can have his breakthrough!

Yes, a breakthrough!

His spirit rings spin into existence and formed and dome of energy before he started to cultivate.

Around one hour later he broke through into Rank 92. This has quite excited him to a small degree!

Once he calmed down he started to utilise the meditation he received from the Fourth Prince.

To say he was impressed was an understatement. As Titled Douluo his senses are much higher than other people who are below this level. So he sensed how the world slightly shifted around him the moment he started to meditate according to the instructions.

The moment he entered the cleared mind state he relaxed like truly relaxed for the first time in many years.

There was just him and the relaxation in the whole world. After getting some rest he started to progress towards the stage two.

How unique this was is that he would 'ask' a question himself and would need to answer it. It was almost like being…questioned by himself! It was strange but it worked as those mental barriers started to chip away and he felt simply better!

As if finally accepting and getting over the fact that his Martial spirit is part of him and that it shouldn't treat it as his enemy!

This…acceptance has caused the imbalance he felt starting to shift the more it shifted the better he felt the poison in his body has started to react and retreat from his organs. The process is slow but it stopped affecting him in a bad way.

That moment he realised that he developed immunity to poisons in general because he has his martial spirit poison flowing in his veins! 

This was simply absurd and incredible!

Does this mean the innate poison ability he had just increased to poison resistance as well?

Truly, astounding!

Eventually, when he opened his eyes he realised that it was early morning.

Did he just spend the whole night meditating?

"This meditation technique… it's simply godly!" He immediately thought about teaching this to his granddaughter. But…the moment he realized how he will explain it?

Dugu Bo then recalled how Xue Long said that this technique is unique and teaching people is not easy…

Yes, if the green-haired Titled Douluo wants to teach this he needs to achieve the same thing as the Fourth Prince did. He needs to condense the Golden Lotus Flower and give it to his grandaughter otherwise he has no idea how to explain how to cultivate it.

Sure he could teach her how to achieve a clear mind state but the second part? Those questions he needed to answer came too easy to him. There was a flow of some sort which picked up from his very being.

This… he doesn't know how to tell her or how to explain!

'Yanyan just ask yourself questions… I am sure she would think that I went senile on her.' The Poison Douluo imagined this situation in his head. 

Some sweat went down his forehead. No this is not going to work. He now needs to get this technique to Yanyan. Should he take her to the academy just like how Prince Xue Xing said?

Once she is there Xue Long would find her and since she has the same martial spirit he would find her interesting. 

Though… that moment Dugu Bo realised that she might as well get infatuated with him. If she gets infatuated then she might as well will end up as his maid.

A frown appeared on his face.

He realised that he might as well join his faction. While he loves his freedom he loves his granddaughter more.

'I am pretty sure I can find leeways. The boy would want me as his bodyguard just like that Spirit Hall Saintess has her Titled Douluo.' 

Thinking about this for a few more moments. He recalled those questions in a clear mental state. Telling him his shortcoming which he accepted. 

'I suppose… let's see what the boy will say.' 

After coming with conclusion he disappeared and rushed towards the capital

~~~~~~Xue Long's Martial Field~~~~~~

Snake Lance Douluo looked at massive Diamond Fist approaching him. He pulled his lance and charged forward to intercept.


The collision send him flying back several metres.

"Grrr… So powerful!" 

The Titled Douluo needed to push himself at max to stop the advance of massive Deva Diamond Monk Martial Avatar.

That thing is not even Martial Spirit but purely a creation of Martial Intent and Spirit Energy! Yet, it could force him to use all of his power!?

The Monk pulled his fist back and went for another punch. Those hands of the monk were glowing in diamond-like colour! 

The bodyguard of Saintess quickly dodged the first and went over it and tried to get closer to the Prince. But that moment the Deva Monk's other hand moved and did a motion of praying.

"W-What now?" Snake Lance Douluo had a bad feeling about this.

"Deva Diamond Radiance!" 

That moment the monk started to glow in a diamond-like glow. The brightness was so severe that the Titled Douluo had to cover his eyes. But that was not all as this wasn't just a light show as the next moment he felt like he was sent flying away a huge distance. And not only that he felt scorching heat.

"The heat depends on how 'evil' or 'dark' is one's enemy. Deva Diamond arts are naturally purifying in nature. This means this would be extremely deadly towards Evil Spirit Masters." Xue Long explained as the Martial Avatar slowly fated away. 

He has been practising this for the past 3 hours and he was feeling slightly tired. While the Titled Douluo who was his sparing partner was feeling more than drained. The last attack came from nowhere and he felt like would have cooked alive if not for his Spirit Energy taking the brunt of the damage.

"My prince, are you telling me that I am evil?" He asked with confusion. He is only following orders!

"If you were you would be dead by this point. The attack disregards your Spirit Energy and attacks 'you'. You can say that this attack has priority to purify evil." 

"...disregarding Spirit Energy!? So even Limit Douluo…"

"In a way. The only way to negate is an opposite understanding of the same principle. My understanding against my evil enemy's."

"...I see… still… My Prince, how did you even come up with such a technique?"

"I mixed Diamond Fist and based on my Fourth Ring ability. Sending the Diamond energy in shockwave. And you trying to block it, however diamond energy realised that and passed through your energy with little to no difficulty. My only conclusion is that only something opposite to this principle could block it." 

"...Impressive… is such insights are a by-product of Arthan's meditation?" The Snake Lance Douluo said that to himself more or less.

For a few seconds, Xue Long smirked he knows that his fiance's bodyguard is gathering info on his techniques for Bibi Dong. 

Well, he can gather as much as he wants without specific guidance these techniques are useless. 

"Is this going to be all my Prince?" The Spirit Hall elder asked the Fourth Prince.

"Sure. You can now cultivate in the Martial field." 

Hearing the all-clear the Snake Lance Douluo rushed to get a spot and to start cultivating.

The deal is simple, the Titled Douluo will spar with him, well more like allow to test techniques and in turn, the Elder can cultivate in his Martial Field.

Once the place was clear Dugu Bo landed in front of Xue Long who was waiting for him.

"So that was 'Martial Avatar'. Impressive and powerful, after seeing it I find that you don't truly need me. A ten-year-old holding himself against a Titled Douluo. It's absurd." 

"Holding myself is a stretch he wasn't taking me seriously." 

"No need to be humble. You were the one who was throwing techniques and he was the one who was trying to block them. Yet, he was more drained than you were. This tells me that you have more energy than a Titled Douluo." The Poison Douluo said with crossed arms.

"Maybe. The difference is my attack output is less than his." Xue Long said with shrug.

"Yet, you outclass one in other regards. This is horrifying to say as you are an Assault System Spirit Master yet your resilience is greater than Defensive System Spirit Master."

"You forgot to mention that I have traits of Control System Spirit Master." The Fourth Prince said with an amused look, making Dugu Bo speechless for a bit.

"I see… regardless I am here to discuss the deal we had." 

"Oh? You want to take me to your Medical Garden?" Xue Long asked curiously.

"I can take you there anytime you want. But I am talking about the offer you offered me." 

The Prince had realising look.

"I will join you under the condition that you teach my granddaughter your techniques without taking her as your maid." The green-haired Titled Douluo said that with crossed arms and a no-nonsense tone.

"She will be attending the Imperial Academy?" 

"If this is what is needed. Then she will. It will be a good place to get some fighting experience."

"Good. And you sure she shouldn't join my maid battalion?" Xue Long asked with a sneaky smirk.

"I am sure! She is my Granddaughter, not a servant girl!"

"We shall see…" 

The fourth Prince said with a shrug as he started to walk back into his Palace it was time for his morning rituals since morning exercise was finished.

Pity that Dugu Bo didn't realise how 'big' being a maid is slowly becoming in Heavenly Dou Empire. From commoner girls to Noble girls all of them want to be one! Not only they are extremely powerful but they are graceful, elegant, beautiful and capable.

In other words, Xue Long is making this into art! And many want to be part of this art, that's for the girls… while for men… they want to create THEIR art piece. At the forefront being Prince Xue Xing who found the wonders of maids mesmerising.

~~~~~~~Star Duo Forest~~~~~~

"You saying humans are turning mad? This is good then, no?" A girl with unique black hair with purple-like tips and black eyes said with a slightly bored tone.

She was a beauty. Though it was weird that hundreds of thousands of old Spirit Beasts are subservient to her even though she looked no older than ten…

"I wish it was in this direction, your Excellency." Di Tian said with a sigh. He massaged his eyebrows before starting to explain.

"Humans are capturing a few years old Spirit Beasts and taking them home to raise as pets. Not only that but the amount of beasts they are killing randomly has dropped significantly." 

The black-haired girl's eyes widened when she heard that!


Funny how the tall man who was a hundred times more powerful for a second looked afraid… of this ten-year-old girl…

"...As I said they are turning mad." 

"No, you fool! This is a scheme from Golden Dragon King! And it's genius!"

The girl started to pace back and forth. Similarly how certain prince do when he is explaining stuff.

"Think about it, human and spirit beasts together! He is uniting them! If this continues I will be the one who is will be the villain!" The girl said with realising look. This caused Di Tian slightly sweat drop. What is she talking about? 

"Di Tian! I think I spend enough time here. It's time for me to leave the forest."


"But Your Excellency! You didn't even reach rank 30! It's too dangerous for you!!! At least take one of us with you!" 

"No, it's fine. I need to understand this human better. I need to understand how my other half is uniting them! I need to experience this myself." She said that sharply as she crossed her arms.

Her eyes slightly narrowed.

'I wonder how strong are you now. Golden Dragon King…' She thought quite smugly. The girl has been cultivating in a high-density area for over 4 years! She truly believes she has the upper hand!


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Along with the advanced chapters, there are also a lot of other fanfics I wrote and did not upload to Webnovel

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